Sept 6 Update: Case study of AMR VS UAW VS linkamotion VS Article Samurai
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So, with that in mind I decided to register 5 domains that all contain my keyword+5 random words such as info/blog/guide/review/hq.
All 5 domains will rank for 2 keywords in their domain name which are KW1 + KW2 (which is only an "s" added at the end of KW1, the plural).
I also gave them all an inner page that will contain a KW3 in the title, in the "alt" of an image and 3 times (not more or less) in the text. While I do not mention KW4, I will be promoting it with backlinks to this page. The article is 500 words on all of these 5 domains.
Domain 1 + page 1 UAW
Domain 2 + page 2 AMR testing
Domain 3 + page 3 UAW + AMR testing
Domain 4 + page 4 linkamotion (only 1 link per article, so half will be to the domain and the other half to the inner page)
Domain 5 + page 5 Article Samurai! Currently in beta, this is basically like AMR and was made by the developers of market samurai. Since I am in the beta (which is sadly ending in a week), I decided to quickly send an article to be syndicated across their article/blog network to compare with AMR and also it will be a good indicator for me if it's worth buying when it comes out...
So, KW1/Kw2 to the domain and KW3/4 to an inner page on each domain with a similar image/keyword density (of only KW3).
The domains are 2 months old by now so they should not be too young to start linking to (I usually wait 3 months before I use automation/article distribution services).
Today I started the article samurai and linkamotion syndication ( I wanted to get article samurai done since the beta is ending soon). Tomorrow I will do UAW/AMR and UAW + AMR.
Right now, none of the websites are ranking in the top 200 for any keyword, despite them all having 5 or 6 articles for at least a month. So, these are not keywords that will rank by themselves without any backlink!
Let me know if you guys have any questions or clarifications or tips on other things I should consider to make things as equal as possible!

I might reveal the domains in a month or so, not too sure. Btw, 4 of them are .info. The linkamotion one is a .net. I doubt theirs much a difference between .info or .net but JUST IN CASE I wanted to have a non .info in this test. Also, Linkamotion is not the same as the other services + I was really interested on seeing if the service works or not in this case, not really to compare it with others since it's an entirely private blog network.
Sept 6 UPDATE:
Ok here's week 6 update. I think I will start compiling the pingbacks this week and sending links to the backlinks now and try to get them all indexed.
AMR and UAW results:

AMR only results, lost a bit of rankings this week, google dance maybe?

Article Samura results, starting to rank well but only the inner page, a bit odd.

UAW only


So all sites are ranking right now at least, some might be in the middle of small Google Dances.
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