Google hate my site... can you tell me why?

by dmarze
20 replies
  • SEO
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Hi Warriors,

I have a question for you. I built one website back in December with 100% original content. There is around 20 pages online now. I used some social bookmarking to get site listed with search engines. I also built few lenses, hubs, blogger blogs and did few other things. Now after one month my site is still not listed with google.

In the past my sites get always listed in a few days. I built another site on the end of December same way and site is listed with google and get some traffic already.
I do some research yesterday and figured out that my domain was already in use two year ago. It can be still found with

I have to tell you that I didn't do any blachat seo or something simmilar.

Can somebody tell me where is the problem.


#google #hate #site
  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Hi dmarze,

    If you share a link we may be able offer you specific advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bigsofty
    It's quite possible you've purchased a banned domain.

    Try contacting Google - their response will be slow, probably boiler-plate but you will eventually get one and if you're site is fine, as opposed to how it used to be under a different owner, you'll probably get in with no problem.

    Alternatively, purchase a new domain and 301 incoming traffic to it until it builds up link love of its own


    This man is living his dream. Are you...?

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    • Profile picture of the author Solidsnake
      Originally Posted by Bigsofty View Post

      It's quite possible you've purchased a banned domain.

      Try contacting Google - their response will be slow, probably boiler-plate but you will eventually get one and if you're site is fine, as opposed to how it used to be under a different owner, you'll probably get in with no problem.

      Alternatively, purchase a new domain and 301 incoming traffic to it until it builds up link love of its own

      Another thing is, his competitors might be doing very well against him..
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  • Buddy, you gotta give us an url if we are going to try to help you
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  • Profile picture of the author dmarze
    My website is in a small niche and I'm sure you will understand that I can't share url with you.

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmacca
    Google sucks when you get stuck in the sandbox.
    Contact google, submit your site to them again and work on building other methods of traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author dmarze
    thank you for suggestions warriors.

    Get Unique Content Rich Website... I Will Build And Promote It For You (WSO)

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  • Profile picture of the author dmarze
    I contacted google and ask them to look at my site. I know it will take some time, but I think that is all what can I do at this point.

    Get Unique Content Rich Website... I Will Build And Promote It For You (WSO)

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  • Profile picture of the author tommen
    Sometimes Google takes a lot of time before their robot checks out your site.Why don´t you go to related blogs and post comments and link back to your blog.There is no need to manually submit an url to any search engine.When Google checks out these other blogs, it will find your site as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author dmarze
      Originally Posted by tommen View Post

      Sometimes Google takes a lot of time before their robot checks out your site.Why don´t you go to related blogs and post comments and link back to your blog.There is no need to manually submit an url to any search engine.When Google checks out these other blogs, it will find your site as well.
      Their robot visited my site at least 5 times already.

      Get Unique Content Rich Website... I Will Build And Promote It For You (WSO)

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  • Profile picture of the author SaSeoPete
    Your bought domain may be banned.

    The same thing happened to me. I bought an awesome domain off of eBay. Put tons of original content on it and it never ranked. I tried contacting Google about it but never heard back.

    Bad luck buddy.
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  • Profile picture of the author yoliferdi
    Try to get link back from high PR website or blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gunter Eibl
    If your site is banned use this form for requesting reconsideration:

    Requesting reconsideration - Webmaster Help Center

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  • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
    If you haven't already, add a sitemap to your site and submit it to Google's Webmaster tools.

    That should get you at least indexed in the search engines.

    If, after a good 24 hours, nothing has happened, I would then follow Gunter's advice and request re-inclusion.

    But all of us here can only speculate as to what the problem is without a URL.

    - Kristine
    Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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  • Profile picture of the author dmarze
    Thank you you for your help warriors. I did all you suggested.

    Get Unique Content Rich Website... I Will Build And Promote It For You (WSO)

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  • Profile picture of the author dmarze
    One more thing. What if I take all these articles and put it all on new domain? Is that good idea.

    Get Unique Content Rich Website... I Will Build And Promote It For You (WSO)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[411083].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
      I would definitely test out a few articles on a different domain first. See if that gets you any results and then you'll at least know that it's not something you're doing but rather the domain itself.
      Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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  • Profile picture of the author maestro2010
    if you really have purchased a banned domain from someone then it must be very easy to say that this is the reason why you got hatredness in the google........

    still you or we all here might be wrong and the case would be that your competitors are really doing well and oyu have opted for a very highly competitive due to whcih you are not finding a way to get a good ranking in Google

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    • Profile picture of the author Bruce Hearder
      Another thing, and this may or may not be relevenat, but try checking your website with and see if there are any horrible errors in the code, that might be causing Big G to not like your site.

      I have noticed that clean HTML (even if it HTML 4.0) performs much better with the bots than horrible HTML..

      Remember, just becuase a site displays fine in IE or FF, doesn't mean the code is all good.

      Hope this helps

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