Help need please, digg say sites cant be crawled

5 replies
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I am really having trouble getting my website indexed, So i thought i would try and submit to digg.

I entered my url and digg said

We can't access your link or it doesn't allow being crawled. If this is a mistake, let us know.

Please see screen shot also

I have submitted a site map

I dont know if this is causing a problem also for indexing

Has this site been widely banned or something as i have never had the digg issue before.

I can give someone my wordpress and also my google master account etc if they can fix

Thanks in advance
#crawled #digg #sites
  • Profile picture of the author kochtgr
    This is usual, it happens all the time to me when I try to digg pages, just try to digg it again, it's a problem of digg not your's site...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6230176].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seomachester2011
      Originally Posted by kochtgr View Post

      This is usual, it happens all the time to me when I try to digg pages, just try to digg it again, it's a problem of digg not your's site...

      Thanks, never come across this before with digg, i bought the domain name off someone and i am wondering if it has been banned or something like that,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6230202].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seomachester2011
        Do you think this site is in the sandbox or is there something else,
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6230213].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author kochtgr
          Originally Posted by seomachester2011 View Post

          Do you think this site is in the sandbox or is there something else,
          I cannot know what is the situation of your site but now that I checked it on google I couldn't find it so yes it seems to be in the sandbox, nevertheless I get that kind of messages from digg all the time without the sites having any problem...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6230280].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dmtaylor247
    Your robots txt file says the following;

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Disallow: /wp-includes/

    It should be like this;

    User-agent: *
    Allow: /

    Check your wordpress settings or manually change the robots.txt file on the server
    . Your sitemap is located here below, submit it to Google and then Digg your site and it should index within 24 hours.

    Originally Posted by seomachester2011 View Post

    Thanks, never come across this before with digg, i bought the domain name off someone and i am wondering if it has been banned or something like that,
    There is quite alot of suspect web analytics links pointing to this domain here

    It's also on the stop forum spam register, there is a possibilty Google have de-indexed it. If you are still having trouble with it in a few days, then get a new domain or submit a reconsideration request.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6230216].message }}

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