Keyword Review or Reviews which is better

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Hey everyone; my name is Mostafa I am brand new in affiliate marketing and I am in the process of creating my first website. I found this forum very interesting to learn a lot about affiliate stuff.

I have a question for you guys because you know more than me in keywords and it's effect on rankings in search engines.

There is an affiliate program I want to sign up with it's a fitness program, I researched on Google Adwords to find keywords "exact match" and here is what I found:

"Program name" Review= global monthly searches 27000 competition= medium

"program name" Reviews= global monthly searches 3600 competition= low

Just adding the letter "s" in the end of the word "Review" decreased the searches from 27000 to 3600, I wanted the keyword "Review" without the "s" but I was afraid that the keyword might just be too competitive for a newbie like me, so I am considering the keyword with the "s"


Is 3600 monthly searches on Google Adwords is not enough to get traffic or should I use the more competitive keyword with the "s"?

Knowing that both keywords when I type them on Google they have a about 2 million results is that too competitive?

What other factors should I consider if I want to know how competitive a keyword is?

Thanks a lot for reading my post

I would be very grateful if you could help me out

#keyword #review #reviews
  • Profile picture of the author mantrixx
    3000+ GMS is golden.

    Also, you should consider typing in the exact keyword phrase in google like this:
    'keyword' to get a true sense of the competition.
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    • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
      Originally Posted by mantrixx View Post

      3000+ GMS is golden.

      Also, you should consider typing in the exact keyword phrase in google like this:
      'keyword' to get a true sense of the competition.
      Could you please clarify to me what does keyword phrase means and how I should I know the competition with it?

      Thanks a lot for your reply , sorry if my questions seems stupid
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      • Profile picture of the author mantrixx
        The keyword phrase in your example is:
        "Program name" Review(s)

        Basically what you will build your site around.

        There is a lot more to getting to know the competition (like all the data market samurai provides on that) but a quick sniff test on competition can be done by tying "keyword phrase" in google and then looking at the nr of results.
        Less than 13K is golden.
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        • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
          Originally Posted by mantrixx View Post

          The keyword phrase in your example is:
          "Program name" Review(s)

          Basically what you will build your site around.

          There is a lot more to getting to know the competition (like all the data market samurai provides on that) but a quick sniff test on competition can be done by tying "keyword phrase" in google and then looking at the nr of results.
          Less than 13K is golden.
          I typed on google "Keyword phrase" and got more than 200K !!!!! results I guess that's an indication that the market is too competitive right?
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          • Profile picture of the author UMS
            Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

            I typed on google "Keyword phrase" and got more than 200K !!!!! results I guess that's an indication that the market is too competitive right?
            Not at all.

            Looking at the number of results returned for a keyword in quotes is a highly inaccurate way of gauging competition.

            You are aiming to get onto page 1 of the search results, so you are really only competing with the top 10 sites as you wouldn't be aiming to be ranked on page 2 or beyond.

            You need to look at the on-page and off-page SEO for the top 10 sites to get any idea of how competitive they are.

            Traffic Travis gives you a reasonable idea of competition (however, don't solely rely on the opinion of one tool)
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  • Profile picture of the author Newbieee
    actually i think "keyword" is not an accurate enough way to gauge.
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    • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
      Originally Posted by Newbieee View Post

      actually i think "keyword" is not an accurate enough way to gauge.
      I found a software called traffic travis is it good for identifying keyword competition in the SEO analysis difficulty part ?
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  • Profile picture of the author commoditytrainer
    You have a long tail keyword, even though it is more competitive I would go for it. Long tail keywords with the proper SEO done can be accomplished fairly quickly, what I mean is in a couple of months or so, depending on a few factors, your onpage SEO, and how old your domain is. If you have great onpage SEO, and go for the long tail keyword you should be great and you will have a lot of traffic, don't worry about the competition, or let it scare you off.
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Go for "reviews." Less competition and still enough traffic. Should be easier to rank depending on the top 10 competition.

    Also, make sure those are "exact" match results. Don't worry about broad, or even phrase.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    If you want to check competition, use allintitle, not "keyword." Neither are that accurate, but allintitle will give you a better idea of competition. Anything with under 1,000 results should be exceptionally easy to rank (almost no SEO needed.) Anything under 10,000 can usually be ranked with minimal SEO, but you'll want to check the top 5 anyway.
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    • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
      Originally Posted by JamesGw View Post

      If you want to check competition, use allintitle, not "keyword." Neither are that accurate, but allintitle will give you a better idea of competition. Anything with under 1,000 results should be exceptionally easy to rank (almost no SEO needed.) Anything under 10,000 can usually be ranked with minimal SEO, but you'll want to check the top 5 anyway.
      I checked the keyword "Product name" Reviews for the allintitle and I got 8K but when I used "keyword" I got about 200K I also found a program called traffic travis did you heard of it ? It's a free software that gives some analytics about keywords. I typed the keyword and it said that the keyword is relatively easy in the SEO analysis part.
      Do you think I should go with the "Product Name" Reviews keyword and have u heard about traffic travis?

      Again thanks for you and for everybody for your great support
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  • Profile picture of the author Homer Lasa Hood
    Here is a good tip for you since you are a newbie in keywords targeting.

    First, since you are an newbie - and you have already a good list of keywords to choose from - what you need to do is to establish your site through a less competitive keyword first.

    Use low competitive keywords first and rank well on it. If you have succeed ranking on low competitive keywords - try to level up your campaign by targeting medium competitive keywords - then to highly competitive keywords.

    That's the best you can do for now. It would be better to start from the simple competition than trying to rank already on a highly competitive market when your are still new.

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  • Profile picture of the author tambajosephfoyah
    It took me a while to learn this but I've come to the personal conclusion that the best way to search for lucrative keywords is through exact match online. For Mostafa999 that would be [keyword] on any keyword tool.

    I had a term in the past that was getting 74,000 search for broad match. I quickly rose to the #14 post which I'm still at but when I check the exact match it was only getting 1,000 searches. BIG DIFFERENCE.

    I don't know what you all do but I've found what works for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author tambajosephfoyah
    Hey Mostafa999 check competition accurately type it in exactly like this:

    intitle:"Your Keyword" inurl:"Your Keyword"

    it will show you all those who are optimized for that site, aka your real competition. Don't be fooled by the rest because you can easily out rank them with good on-page factors alone.
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  • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
    Thanks a lot for all who helped me out, I think this forum is a great place for anybody who is considering to learn more in IM from Newbies like me to Experts
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