How to manage the content of a site that I want to sell a product.
- SEO |
The problem is, all my site articles (I am using them for SEO/SERP for that site) are sitting on my front page, you know like normal blog. I have build up alot of SEO/SERP for the front page, top 10 in google.I have not done any SEO/SERP for the separate articles, only for the front page. But at a later date I will have to transfer the articles from the front page to some secondary page of the site. Then on the front page I will put a single article around 2000 words and some pics so I can sell my product (I want to keep the front page as clean as possible so people attetion will be on the product).
I am afraid that this will badly hurt my SEO and possition in google.
1. Will it hurt my SEO and possition in google?
2. What happens if I link all articles that are on the secondary page to my selling front page, will that change something?
Or if you have any other ideas about this will be appreciated.
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