6 replies
  • SEO
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I was looking into getting this software as it looks great for what I need for keyword analysis but I have read one or two comments which have put me off.

Does it still work or is it messed up now?
#market #samuri
  • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
    I've had Samurai since it came out and the recent changes they've made have made no difference to the way I do research.

    I've seen a few comments in other threads by people blantantly jumping on the MS bashing bandwagon. Personally I love them doing so...the less people using it, the more I have an advantage and the less people clogging up their servers, making it better for me.

    Like with all things here, try not to be swayed by what other people say, especially if you've no idea what they actually know. Market Samurai has a free trial, I'd suggest you take advantage of that, use it as much as you can and see for yourself.

    It does have a learning curve to it, which is why I think most people give up and then resort to bashing it - because they couldn't figure out how to use it properly and so gave up, a common human trait.

    Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author Vogin
    first of all, it's Market Samurai

    And second of all, while there were some issues lately, it's running very smooth for me. You should know that not Market Samurai goes far beyond mere keyword research, especially the SEO Competition and Promotion modules can do wonders when you know how to use them.

    After you buy Market Samurai and go through the extensive training (be it The Challenge or their Dojo), you simply won't need to buy any other software. Never.

    ppcsluzby.cz/en - PPC agency

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    • Profile picture of the author makemoneywithben
      Yeah cheers guys I will give the trial a go and learn how to use it, I have been doing it all through google so far and watches some videos on it so have a rough feel for it.

      I have been awake around 12 minutes so im going to blame my spelling errors on that! Even though I would have put it down the same way in a couple of hours time :confused:
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      • Profile picture of the author Sinbad101
        does MS free trial offer full features?
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  • Profile picture of the author debzo
    From memory it doesn't give you full features with the free trial but it was quite a while ago that I trialled it. I found it very confusing but I'm not very technical and I find seo horrible anyway. The guy who runs it seems very helpful though and if I did it again I would take the time to watch the "how to" videos. You can try and learn it yourself but it is quite complex.

    Good Luck :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Murphysmurfy
    MS is dead to me.

    I hate it, and I have moved onto SEMRush

    It's expensive, but worth it IMO.
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