Can someone please advise about Keywords

5 replies
  • SEO
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Dear Warriors,

I am relatively new to internet marketing, but know about how to do keyword research, set up a WP blog etc and have an understanding about link building, article marketing etc to help with SEO. However, I am a little confused about something and I don't know if I am just being a bit thick and apologies in advance if I am.

My question/s are:

If I research a keyword or keyword phrase lets say for example "how to draw a map" using Google's keyword tool and it returns a global monthly search of 68,000,000 and a local search or 5,000,000 and the competition is low. am I correct in assuming that that is a good keyword phrase to use as long as I can get the keywords in the domain name?

Secondly when using the keyword tool, you can click on the phrase and it will open in up a new window in google and take you to that search term or phrase. However, it then says it has returned About 1,340,000,000 results (0.12 seconds).

I think I am getting confused by the keyword tool saying the competition is low because if I understand it correctly this is what it amounts to:

68,000,000 is the number of people around the world who have searched for "how to draw a map" in that month.

1,340,000,000 is the number of keywords that have satisfied the criteria "how to draw a map" from pages that exist on the web.

If the above is correct, why does the key word tool say that the competition is low and if that's the case is it a good keyword phrase to use?

Have I got it totally wrong? Sorry if I have confused you.

Thanks for responding.

#advice #advise #confused #keyword tool #keywords #search
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Henderson
    Hi and welcome to IM.

    First of all you need to make sure that you are getting EXACT results, not BROAD or PHRASE. You will see great differences in the numbers.

    Next, Google ranks pages not domains or websites, so don't lose sleep over trying to find a keyword and passing up on it because you can't get a domain with the keyword in it. You are better off in the long run. Using your example I would look for a domain that was either centered around maps or drawing, depending on how you would want to expand your site later.

    Say it's maps, then perhaps would be appropriate. You would then build a page for your keyword, in the URL,

    Set your WP to show the page title (your KW) first followed by the blog name.

    The next part of your question. The competition indicator is a rough guide to go by, don't pay much attention to what you see with search result numbers. Instead go to Google a do a search "how to draw a map" and look at the top 10 listings. Get a tool like SEO Quake for FireFox and analyze them.
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    • Profile picture of the author skeeloj
      Thank you Scott for your response. This has helped make it clearer.

      Best wishes.

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  • Profile picture of the author xallever
    Don't worry about how many pages there are to compete yet. Analyze your competition on the first page. If not top 3, at least look at the top 10. Check the number of backlinks they have, their PR ranks, etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author skeeloj
      Thank you Xallever. Much appreciated.

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