If You Had $500 For SEO, How Would You Spend It?

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I have a web site with exact keyword phrase in the domain. The site is about three weeks old. It is only targeting a small town in the apartment industry. But there some big names (lead generation companies) sites competing for top position in all cities across america. The competition is tough. I have $500 available to put this site on #1 position for the exact match domain name. How would you spend $500 to get most mileage out of it?
#$500 #article writing #exact match domain #outsource #search engine marketing #seo #seo outsource #spend
  • Profile picture of the author DanielCooper
    You say you have an exact match domain, that is a huge variable. Without that you wouldn't have had much chance against authority sites.

    Now, how would I spend the $500? Presuming you already have good on-page SEO and reasonable content then all you need is some links. There are lots of link building good services on this forum.
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    • Profile picture of the author dadamson
      Originally Posted by DanielCooper View Post

      You say you have an exact match domain, that is a huge variable. Without that you wouldn't have had much chance against authority sites.
      EMDs are certainly helpful, but you don't need it to rank against authority sites.

      Hiring from oDesk is a good idea but can be a bit of a headache.

      You can easily burn $500+ there with little results if you aren't careful.

      When doing this, you need to fully understand SEO and understand exactly what it is you want completed to get the best results.

      I remember hiring some "SEO expert" when I was a newbie. He gave me heaps of links in an Excel spreadsheet and it "seemed" like he was doing a good job but when checking the number of backlinks and the rankings, not much had changed.

      There are plenty of services on the forum that you can check out. I recommend going for a highly regarded SEO service with loads of true reviews etc.

      $500 is a good outset before you start to make money from your rankings, so I definitely recommend a monthly service no more than $100 per month and 5 months or so down the track you should have made money to keep re-investing in it.

      Best of luck
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  • Profile picture of the author 56villages
    Thanks Daniel. Great advice so far.
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  • Profile picture of the author 56villages
    Daniel, what link building service would you recommend on the forum?
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielCooper
    You're welcome.

    If you are looking to build the links yourself ezinearticles is still a strong site and I personally use the BuildMyRank service. Both provide good results.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Tran
      In order to rank well and stay there, I have found that Google and Bing need 2 things: 1) Link quality and 2) Link velocity.

      Link quality means that you will need to build links from good web neighborhoods. A link from an authority site in the apartment business (your niche) counts for a lot. A link from a gambling site will be seen as unrelated and count for less.

      Link velocity means that you will need to build links consistently and progressively over time. If you build 10,000 links to your new site in one day, for example, Google will get suspicious and feel that you are gaming them. On the other hand, if you build 5-10 links a day for 14 days, then 12-23 links per day for the next 10 days, then 19-36 links for the next 10 days, and so, Google will think that this is "natural."

      For a $500 budget, I would spread it out over 6 months. I would allocate around $80 a month for some team to build the links for me keeping an eye out for link quality and link velocity. You can also do link building yourself and/or augment their service.

      As a side note, Bing will place additional value on anchor text links from within a paragraph. For example, if you post an article as a guest blogger, you would do well to add an anchor text link within the body of that article.

      Good luck to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author 56villages
    Awesome Alex! Thanks for sharing your SEO insights with me. When you say $80 a month for some team to build the links, what do you mean? Hire somebody from odesk part time. Where would I get the team?
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    • Profile picture of the author DOWORKSON
      Magic Submitter
      Article Marketing Robot
      Private Proxies
      Drip Feed Blasts
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      • Profile picture of the author 56villages
        Originally Posted by DOWORKSON View Post

        Magic Submitter
        Article Marketing Robot
        Private Proxies
        Drip Feed Blasts
        Boy! That's kind of confusing. I have heard of AMR before. But, can you expound a bit? Private Proxies, Captchas, VPS, Drip Feed Blast... what all that? Maybe I'm missing something.
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  • Profile picture of the author 56villages
    That sounds great. Thanks for taking the time to share. So, what service would you use? And, how would you know it's a legit service. As you mentioned, so many are claiming backlinks this and that. I like shortcuts. If someone can tell me about a proven system, I will try it.
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    • Profile picture of the author dadamson
      Originally Posted by 56villages View Post

      That sounds great. Thanks for taking the time to share. So, what service would you use? And, how would you know it's a legit service. As you mentioned, so many are claiming backlinks this and that. I like shortcuts. If someone can tell me about a proven system, I will try it.
      I dont like to toot my own hown, but you can check out my sig for a proven SEO system.

      But I recommend you also check out some of the great WSOs available at the moment or the Warriors For Hire section.

      Make sure you do some thorough research about them to make sure they are legit or will help you!

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      • Profile picture of the author 56villages
        Originally Posted by dadamson View Post

        I dont like to toot my own hown, but you can check out my sig for a proven SEO system.
        No. That's not tooting your own horn. If you have something that you truly believe in and you would use on your own site as well as your client's sites, it's okay to promote it. I just don't like empty promises. I have been burnt many time here on the Warrior Forum. I see you have lots of posts and thanks.

        Although that doesn't mean your services are legit. It's a great start. I always look for rating and kudos on vworker before making a decision.

        Let me ask you this: Are your services automated or manual? Will big G become suspicious of the activities? Tell us how you are different.
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        • Profile picture of the author dadamson
          Originally Posted by 56villages View Post

          No. That's tooting your own horn. If you have something that you truly believe in and you would use on your own site as well as your client's sites, it's okay to promote it. I just don't like empty promises. I have been burnt many time here on the Warrior Forum. I see you have lots of posts and thanks.

          Although that doesn't mean your services are legit. It's a great start. I always look for rating and kudos on vworker before making a decision.

          Let me ask you this: Are your services automated or manual? Will big G become suspicious of the activities? Tell us how you are different.
          Great, Yea I use my service myself. - I actually have a lot of accounts in my own system that my guys link too.

          To answer your questions, my service is part manual part auto. - The article submissions are obviously the auto part but these start with a quality core article written about your website topic each month. It is then heavily spun while still making sense and then the backlinks are carefully added it. The submission is automated to keep costs down.

          The blog commenting, social, profile, and forum thread posts, are all manually created each month based on the topic of your website.

          Very SEO friendly and provides great results to myself and my clients so I am very happy with it.

          Thanks for asking.

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  • Profile picture of the author 56villages
    Never mind about the discount link. This software looks really promising. I'm happy to pay $77. I just bought it and I can't wait to sink my teeth in it. I'm curious to know what makes it better than Market Samurai since I will be the proud owner of both among many others including micro niche espionage.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacked
    If your site is an exact match, I am pretty sure you can get it ranked with less than $500 pretty easily. Just divide up your money and invest in social bookmarking, Web 2.0s/Article submissions, blog comments, blog comments onto any high quality links (Web 2.0 and Article submissions), and press releases (depending on site). It is best to diversity your links.


    Comments, Profiles, Pyramids, Bookmarks, Article Submissions, Web 2.0 Creation, & Much MORE
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  • Profile picture of the author masterjani
    Spend more time in on-page seo and write more unique long word articles.That gives best results.
    You can look for such services in warrior-hire section too.
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  • Profile picture of the author paologiannone
    I would invest at least a couple of hundred dollars in buying a good article submission software. There are plenty out there. Also a video submission software that can submit to multiple site is recommended.

    Do not settle for cheap options when purchasing these two pieces of software as it will be a complete waste of money and time. You need quality back links not just quantity! So do some research before your fork out your money.

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  • Profile picture of the author Shiva
    If I had $500, I will definitely spend some amount on edu backlinks because they give you a great link juice to jump up the SERP's, makes life easier as you see your website just took a major bump in the rankings! I offer a highly rated .edu link service myself, you can check the reviews we got.
    If you want to learn some SEO and looking for a Personal SEO Coach, You are just at the right place. Feel free to contact me anytime.

    Get Freshly Squeezed .Edu Link Juice from our Awesome High PR Authority backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author frank07
    If I had $500 for building link, I will see my competitors first.
    Check Yahoo site explorer for see how many out bound links they have. You can check it easy with Market Samurai or Travis also. See how many anchor links with your keywords.
    If it has more than 10k backlinks, it will be impossible mission.
    Less than 1k back links, you can rank it with $500, if you know about SEO and find or hire good service.
    And with SEO, you need time.
    If you can not beat your competitors by building links, you can use other ways to get traffic. Hire some people make 10 videos with your domain name at footer , it will cost $50 at Fiverr. Hire someone upload it to Youtube and others video site with title have your keywords, it may cost $50. It will give you some traffic and if the video is great, you can not imagine how much traffic will flow to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZaneZenMaster
    Probably on SENuke X;
    Check out my Article on it. zanecarmichael.com/online-marketing/5-biggest-mistakes-of-seo-are-you-guilty
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