Adwords or something else? where to spend limited money for advertising.

by ussher
8 replies
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I have limited money for advertising.

I know google adwords works, but it seams that now days the cost per click seams to start above $0.50 per click.

It worked for me when a click was at most less than $0.20 and usually more like $0.07

Im about to start a campaign and am wondering if google adwords is still the best place to invest the limited money I have.

Any thoughts?
#advertising #adwords #limited #money #spend
  • Profile picture of the author Johnny Optimo
    Originally Posted by ussher View Post

    I have limited money for advertising.

    I know google adwords works, but it seams that now days the cost per click seams to start above $0.50 per click.

    It worked for me when a click was at most less than $0.20 and usually more like $0.07

    Im about to start a campaign and am wondering if google adwords is still the best place to invest the limited money I have.

    Any thoughts?
    I'm pretty wary of adwords (except when I'm setting it up for clients), however depending on your niche and landing pages it could be profitable... really, the only way to find out is test (and if you have limited funds, you may not want to waste money just testing).

    I'd probably spend it on getting some good backlinks
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  • Profile picture of the author ItalianoDinero
    Spend your money on testing a direct link. Do not spend it on advertising your homepage specifically but if you have a couple products or a couple different pages, choose exactly something in specific to promote. For example: If you have a niche website based around cancer, but you have articles about different types of cancer, pick one that is more viewed on your site and build a small test campaign specifically on that highly viewed type of cancer and link it to that article on your site.

    This exposes your site, your click through ratio will be more direct, however, you will save on the cost of clicks and people are directly placed in the exact section they are looking for.
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    • Profile picture of the author ussher
      Thanks ItalianoDinero,

      That is a great idea. I didn't think of that. I have tracking systems set up. but when it comes down to it, your suggestion really makes sense.

      Focus the advertising rather than track the failures.

      Much appreciated.

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  • Profile picture of the author ussher
    Hi Jonny,

    Thanks for that. I have got these guys taking care of the backlinks since they had a WSO.
    SEO Link Building

    So hopefully that pays off there.

    I'd hate to spend a ton on testing just to see, "oh, that wasnt worth it..."

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  • Profile picture of the author IMWinner
    Adwords are tricky especially if you have traffic and but still want to increase in it. You should also consider other promotional methods of marketing and balance the two.
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    • Profile picture of the author ussher
      got any recommendations on the "....also consider other promotional methods of marketing...."

      "Jamroom is a Profile Centric CMS system suitable as a development framework for building entire communities. Highly modular in concept. Suitable for enterprise level development teams or solo freelancers."

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  • Profile picture of the author dbadwal
    ROI of Adwords these days is quite low as cost is too high. It depends upon the nature and niche you are in. In general you may use other PPC platforms. Here is the source you may have a look for niche PPC Pay Per Click Search Engine Directory*.
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  • Profile picture of the author ussher
    I looked at these guys:
    Blogsvertise Blog Advertising - Advertise on Blogs Ad Service

    which is a service where people blog about your site. But it starts at $150/month for 10 blogs per month, so its a risk too.

    And how do you compare the possibility of a blog post with what _might_ come from google adwords.

    Could end up finding you've spend the total advertising budget and only _then_ know that you shouldn't have picked either option.

    "Jamroom is a Profile Centric CMS system suitable as a development framework for building entire communities. Highly modular in concept. Suitable for enterprise level development teams or solo freelancers."

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