Should I use LINKED images within my article - or does it matter for SEO?

3 replies
  • SEO
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I have a keyword rich page with about 600 words. I have small images in between or around the words.

These images are only about 200px square and they have Title and alt text.

Should they be linked so that they are clickable or does it even matter for SEO?

Thanks for any help,
#article #images #linked #matter #page #seo
  • Profile picture of the author jimmy506

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  • Profile picture of the author RyanLB
    You would want to use linked anchor text for SEO, however linked images could provide some good diversity for you. I'm not exactly sure if I read your post right. It wouldn't be a bad idea to throw in linked images into your posts every so often, along with your linked anchor text. I wouldn't make a habit of doing it with every article you publish though

    I'm a Freelance Copywriter that helps Agencies, Startups and Businesses Educate Their Audience and Grow Sales
    Skype Me: r.boze
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