Welcome To Scorched Earth Google

2 replies
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Google hasn't leveled the playing field.

They deforested it with their incessant 'anti-spam' carpet bombing of the SERPs.

They have lost the plot and their search and social network clone both suck.

Do you plan on continuing to try and pick the radioactive berries in this barren wasteland or are you shifting your budget and efforts to other venues?

#earth #google #scorched
  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    Seeing how google continues to have record profits,
    dominate search, kicking butt with android,....?!?!?!?

    Even their google+ is actually showing signs of
    gaining momentum, along with facebook fatigue...

    Not sure why people keep posting this crap.

    Google never ran my life.

    So, when is anyone going to start a single thread
    about MS and their crap online. Now that would
    actually be the truth.

    The more google cleans up the trash, the more people
    will use their search, more people will buy ads, more
    people will pick android, more people will google+,
    and google will continue to make record profits.

    Not a bad business model, really.


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • I will continue riding the Google momentum and adapt until there is nothing left. It's not dead just evolving.
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