$65,000 Per Month Adsense with PROOF!
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So I ask him what he does for a living and he says he does Telco Networking. He sets up some kind of high end switching networking equipment. I find out that he has a masters degree in electrical/computer engineering. The guy is really really smart. He asks what I do and I tell him I do IM. He kind of laughs. Anyways one thing leads to another and the game starts. Then at half time he asks me how I'm doing. I tell him I do pretty good and the different websites I own and the affiliate programs I work with then we start to talk about Adsense. I tell him that a couple of years ago it was really easy and me and my partner at the time were pulling $9-15K a month each scraping content with a few scrips. It was easy... set up a bunch of domains, run the scrip and cash the check. Then Google shut that down. And I still do pretty well... but not like that. $6-$7K is now a pretty good adsense month. (FYI - no tricks anymore, just work.)
And this is when it got real real interesting. He told me that he knows all about Adsense. I thought yeah right sure you do. I mean I've been doing it since 2003, I've made a crapload of money and this guy works full time, what could he know? But I wanted to hear what he had to say (And that's when he made me feel like a stupid moron). We walked out to his car and he whips out his iPad. Am I the only person on the planet who doesn't have an iPad? Anyways. He logs onto his Google Account. Holy Crap! It's like the 20th and he has $52,500 already for the month. No SH^^. Then he shows me the past few months, $65K, $47K, $48K. He says he pulled in about Half a Mil in the past year and he could triple that but he's kind of lazy. I was blown away, we went back in for the rest of the game. Seriously, lazy?
So after the game we get to talking some more, mostly me just asking him tons of questions. I want to know how the He_) someone who has a full time job traveling all over setting up high end networking equipment can find the time to make that kind of scratch with Adsense. And here is what he had to say.
A couple years back he had a family member ask him to put up a WordPress site for their small business. He put it up and then added a bunch of plug ins. And that's when the lightbulb clicked on. He told me he couldn't believe how some of the plug ins had these giant security flaws. But that isn't when he got started. Another few months passed by and someone told him how they were making money with Adsense. So he set up his own site about networking gear to test it. And he found some Adsense Plug ins. And here is where the story gets interesting. He wouldn't tell me how he did it, or show me anything but he told me what he does.
And it's really sneaky, but that didn't surprise me. And it's very unethical, very black hat. Which also doesn't surprise me. Why do all the people that make sic money online seem to have some trick or black hat method while the rest of us play by the rules. FYI, when scraping first came out it wasn't against Google TOS. And people that got in on it just cashed in! Anyways. It is what it is I guess. He somehow finds WordPress sites that use certain plugins. I don't know if they are just Adsense Plugins or if they are any plug in, or if it's just certain plugins. I don't' know if it's old WordPress sites that are not up to date, and I don't know if it works with the new versions. I just know he does something to get in. And once "in the door" he can put his code into plugins totally covertly. And it doesn't just take over a site. It finds the plugins with "donate" buttons. And here is the super slick part. Somehow he doesn't just overwrite the hosts Adsense number, but he overwrites the plugin authors account number. And he doesn't hog all the impressions just a percentage of them. And Adsense is none the wiser because they expect these rev share type plugins. The host isn't any wiser because it's just rev share and a lot of people don't know how it works or that plugins often do rev share. The plugin authors don't know because they can't track everything to see who is doing what. Sneaky, brilliant! I don't know how he doesn't get caught. He didn't explain any of the real nitty gritty details just the basics. But I do know he is making crap loads of money.
By the way the 2011 Vette is a sweet sweet ride. 2011 Chevy Corvette | Sports Cars | Chevrolet Unfortunately he didn't actually let me drive it.
Well there you go, people do make crap loads of money with Adsense. And not everyone does it by the book. I'm sure this will make some people angry and other people envious. But what it should really do is tell you to check your stats and watch out for what plugins you use with your WordPress sites. And it doesn't hurt to have wealthy friends who are connected to people who are smarter than you.
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