Registered 90,000 exact local searches domain - how to monetize it?

by puneet
29 replies
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Okay, somehow the domain was available and I just registered this:-

Domain - TravelocityFlights(dot)net
Searches - [90,500] US Local Monthly

What do you think is the worth of this and how this can be developed and monetized?
#domain #exact #local #monetize #registered #searches
  • Profile picture of the author Ken
    Registered trademark in domain name can be trouble.
    Be very careful.
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  • Profile picture of the author whadu
    Sounds like trouble if you ask me. You might be better off just selling it.
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  • Profile picture of the author puneet
    Yes, I agree that trademark may be a trouble. But the positive side is I am from India so not sure how easy it would be for them to file the lawsuit against me and do all that legal stuff etc.

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    • Profile picture of the author Glenn Leader
      Originally Posted by puneet View Post

      Yes, I agree that trademark may be a trouble. But the positive side is I am from India so not sure how easy it would be for them to file the lawsuit against me and do all that legal stuff etc.
      That is a very poor attitude to have. They wouldn't need to take action
      against you, they'd go the the registrar is they wanted to shut you down...
      You will never, ever win.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4449060].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author puneet
        Originally Posted by Glenn Leader View Post

        That is a very poor attitude to have. They wouldn't need to take action
        against you, they'd go the the registrar is they wanted to shut you down...
        You will never, ever win.
        Thanks, I was not aware of that option. So what do you suggest - shall I just try to sell it off then.

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    • Profile picture of the author Steadyon
      Originally Posted by puneet View Post

      Yes, I agree that trademark may be a trouble. But the positive side is I am from India so not sure how easy it would be for them to file the lawsuit against me and do all that legal stuff etc.

      So are you saying because you live in another country it is ok to break laws and be unethical?

      I will hold back from calling you what I think of you
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4452227].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author puneet
        Originally Posted by Steadyon View Post

        So are you saying because you live in another country it is ok to break laws and be unethical?

        I will hold back from calling you what I think of you
        Enough of this unethical/awful stuff. You please go ahead - I am all ears

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4449116].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author puneet
      Originally Posted by Glenn Leader View Post

      who you going to sell the site to?
      Not sure. Will list out on any marketplace/forum and see if I can atleast get my $10 back

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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        That is an even worse thing to do. Knowing what you know now, if you try to dump it on some poor unsuspecting individual, that makes you about as unethical and awful of a person as you can find.
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  • Profile picture of the author Glenn Leader
    So you're going to pass the trademark infringement problem to somebody else then? Do you not have any scruples at all?
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  • Profile picture of the author puneet
    What if I tell them the consequences in advance? People are much smarter than you really think and they think ten times before making any decisions.

    I think we have just been going GAGA over this trademark stuff and saying that this is awful like I have really robbed someone poor in the need.

    I agree this trademark is prominent and will get noticed but people use trademarks in their domain all the time, may be big or small - look around for tons of amazon review sites.

    I have seen extremely reputed marketers here saying that you may use trademarks in the domain names but of course there is a risk involved and everyone understands that.

    Don't believe me - then PM me and I will tell you one of the name and the name of the course and will send you the videos too.

    Anyways, if it makes you happy then yes I am the most unethical and awful person here. Period.

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4449400].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Glenn Leader
      Originally Posted by puneet View Post

      What if I tell them the consequences in advance? People are much smarter than you really think and they think ten times before making any decisions.

      I think we have just been going GAGA over this trademark stuff and saying that this is awful like I have really robbed someone poor in the need.

      I agree this trademark is prominent and will get noticed but people use trademarks in their domain all the time, may be big or small - look around for tons of amazon review sites.

      I have seen extremely reputed marketers here saying that you may use trademarks in the domain names but of course there is a risk involved and everyone understands that.

      Don't believe me - then PM me and I will tell you one of the name and the name of the course and will send you the videos too.

      Anyways, if it makes you happy then yes I am the most unethical and awful person here. Period.
      You have a domain name that might have problems... whether it's with
      you, or with somebody else. I never said you were the most unethical
      person here, but your lack of ethics will cause you problems. One
      possibility is that it will give you a bad name, and therefore people will
      not learn to trust and buy from you as time goes by.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4449562].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author puneet
        Originally Posted by Glenn Leader View Post

        You have a domain name that might have problems... whether it's with
        you, or with somebody else. I never said you were the most unethical
        person here, but your lack of ethics will cause you problems. One
        possibility is that it will give you a bad name, and therefore people will
        not learn to trust and buy from you as time goes by.
        I understand what you are saying and completely agree with you.

        I think it is just that I got over excited looking at a domain name available with these many searches - my bad. I don't have any intentions to do any bad with anyone at all.

        No hard feelings at all. I think I will just keep it and let it expire after an year. Thanks again.

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4449587].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
          That is the more honorable thing to do. Live and learn. Chalk it up as a loss.

          Another thought, you could contact Travelocity and see if they wish to take it off your hands for the $10 you paid for it. I would bet they would.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nero Arcnumé
    You do online marketing, affiliate marketing, some other online business, buy & sell domains to make money. It's your business. Anyone who would buy this kind of domain from you is in that same business. Whether said person knows about the trademark or not is his/her problem as it is his/her business to know about it.

    I don't even know why this subject of you being ethical or not is even discussed. And I'm 100% positive some people who think you are unethical will have some "unethical" believes themselves that they incorporate in their business tactics, knowingly or not.
    It's always funny seeing people give other people crap about their business ethics, while all they do in actuality is talk the talk but not walk the walk.

    Although I wouldn't register a domain with a trademark, I'd probably be as "unethical" as you if I had such a domain.

    I am Nero. Sup.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4449463].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Glenn Leader
      Originally Posted by Nero Arcnumé View Post

      You do online marketing, affiliate marketing, some other online business, buy & sell domains to make money. It's your business. Anyone who would buy this kind of domain from you is in that same business. Whether said person knows about the trademark or not is his/her problem as it is his/her business to know about it.

      I don't even know why this subject of you being ethical or not is even discussed. And I'm 100% positive some people who think you are unethical will have some "unethical" believes themselves that they incorporate in their business tactics, knowingly or not.
      It's always funny seeing people give other people crap about their business ethics, while all they do in actuality is talk the talk but not walk the walk.

      Although I wouldn't register a domain with a trademark, I'd probably be as "unethical" as you if I had such a domain.
      I hope you're not referring to me, as you know nothing about me whatsoever.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4449535].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Nero Arcnumé
        Originally Posted by Glenn Leader View Post

        I hope you're not referring to me, as you know nothing about me whatsoever.
        No, I'm not referring to anyone and I apologize if you felt I did. In hindsight, I can see why you think that and maybe I should've been clearer. I'm just talking in general based on some experiences, not even necessarily on this message board.

        I am Nero. Sup.

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  • Profile picture of the author razorhound
    When I was new someone sold me an exact match registered trademark domain without mention anything about it (and I'm not buying anything from him anymore) so if you really want to pass it off to someone else, you better tell them the possible consequences. However, I would suggest just to let it expire or do what MikeFriedman said, try to contact Travelocity and see if they would like to take it.
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  • Profile picture of the author gundammeister
    Most of the searches in the first place will all go to the first link. Furthermore, it will be super hard to rank your domain over the Official travelocity site. Also, they have the site links on the searches too.

    Cheap Flights - Find Cheap Tickets and Airfare | Travelocity
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    • Profile picture of the author puneet
      Originally Posted by Glenn Leader View Post

      I would simply sign up as an affiliate, add some content, and keep my fingers crossed. Go for micro niche keywords.
      Thanks for that tip

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  • Profile picture of the author mianriz
    do you want to sell this domain
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    • Profile picture of the author puneet
      Originally Posted by mianriz View Post

      do you want to sell this domain
      I hope you understand the consequences my friend.

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  • Profile picture of the author amritrr
    I think you guys are just over reacting way to much and calling this poor guy names when he just wanted a suggestion on a domain name. Thousands of people around the globe book domain names in the hope that may be able to sell it off for a higher price or maybe monetize it in someway or the other. If you ask me if this would happen, in my opinion it won't.

    It would only be unethical if he tries to impersonate the identity of the business by setting up a similar website where people do not know which one is the real site.

    My advise, keep the domain with you. If the company needs the domain they will get in touch with you.

    However, if you setup an affiliate site, I don't think it would be a success at all. I don't think you will receive even a single click. Because people searching for travelocity flights are looking for the original website not yours. And more over there would be so much competition that your site will not feature for this keyword just because your domain name matches the keyword.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4453076].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author puneet
      Originally Posted by amritrr View Post

      I think you guys are just over reacting way to much and calling this poor guy names when he just wanted a suggestion on a domain name. Thousands of people around the globe book domain names in the hope that may be able to sell it off for a higher price or maybe monetize it in someway or the other. If you ask me if this would happen, in my opinion it won't.

      It would only be unethical if he tries to impersonate the identity of the business by setting up a similar website where people do not know which one is the real site.

      My advise, keep the domain with you. If the company needs the domain they will get in touch with you.

      However, if you setup an affiliate site, I don't think it would be a success at all. I don't think you will receive even a single click. Because people searching for travelocity flights are looking for the original website not yours. And more over there would be so much competition that your site will not feature for this keyword just because your domain name matches the keyword.
      Thanks a lot for your understanding mate - much appreciated

      I am looking to keep it and as Glenn suggested I may try their affiliate program and put some content up and let us see how it goes.

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  • Profile picture of the author warner444
    there will be some amount of time before Travelocity realizes you may be violating their trademark and after they do they will probably have an atty send you a "cease and desist" letter telling you to take the site down within a certain time.

    Before that happens you could make a few bucks on some travel related affiliate offers.

    I had one site a while back that used the name facebook as part of the domain and did get such a cease and desist letter but it was after the site had been up for 4-5 months.
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