What keyword research software should I purchase??

18 replies
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I want to invest in a good kw research tool, I have been reading about a lot of different ones and I want you guys unbiased opinion on which tool is the all around best.

Thanks for your help
#keyword #purchase #research #software
  • Profile picture of the author yohi5000
    I use keyword elite. It's okay but I also use some manual practices as well. A lot of people use Market Samurai but I don't really like it. Keyword research will make or break your site so make sure you do it right.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Seid
    I like Market Samurai a lot better than Keyword Elite in terms of only Keyword Research... But I would highly advise Traffic Travis. They are not only amazing with their keyword research but they help a lot with SEO and PPC campaigns..
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    • Profile picture of the author masterazizi87
      I just use Market Samurai (free version) with a few simple step that I learned in an e-book (wso if i'm not mistaken)
      Studying Clickbank..
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      • Profile picture of the author westsideseo
        I have found that paid tools are unnecessary for keyword tools. I recommend you simply use the Google keyword tool in combination with a firefox plugin called SEObook.

        The SEObook plugin is free, and once installed it will show you the Page Rank and backlink count for all the sites on a search results page.
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  • Profile picture of the author faysal969
    I like Adword key word tool for research as a free tool. And use market samurai, but it is not free. I use both of this two tools parallel. Most important is to know the right use of any tool for getting maximum benefit from that.
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  • Profile picture of the author delfinparis
    Quite honestly, the Google Keyword Tool is probably all you'll really need. Just take their estimates with a grain of salt and only use "exact match".

    Here's a tip - once you find a keyword or phrase, run it through Traffic Travis (free) to see how competitive the top 10-20 sites in Google are. Use the free version - it's good enough.
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    • Profile picture of the author khp
      After the last year, I've learned that keyword research is more than sticking in a word or list of words and seeing some numbers. At the same time, take what is said below with a huge grain of salt... as I havent earned 1 dime yet in my efforts....yet

      Have learned that keyword research is not a push button affair. Its "research". It takes time, thinking, experimentation, ideas, failures, successes.

      1. its a very good idea to generate your own list of words first. - why? a) because google isnt going to give you everything that you .. think... you're supposed to be getting. b) not every keyword research tool generates keywords in the same way, or with the same end in mind. c) you're going to need ...alot.... of keywords to start with. Not a 10 or 50 or 100. but tons. not every tool can do this. so you might have to settle on the best tool that can best generate keywords. or even make your own in excel.

      2. once you have a list of words you are happy with, then start evaluating those words for the numbers you're after. Market Samurai is great for this. Their PBR measure is unique. You can even paste your words into GKAT (google adwords keyword tool), a block at a time to get your numbers.

      Bottom line, is that no one tool will do everything you need. It most likely will take a 'portfolio' of tools, to accomplish what you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author derprinz
    Market Samurai
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Heron
    Don't invest in anything at all within SEO besides backlinks, content, and algorithm understanding. It is all a waste of money and completely useless.
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    • Profile picture of the author dfarwig61
      Hey Steve,
      This is a great idea that will probably never happen as to many people are making Money doing this very thing.
      However, this business can be brutal on the Newbie and something like this would be a great value for those just starting out and are on a limited budget.
      Good luck and I'll be glad to help if I can.

      For those of you that like Custom Cars, check this out:http://thundervalleyusa.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Hajath
    I recommend Market Samurai and Traffic Travis. Both of them are available as free as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexSafie
    There are a lot of keyword research software’s out there and most of them are good. But the most important thing is to understand the keyword research basics, as this will ensure that you find the right keywords to target with or without the help of a keyword research software.

    Before you go after any keyword you must make sure that keyword has:

    1. A nice search volume
    2. Commercial intent
    3. Stable or rising trend
    4. Weak competition

    Keywords that have the 4 characteristics stated above are more likely to make you money with less work.

    Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author hidestar
    I use visual web spider... this is very good tool. It can index and crawl the keyword from a website. Just type your keywords, and this tool will return keyword from top google search result.... ( 1st page, 2nd page, or anything depend on your setting)... it is very powerful, because you get "proven keyword", generate from the website which have good ranking in google SERPs.
    This tool also has trial version and free....but keyword is limited... for more keywords, need an investment...
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  • Profile picture of the author hidestar
    Additional.. wordtracker is also good tools ,especially for long tail keyword, however, the monthly investment is quite expensive...
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  • Profile picture of the author dfarwig61
    While there are a number of keyword tools on the market today, Market Samurai has to be one of the best because of the competition research.
    I do use the Google Keyword tool as well and agree that it's best to use multiple tools when doing your keyword research. I've never tried Keyword Elite or Traffic Travis and might take a look at them both. I know that Keyword Elite has been around for quite some time and I am sure that it is a good piece of software, I've just never used it.
    I've found that while a huge list of keywords is OK, it's more important to really drill down and find those money keywords but don't forget, the best keywords in the world will do you No Good without Traffic.
    One other tip that I use is:
    Once I have compiled a list of keywords, I take each one of them and do a Google search and grab the list of "suggested keywords" for that keyword.
    You'll be surprised at how many are not listed in the actual keyword tool itself.
    Give it a try as these are keywords that Google is telling you people are actually typing into the search bar.
    Good Luck and Happy and Successful Marketing.....

    For those of you that like Custom Cars, check this out:http://thundervalleyusa.com

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  • Profile picture of the author MrBusiness
    Market Samurai is really good once you start using it. Im sure a lot of people will agree that its one of the best out there for what it does
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  • Profile picture of the author razorico
    I use semrush, because results of researching keywords satisfy me. I also like it function of researching my competitors, think it might interesting for you. Check it out.
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