[VOTE] A Network of Sites to Build Backlinks From

by Cosmit
3 replies
  • SEO
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I'm sure many of you here know of SEOLinkVine.. it's a network that lets publishers get free content via XML-RPC API and writers publish articles to those sites for links.

I believe the future of SEO would be comprised of large networks such as those.

With forum profiles, article directories, blog comments, and other web 2.0 sites, it's quite easy for Google to pick up on those links and apply a ban (like the panda update).

We all want an easy link. And easy things never pay off. (Like sittin' on a couch all day watching TV or getting spammy links to boost our ranks)

I believe SEOlinkvine is still pretty bad because:

1) spun content usually spits out utter crap
2) it's $69 a month, which is quite expensive for most people

Now think about it. What if, instead of publishing articles to an article directory that then gets syndicated around, your article gets distributed directly to a website as if the website owner published it him/herself.

Clearly, you would have to write (or hire someone to write) good articles. But, look at the bright side, you get in-content dofollow links for as long as that site stays up. You know if you write a good article your link will stick around (and probably get linked to too!)

The only problem is, networks like seolinkvine are probably filled with crappy, low-quality sites... which is the biggest problem that I see with that type of network.

However, what if you could control the quality and not allow crappy sites in? Would you consider joining the network? Please vote.
#backlinks #build #network #sites #vote
  • Profile picture of the author packerfan
    If you're going to bash a service at least make it one you've used. I don't use SEO linkvine, never have, but you singled it out for some reason. Then you go on to say things like it's "probably" made of poor quality sites. And you "believe" such and such to be true.

    If you have a beef with them, deal with them don't bring it here and act like this post is anything else.

    Nothing to see here

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    • Profile picture of the author Cosmit
      Originally Posted by packerfan View Post

      If you're going to bash a service at least make it one you've used. I don't use SEO linkvine, never have, but you singled it out for some reason. Then you go on to say things like it's "probably" made of poor quality sites. And you "believe" such and such to be true.

      If you have a beef with them, deal with them don't bring it here and act like this post is anything else.
      I'm not bashing them, I singled them out because I think they're the closest to the best thing. Don't get angry at me because you didn't read or understand my post. I have used their service and I noticed that anyone can add a website, meaning no one moderates the quality of the sites the articles get posted to.

      What I was talking about is a network that monitors quality very closely, because LinkVine doesn't do that.

      Also, if anything, I'm spreading LinkVine awareness.
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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    I voted yes, but only with a private network...no exceptions...
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