Google subscribed links: does this mean internet marketing?

by yaji
2 replies
  • SEO
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If you serach G, you'll find some buzz about G subscribed links. Basically you can subscribe to links in G's subscribed link directory and if you search a keyword related, that subscribed link will show in Position 4 in your search results?

What do you guys think about this regarding internet marketing?

As this is pretty new stuff coming out of G lab, I'd like to know any inputs about this new tool G recently released.
#google #internet #internet marketing #links #marketing #subscribed #subscribed links
  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Hi yaji,

    I haven't tried it yet, but it does look pretty cool. It looks like a great way to get return visitors to your website.

    Have you used it yet? Do you know if there is a limit to how many keywords you can add to your subscribed link. I could see myself trying to add hundreds or even thousands of keyword triggers.

    I'm sure there must be a limit?
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    • Profile picture of the author yaji
      Hi Don,

      I just started to play with it. So far I did not notice limits but I think it will. This is pretty new to IMers, so better fast to grab great keywords. Search G "subscribed links" you'll find lots of resources about this enough to get anyone interested started. I'll do more research when I have a chance.

      Thanks, Yaji

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