Hi there - a newbie here, in a dilemma

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Hey guys,

I must say I am impressed by the sheer amount of information that the war room has to offer.

I did not know much about IM prior to joining and frankly, after looking around in the war room, got to understand the little I know.

As of now, my focus is on mastering SEO. I am an intermediate as of now, working for someone but would love to diversify.

In other words, well, I know backlinks to your site from trusted sites can make your site look credible in the eyes of google and thus, eventually several such backlinks can get your ranking up.

Also, are there guides available for the tools which supposedly AUTOMATE the process of building backlinks?
#dilemma #newbie
  • Profile picture of the author valmillercorl
    There is a really good Squidoo lens that explains backlinking from scratch. I don't remember the name of it but if you go to squidoo.com and search for it I'm sure you'll find it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by JKflipflop View Post

    Hey guys,

    I must say I am impressed by the sheer amount of information that the war room has to offer.

    I did not know much about IM prior to joining and frankly, after looking around in the war room, got to understand the little I know.

    As of now, my focus is on learning SEO. However, I am absolutely confused when it comes to backlinking - Please do pardon me for this but while most threads do suggest the websites where I can post backlinks, I have not managed to understand the concept from scratch itself !

    In other words, well, I know backlinks to your site from trusted sites can make your site look credible in the eyes of google and thus, eventually several such backlinks can get your ranking up.

    However, can somebody explain HOW to post a backlink? Also, are there guides available for the tools which supposedly AUTOMATE the process of building backlinks?

    For example, I am currently running a blog using wordpress which barely has 3 posts and is a week old. I have primarily kept this blog only to learn the concepts of SEO and intend to grasp all the practices of the same, with it. How should I learn to go about backlinking with the help of this?

    I am sorry for the several questions - but I have probably missed out on the resource which explains backlinking from scratch. My apologies in case I have asked too many questions. Please help.
    My first piece of advice would be to get the AUTOMATE word out of your vocabulary right now. Nearly every piece of software or program for automating backlinks is going to cause you more issues than good. They are usually very low quality backlinks and these don't help very much anymore.

    The only real way to automate backlinking is to outsource it to someone else. Personally, I like to get backlinks from Article Syndication because I get both targeted traffic and backlinks. Usually this can provide many high quality backlinks as well.

    There are many other methods to go about getting backlinks and here are a few helpful threads:



    Benjamin Ehinger
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    • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
      You are also making one of the most common errors newbies and not so newbies make: tactics vs. a strategy.

      Big difference. Even if you create a zillion back links none of it matter is you don't have a compelling offer that directs some dude to bang his credit card or steal his old lady's credit card and bang it for what ever you are selling.

      Mediums, bells, and automated whistles are NOT PRODUCTS.

      This is the ass backwards marketing taught today.....everyone focuses on a Twitter account...think the cash is gonna drop from the sky and they aint got **** anyone wants to buy.

      Start with your offer...your product and/or service..and make damn sure anyone wants it.

      Once you have that down.....you can ad the bells and whistles and remember internet marketing is NOT A BUSINESS IT'S SIMPLY A MEDIUM..A METHOD OF GETTING YOUR OFFER TO QUALIFIED PROSPECTS.

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  • Profile picture of the author Art Peterson
    well first JK let me welcome you to the forum.
    When I first started learning back linking. I learned a lot from these videos from Ed Dale in the challenge.

    In the first video here Ed Dale goes over a basic primer of what back linking is and how to go about doing it. (It takes Ed Dale a little time to warm-up, so there's about a minute intro):

    In the second video guru Bob talks about authority back linking. These might be the back links are looking for. You don't talk about what your WordPress site is about, but I'm sure you have a niche that it's relevant to, so Bob shows you exactly how to go about finding other sites in your niche that will help move your WordPress site up in the rankings.

    Hope that helps. The challenge has been a great resource for me, as well as the warrior forum. You want more information on the challenge just go to The Challenge

    keep up the good work.


    See How I'm Making Money Arthur Peterson

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  • Profile picture of the author JKflipflop
    Hey guys,

    Thanks a lot everybody for your help.

    @Benjamin - I will surely be going through the two links which you have put forth, though frankly terms like "article syndication" etc are absolutely new to me. However, my main focus as of now for some time is to try my level best to try and generate certain amount of income through internet marketing. Being totally new to it, I havent kept much hopes but looking at some stories here, I have not given up either. Thanks for the links.

    @Art Peterson - I shall certainly go through the video links as well. Thanks for the timely help. Well, as far as my blog is concerned, I just made it in order to learn SEO. I was thinking if I could rank it high in google, I could probably move onto Warriors for Hire and look to do some serious work for others

    @VegasVince - I dont really have a product or service to offer. I was looking to freelance after learning the concepts of SEO, provided I am able to master them. Guess I have a long way to go. However, I do get what your point is with regards to the strategy part. Thanks a ton for the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan2525
    Originally Posted by JKflipflop View Post

    Hey guys,

    I must say I am impressed by the sheer amount of information that the war room has to offer.

    I did not know much about IM prior to joining and frankly, after looking around in the war room, got to understand the little I know.

    As of now, my focus is on learning SEO. However, I am absolutely confused when it comes to backlinking - Please do pardon me for this but while most threads do suggest the websites where I can post backlinks, I have not managed to understand the concept from scratch itself !

    In other words, well, I know backlinks to your site from trusted sites can make your site look credible in the eyes of google and thus, eventually several such backlinks can get your ranking up.

    However, can somebody explain HOW to post a backlink? Also, are there guides available for the tools which supposedly AUTOMATE the process of building backlinks?

    For example, I am currently running a blog using wordpress which barely has 3 posts and is a week old. I have primarily kept this blog only to learn the concepts of SEO and intend to grasp all the practices of the same, with it. How should I learn to go about backlinking with the help of this?

    I am sorry for the several questions - but I have probably missed out on the resource which explains backlinking from scratch. My apologies in case I have asked too many questions. Please help.
    A great product that would suit where you are at is
    called 'Traffic Grab'. It will show you all the different
    places where you can get backlinks that will improve
    your search results.

    When it comes to creating a backlink, the main ones

    1. Highlighting the text and using the 'Chain' in the editor
    menu's and pasting the page you would like to link to in.

    2. This code <a target="_blank" href="http://www.YourWebsite.com">Your Keyword Goes Here</a>
    you can use for places that don't have this option. Just put your website in and your keyword in.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by M A Kay View Post

    Hi JKflipflop, I'm sure you're an engineering student.

    About your question, SEO is divided by on-page and off-page SEO. If you're new to this field, I'm suggesting you to learn about on-page SEO first.

    On-page SEO including keyword research and content optimization. If you master these 2 things, you will not need to spend much money for your off-page SEO i.e backlinks.

    You can automate backlink building using SENukeX SEnuke X SEO Software - The World's First Money Making Machine or you can use my affiliate links: SEnuke X SEO Software - The World's First Money Making Machine

    I hope it helps.
    Be careful with this type of software product. It was designed for the old Google algorithms and is not as good as it used to be. I used to outsource many campaigns to a guy that used SENukeX for backlinking for me, but not anymore.

    These automated tools are not nearly as good as they used to be because Google is no longer rewarding sites purely for the number of backlinks. You can do much better with a handful of high quality backlinks from authority sites in your niche than thousands of backlinks from low quality sites that have very little to do with your actual niche.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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    • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
      OK....after begging marketing bad ass James J Jones to give me a slot on his wed webinar.....he said yes if I could get his name ranked on page one in 24 hours.

      Google James J Jones......thinks there's about 70 million results. Suffice to say.....he's still there. Google Penetration is the post. OK....that product i developed and later sold to James after crushing it through affiliates was based on posting a certain way on a certain authority site that often got my keyword ranked in hours.

      I am tech clueless....which is why the product sold so well.

      If seo is your thing....here's what I'd recommend. youtube and local listings. I literally scour the Sunday paper...have one of my models shoot a cheesy campy video and get the biz ranked on page one in a manner hours.......I don't sell or pitch him ****. I show him or her what I an do...and believe me a video on page one STANDS OUT.

      I put the keyword and the city....akak BREAST AUGMENTATION, LAKELAND

      Now if u lived in Lakeland Florida you would find two videos on this plastic surgeon on page one . This is not something I invented...just tweaked. It's devastating...and what's really funny is you don't have to go sell anything.....they will sell you before it's done or you simply go to their competition.



      I fear you are taking on way too much.....and need to simplify things. I did James' webinar and when people asked me how it worked I was honest and said I don't know. I honestly didn't.

      There are numerous free video sites and youtube is a snap....but stay out of the get rich stuff or they will ban you.

      My user name on youtube is MrVegasVince if u want to check out some of the local videos.......

      Best of luck.....Vince
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      • Profile picture of the author JettH
        Originally Posted by VegasVince View Post

        If seo is your thing....here's what I'd recommend. youtube and local listings. I literally scour the Sunday paper...have one of my models shoot a cheesy campy video and get the biz ranked on page one in a manner hours.......I don't sell or pitch him ****. I show him or her what I an do...and believe me a video on page one STANDS OUT.

        I put the keyword and the city....akak BREAST AUGMENTATION, LAKELAND

        Now if u lived in Lakeland Florida you would find two videos on this plastic surgeon on page one . This is not something I invented...just tweaked. It's devastating...and what's really funny is you don't have to go sell anything.....they will sell you before it's done or you simply go to their competition.
        There's more useful information in this post than in some WSOs I have bought recently.
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  • Profile picture of the author JKflipflop
    @Benjamin - I have read these words here very frequently that AUTOMATION should NOT be the order of the day when it comes to backlinking. Moreover, the google algorithm's periodic revisions are also something to worry about and I whole heartedly agree to everything said about the same here.
    However, what confuses me is that in such a case - as a person who wants to individually learn the concepts and atleast as of now, does not have a team working for me, should I start with mere manual backlinking? Because at that rate, would it not be very difficult for me to progress in terms of income.
    I am just very confused as of now
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by JKflipflop View Post

      @Benjamin - I have read these words here very frequently that AUTOMATION should NOT be the order of the day when it comes to backlinking. Moreover, the google algorithm's periodic revisions are also something to worry about and I whole heartedly agree to everything said about the same here.
      However, what confuses me is that in such a case - as a person who wants to individually learn the concepts and atleast as of now, does not have a team working for me, should I start with mere manual backlinking? Because at that rate, would it not be very difficult for me to progress in terms of income.
      I am just very confused as of now
      I understand your confusion. My advice is to start with one strategy and really work it until you understand it. I, personally, prefer using articles and submitting them to article directories, blogs in my niche, publishers, and anywhere else I can get them to.

      The benefit here is you can submit them out to a ton of places without having to worry about building too many links too fast since most places are not going to approve or use the articles on the same day. Even if they did chances are they are not all going to be indexed by Google at the same time. There are also some added benefits of good traffic from using content to get your backlinks.

      Another way to go is to find a few forums in your niche and spend a little time each day in them. You can use your signature to build the backlinks.

      Blog commenting is very popular as well, but make sure your comments are good and add to the post. Also, choose a handful of the top blogs in your niche for this and don't waste your time with building thousands of these links.

      I hope this helps some.

      Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author JKflipflop
    @Vince - probably thats where I am taking a hit. I am not managing to simplify things. Decided that I wanted to do SEO but got absolutely confused with this backlinking thing. Moreover, the challenge to build relevant backlinks is even more scary - i.e. keeping in mind the sheer number of sites that I may have to target.

    @Benjamin - I agree. I will have to start looking at a strategic perspective even more. But as of now, its probably the sheer amount of info in the war room and other forums here thats shaken me up !!
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  • Profile picture of the author alefa
    hey i just came across this site for back linking and it is free

    i have not used it yet but i have reviewed it and it seems to be legit
    another warrior referred me to it. check for the link in my signature

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author boxoun
    Don't listen to anybody. Will only confuse you. Go to YouTube and follow the challenge (used to be called 30 day challenge, you can find it searching that name) that will teach you what you need to know. Some of it is outdated but will still take you through the basic process of internet marketing. You need systematic approach to the basics and asking random questions will only confuse you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by boxoun View Post

      Don't listen to anybody. Will only confuse you. Go to YouTube and follow the challenge (used to be called 30 day challenge, you can find it searching that name) that will teach you what you need to know. Some of it is outdated but will still take you through the basic process of internet marketing. You need systematic approach to the basics and asking random questions will only confuse you.
      So as this person said....don't listen to any of the GOOD advice here....instead go to a specific YouTube video with outdated information to get started......If you have half a brain, and I am sure you have two halves, you know better than this laready.

      A systematic approach is true, but since when is asking questions something that confused an individual. Usually we ask questions because we are confused and need clarification not to get more confusion.

      Build your own plan with the advice given in this thread and others you have read. I would avoid any video advice that someone tells me is outdated.

      Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author harrywright1
    Think about it, if you need links from high ranking sites you need to request them.
    There's no harm in asking for permission to place a link on someone's site. Obviously, it helps if you have something to offer, even if it is only a polite comment about their site.
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  • Profile picture of the author SalahStudios
    I agree with Benjamin, though automated tools can be part of your overall backlinkg strategy automation alone isn't going to do much and can get you links that will negatively effect your SERPs if done too aggressively.

    The best automated solution I've found is the ABC plugin for WP, you can read my mini case study and review of the plugin at salahstudios.com/wordpress-backlink-plugin.

    Again, this is just one tool and I use it mostly for getting new sites indexed and boosting other backlinks. There is diffenetly no push button solution to a successful link building campaign but it can be "hands off" if you outsource. A good place to find outsourcers are here in the WSO section, Fiverr, and the BFSO section of the Backlinks Forum.


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  • Profile picture of the author David Tan
    gotta agree that automated tools do more harm than good
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by SalahStudios View Post

      I agree with Benjamin, though automated tools can be part of your overall backlinkg strategy automation alone isn't going to do much and can get you links that will negatively effect your SERPs if done too aggressively.

      The best automated solution I've found is the ABC plugin for WP, you can read my mini case study and review of the plugin at salahstudios.com/wordpress-backlink-plugin.

      Again, this is just one tool and I use it mostly for getting new sites indexed and boosting other backlinks. There is diffenetly no push button solution to a successful link building campaign but it can be "hands off" if you outsource. A good place to find outsourcers are here in the WSO section, Fiverr, and the BFSO section of the Backlinks Forum.
      I agree the ABC plugin is a decent tool and it is pretty cheap for what you get out of it as well. The WSO section is good for outsourcing and I have also had pretty good success on eBay with some outsourcing deals as well.

      Originally Posted by David Tan View Post

      gotta agree that automated tools do more harm than good

      Thank you and they do quite a bit of harm since half of them are still working with old strategies that don't work nearly as well anymore.

      Benjamin Ehinger
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