How much should I charge to my client for optimizing his website??

by rafiseo Banned
10 replies
  • SEO
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Hello warriors,

I am lil bit confused. My client want to rank his site as #1 on google. He want to use

san angelo---------> 26,500,000
san angelo, tx------> 9,420,000
san angelo texas---> 9,310,000
midnight rodeo-----> 7,840,000

these keywords for the site San Angelo LIVE! Covers Events and News in San Angelo, Texas

My problem is how much should I charge for the successful SEO campaign?

Any Idea????????

Thanks for replies ...................
#charge #client #optimizing #website
  • Profile picture of the author MegaC
    It depends. Where is his website currently ranking for those keywords? How hard is the competition? How is his on page seo?

    Originally Posted by rafiseo View Post

    Hello warriors,

    I am lil bit confused. My client want to rank his site as #1 on google. He want to use

    san angelo---------> 26,500,000
    san angelo, tx------> 9,420,000
    san angelo texas---> 9,310,000
    midnight rodeo-----> 7,840,000

    these keywords for the site San Angelo LIVE! Covers Events and News in San Angelo, Texas

    My problem is how much should I charge for the successful SEO campaign?

    Any Idea????????

    Thanks for replies ...................
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  • Profile picture of the author rafiseo
    Well when I started at that time the website was on 28th place for the keyword "san angelo" and now its on first place on #4 for the keyword. So what u think??
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    • Profile picture of the author MegaC
      I just looked at that keyword and it's currently ranked #24 (page 3). Are you viewing the results for the US? With that being said, have you looked at the competition for that keyword, particularly top 2-3? How much time, effort, linkbuilding, etc would it take you to surpass those sites to be #1. Also, there is no way you can guarantee him a #1 position. No one can.

      Originally Posted by rafiseo View Post

      Well when I started at that time the website was on 28th place for the keyword "san angelo" and now its on first place on #4 for the keyword. So what u think??
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      • Profile picture of the author charlesetna
        I know lot's of IM's that roll their eyes about the coveted #1 spot on Google. Getting the top 5, or even on the top page is sufficient most of the time.

        The agency I work for charges between $100-125/hr for services like on-page SEO optimization, and roughly the same range for off-page tactics like link building, PPC, etc. That being said, we rock; so if you're a fledgling SEO trying to build your clientele, I've seen freelance work done between $25-$50/hr depending on your toolkit and experience.

        Hope this helps
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        • Profile picture of the author paulgl
          Note: Do research before becoming an SEO expert and
          taking on clients.

          Now I've gotten slammed for that statement before.

          Point is, why would you not know? Why would you have to
          come to the WF to find out?

          Find out before.


          If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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          • Profile picture of the author charlesetna
            Originally Posted by SEO Sage View Post

            SEO results are gradual, you should charge him 400 monthly or so, and offer no guarantees! good luck, SEO is a rough business!
            Most def. Not for the faint of heart nor the thin-skinned.
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          • Profile picture of the author MelKryger
            I agree with Paulgl.
            I admit Seeking advice is commendable, "if you don't know, ask." -- but to ask a question like "what to charge?" (on a forum) admits your amateur status at SEO. Only an expert (someone who already knows and beleives in themself) should be charging for their SEO capability.

            Jump around the net... Search out what your "competition" (Real SEO Firms) is charging for similar services. Also, staying at the top of a search engine means you will have to commit to your friend for the long term (Do you think the site you pushed out won't continue it's own SEO efforts and eventually regain it's former glory?)

            Here is what I recomend to you: Charge whatever you think the job you are doing is worth. If you are just robo-software cooking links for him, then charge for a month of your robo-software cost... if you are painstakingly writing articles, and submitting to directories, doing keyword analysis, back-linking, and etc... charge more. --- but for the future: Don't offer your services until your skill-set is a little more refined.

            I did not charge anything for this advice.
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          • Profile picture of the author gittar1122
            Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

            Note: Do research before becoming an SEO expert and
            taking on clients.

            Now I've gotten slammed for that statement before.

            Point is, why would you not know? Why would you have to
            come to the WF to find out?

            Find out before.

            ^^ Agreed

            @OP What if your client or his friend read this thread then what will be your status.

            One thing write in your notebook, don't discuss your client's website or keyword publicly at forums. Its against the ethics as your responsible to keep his information private. I am a service provider here and I have hundreds of clients here and on other forums but I will never make a blunder of discussing my client's site/keywords at forums. Keep such matters as secret.

            Secondly if you need advice for any seo related matter, read the threads here, evaluate them and then discuss with only reliable people.

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  • Profile picture of the author rafiseo
    Okay all of these are very good advices. Special thanks to all. In fact I am a newbie. SO I am asking. As I am working individually I have to search and ask in forums. And I am doing so. Before this thread I have searched in google and found nothing about this matter. So I decided to come in warriorforum and ask u. however is there any mathematical method or equation that can be used to measure the value of the successful SEO stuff?

    I mean if there is any equation to calculate how much should one charge for each progress for a keyword.
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