Easy WP SEO vs Clickbump! SEO

45 replies
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For those out there who've tried both plugins, which one do you prefer?

Just want some opinions before buying one of them. Thanks!
#clickbump #easy #seo
  • Profile picture of the author TroelsJepsen
    Hey.. I know that this doesn't exactly answer your question, bu there's a free plugin you get get from here

    I've never tried it, but I've heard that it does the exact same thing as Clickbumb and SEOpressor, but for free. So maybe it's worth trying before buying any of them
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  • Profile picture of the author caskofdregs
    That looks interesting.. thanks! Has anyone tried it?
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  • Profile picture of the author ZaneZenMaster
    I have Easy WP SEO and SEOPressor and I've gotta say Easy WP SEO is pretty damn sweet...
    it has waaay more optimizing to go through than SEOPressor.. however; if it works better than SEO Pressor? I don't know.. What I do know is that it has everything that SEOP has and more...
    As for Clickbump.. I havn't used it, but I'm on it's sales page now and it pretty much looks the same as SEOPressor. :S
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  • Profile picture of the author Evanna Zainal
    I'm just about to open thread asking this question, but make a research and found this thread

    anyone have a better comparison?

    nothing to put here..

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  • Profile picture of the author scrapgirl42
    I just want to put in my 2 cents about the Clickbump SEO! plugin- I LOVE it! It makes it so easy to ensure that my posts have all the things they need for good SEO. I have put it on all my sites and I have gone back and fixed the posts that were crappy I like how it gives you a ranking of 10 - 100 and checks off the things you have right. I am a visual person and the Clickbump plugin is a great visual cue while I am writing my posts because it is right there where I can see it as I write, reminding me what I need to include.

    Okay - I am done with my shameless plug
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  • Profile picture of the author julien731
    I always use Yoast (SEO for WordPress) plugin. It's the best SEO plugin for me, and it's free. What else ?
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    • Profile picture of the author esdavis
      @julien731 Yoast SEO is really great. They've converted me from All-in-One SEO because of the extra features they add in. For example, one plugin to do on-page SEO AND breadcrumbs. But it doesn't have the visual on-page checking for SEO that SEOPressor and Clickbump do.

      WPSEO appears to do a lot that Yoast does, but has some additional elements. Still, unless you want a HUGE plugin in your code where you might not use half the features, a couple of smaller ones might better.

      @caskofdregs I used SEOPressor for a long time, but it had a flaw that drove me crazy. In Wordpress, the H1 title tag is coded into most templates to be the title of the post. So in the post screen when optimizing for the H1 tag, it reported it as not included in your SEO and lowered the score.

      On one site, I experimented by redoing the template to ignore the title field and added the actual title to the post box. Gee, now the plugin said it had an H1 tag.

      Anyway, Daniel may have fixed that by now. However, I've moved on to Clickbump and it has a lot of nifty features. One of the best is that it doesn't require page processing at the time the content is delivered to the user (which slows page load time). Clickbump is faster.

      Neither are horribly expensive (Clickbump is a better deal right now), and both of them mostly hit upon the major elements of on-page SEO. If you know your SEO basics, you don't really HAVE to have the plugins.

      However, they are handy for saving time. Giving you keyword density, reminders that you are missing something critical, and so on.

      I haven't used WP SEO because I have and use the other two plus Yoast. But from what I see on the WP SEO site, it is more like Yoast than SEOPressor. I may have missed something in that rather long list of characteristics, but I didn't see on-page SEO checking to the degree that dedicated plugins have.

      If you know your SEO management plugins from some of the free ones like Yoast, you'll notice in that long list at WP SEO that there is a lot of repetition on variations of what is essentially a few features. Not bad features by any stretch, but are they padding here?

      I don't use it, so I don't know. But that price also made me nervous given that most SEO plugins are free and even the SEOPressor and Clickbump ones aren't sky-high.

      My recommendation is if you're looking for a general SEO plugin and not just the on-page stuff like SEOPressor and CB, that you install All-in-One SEO and/or Yoast SEO and then compare the features they list to the features page for WP SEO. If you're going to use the paid plugin for the extras and can afford it, go for it. If not, get a free one like Yoast and then add an on-page SEO scorer like the others.
      Always Interested in Hearing About Cool SEO Tools and Useful WP Plugins via threads or PMs.

      Interested in Social Media Tools and Content for The Local Marketing Expert clients.
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      • Profile picture of the author julien731
        Originally Posted by esdavis View Post

        @julien731 Yoast SEO is really great. They've converted me from All-in-One SEO because of the extra features they add in. For example, one plugin to do on-page SEO AND breadcrumbs. But it doesn't have the visual on-page checking for SEO that SEOPressor and Clickbump do.

        WPSEO appears to do a lot that Yoast does, but has some additional elements. Still, unless you want a HUGE plugin in your code where you might not use half the features, a couple of smaller ones might better.
        I have to admit I don't know SEOPressor. I've always been happy with Yoast and I didn't feel the need to change. But if you say it gets a few more elements, I think I should try it soon !
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  • Profile picture of the author ahmadbasyir

    Thanks for this plugin sharing.. I'm not try both yet ;-)
    Will try the free one first. ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author kerapisang
    I vote Easy WP SEO
    More complex
    Spinchimp + dupefreepro = copyscape passed
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    • Profile picture of the author JimboDoright
      My vote is for Easy WP SEO. Priced right and the support is great!
      After using it only once and just tweaking only one thing it suggested, my site went from page 88 in google to page 1, 10th position for my keyword.

      All this and my SEO score was only around 75%. Once I get this score up around 100%, I have no doubt it will climb to the 1st position.

      In all things, Knowledge is King, Quality is Queen,
      Jesus Christ is the King of King's and
      My Guiding Light
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  • Profile picture of the author caskofdregs

    I'm the original poster and I went with Easy WP SEO - it is AMAZING. I love it, it works really well and has a huge checklist for on-page SEO. With regards to your post, esdavis, Easy WP SEO actually analyzes the entire page on your site, not just the post itself, for its SEO checklist which is great. Also, Chris is quick to reply to any queries/problems you might have - awesome support.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Williamson
    Clickbump SEO FTW!
    The Google Adwords Keyword Tool is hiding your valuable keywords!
    OFFLINERS, Start using this simple technique and these 6 "weapons" today to get more clients and skyrocket your conversions! - FREE, no opt-in.
    Make some money by helping me market this idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author thebarksmeow
    I'm using a Clickbump SEO/Yoast SEO combo but I'm going to switch over to Easy WP SEO. It has extra features that I need.

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    • Profile picture of the author Thinking_man_too
      I have been using clickbuimp SEO for 4 months and have had terrific results with it.

      I have had countless (really to many to count) pages move up in google, many to the first page.

      And it is easy to use.

      I have not looked at anything else. No need to.
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    I have been using the Clickbumb SEO plugin and it hasn't helped me a bit, so far. It doesn't do anything other than tell you what everyone says about on page SEO, so you are reminded to do it. I have not managed to end up in the SERP in the first 50 pages for keywords I have gone after though.

    I did manage to make it to the bottom of the first page of Google for a term I didn't go after, but that term gets almost no searches per month, so who cares.

    Not sure if I sand boxed my site because of all the back links I posted initially. That was prior to my implementing the Clickbump SEO plugin. I have been posting a few high PR blog comments since using the plugin, but nothing yet as far as results go.

    Tim Pears

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    • Profile picture of the author clickbump
      Originally Posted by timpears View Post

      Not sure if I sand boxed my site because of all the back links I posted initially. That was prior to my implementing the Clickbump SEO plugin. I have been posting a few high PR blog comments since using the plugin, but nothing yet as far as results go.
      Hi Tim, send me a PM via the clickbump owners forum and I'll be glad to check out your site and make some suggestions to get your site moving up in the SERPS.
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    • Profile picture of the author outwest
      Originally Posted by timpears View Post

      I have been using the Clickbumb SEO plugin and it hasn't helped me a bit, so far. It doesn't do anything other than tell you what everyone says about on page SEO, so you are reminded to do it. I have not managed to end up in the SERP in the first 50 pages for keywords I have gone after though.

      I did manage to make it to the bottom of the first page of Google for a term I didn't go after, but that term gets almost no searches per month, so who cares.

      Not sure if I sand boxed my site because of all the back links I posted initially. That was prior to my implementing the Clickbump SEO plugin. I have been posting a few high PR blog comments since using the plugin, but nothing yet as far as results go.
      If you bomb your site with crappy backlinks dont blame clickbump SEO for not helping
      Tech article writing .Native English Speaker(with Proof)
      specializing in SmartPhones , Internet security, high tech gadgets, search engines, tech shows, digital cameras.

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  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    I use SEO pressor and can honestly say it's sweet, but there are better things out there...

    No signature here today!

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  • Profile picture of the author ZaneZenMaster
    I'm not sure about Clickbump, but I have WP Easy SEO and SEO Pressor, and I do find that WP Easy SEO has all the features and more.
    So I like Easy Wp Seo; I don't know exactly how it weighs in with Clickbump though..

    Hope you make the right decision
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  • Profile picture of the author tycoon828
    Hello everyone, when speaking of Easy WP SEO, do you guys mean this WSO?

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  • Profile picture of the author KentChow
    I have heard about SEOPressor. I don't have these two and love to test out both of them.

    Thanks for all the feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author redlegrich
    I have SEO Pressor but I got ClickBump and like it. I have never tried WP SEO. But they are all relatively similar in nature. They just ensure you focus on optimizing every page or post for your selected keyword. Well, duh, pretty simple. Once you get the hang of it you can really rock.

    I also recommend MOW Plugin that works with All in One SEO. This is really helpful as you can see and edit all of your title, description and keyword tags (yeah, I know those are sort of useless) from one screen. It especially makes it easy taking a site that has not had any met work done and get it doe fast. The graphical overview and easy editing make fast work of it. And, the green check box makes it easy to show a client the work is done.

    MOW SEO Download Page | Marketing Online Workshop
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  • Profile picture of the author andrewh0
    Can someone tell me where to get WP EASY SEO support.Every time I do a draft and get it 100% as soon as I publish it drops by half,it doesn't recognise H1 and H2 nor any meta details.
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    • Profile picture of the author einsmite
      Originally Posted by andrewh0 View Post

      Can someone tell me where to get WP EASY SEO support.Every time I do a draft and get it 100% as soon as I publish it drops by half,it doesn't recognise H1 and H2 nor any meta details.
      Easy WP SEO :: Support Ticket System
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  • Profile picture of the author Annette White
    Thanks for the pros and cons, am going to get the wp seo, it seems to do way more than seopressor or clickbump...
    How To Create Products In Minutes:
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    • Profile picture of the author IBRevolution
      One more for WP SEO here, I checked the sales page here and I think it is a genuine sales page giving a good overview but you can be the judge for yourself:
      easywpseoplugin com
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      • Profile picture of the author MDSEO
        easy wp seo... /thread

        ……( ‘_’)

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      • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
        Originally Posted by IBRevolution View Post

        One more for WP SEO here, I checked the sales page here and I think it is a genuine sales page giving a good overview but you can be the judge for yourself:
        easywpseoplugin com
        :rolleyes: That's not a sales page, it's an affiliate site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    Now i use clickbump SEO Plugin and getting good result No need to test another one.

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  • Profile picture of the author amen24
    Easy WP SEO is the best
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  • Profile picture of the author tophdingo
    Interesting stuff. I am going to look into both. Clickbump seems to be more intuitive.
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  • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
    Easy Wordpress SEO here as well. That being said, you could just have a piece of paper with a list of all the things you need to do to optimize your article and it would do the same thing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Loloy Diango
      Clickbump! SEO - hands down.

      I have it on all of my sites (15 of them) and I haven't had any issue with it. And Scott's client support? Second to none I must say.

      More than worth the money it cost me.

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  • Profile picture of the author NeilMoran
    I've used Seopressor and EasyWPseo and the later wins hands down.

    Has anyone used EasyWPseo and clickbump? Is there any difference?

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  • Profile picture of the author outwest
    Is the programmer for the other software hanging out and answering questions on
    Warrior forum........(like Scott does for Clickbump?)

    if not to me that makes a difference
    support is always important and nobody can beat support of Clickbump. Scott is excellent
    Tech article writing .Native English Speaker(with Proof)
    specializing in SmartPhones , Internet security, high tech gadgets, search engines, tech shows, digital cameras.

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  • Profile picture of the author 7thAmigo
    Bought Clickbump today...let's see how much money I make with it!
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  • Profile picture of the author mitoshthewarrior
    I haven't tried ClickBump, but WP Easy SEO blows away SEOPressor, but the problem is it has issues with W3 Total Cache (which I use on every site) and the developer has been non-responsive for 6 months in resolving it without empty promises.

    "Do the actors on Unsolved Mysteries ever get arrested because they look just like the criminal they are playing?"

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  • Profile picture of the author maz1207
    I use Easy WP SEO and i don't think on changing it or using any other SEO plugins, this is cool enough and cheaper than SEOPressor. I never tried SEOPressor or Clickbump SEO.

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