Any gigs on fiverr that work beating the panda?

23 replies
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Are there any gigs on that actually work helping those sites hit by the panda update?

If you can post a link to ones you have tried and that work that would be great.

#beating #fiverr #gigs #panda #work
  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    What do you expect for $5? To beat penguin and panda, You need variety of backlinks.

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    • Profile picture of the author seomachester2011
      Originally Posted by Rukshan View Post

      What do you expect for $5? To beat penguin and panda, You need variety of backlinks.
      Right but some of them might of worked for people,
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  • Profile picture of the author SalahStudios
    While "beating Panda" is certainly a relative term one of the absolute best Fiverr providers I know of is dotgirish. He is an active member on one of my favorite SEO forums, very knowledgeable, and not just out to make a quick buck...he provides the services that he uses to rank his own sites, post Panda.


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  • Profile picture of the author VinRFP
    I would stay away from Fiverr for link building. The people selling services on their are only making $4 per transaction. They're going to do the bare minimum, if anything, to complete the sale. It's not a wise purchase, in my opinion.
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeWike
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      • Profile picture of the author seomachester2011
        Originally Posted by MikeWike View Post

        I really can't agree with you. Yes, they make only $4 per order, but some people make living on fiverr and they must make quality job, otherwise they will end up in hunger.

        I have ranked several sites to top 10 with only fiverr gigs. And yes, they are still ranking. You just have to find the right GIG's. For example, link pyramids work extremely well.
        Thanks, feel free to post the gigs that you would recommend so i can check them out if possible
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      • Profile picture of the author VinRFP
        Eh, I totally get your point, but I just don't feel like it's worth the chance.

        Most of the sites I'm cranking out are small niche sites/adsense sites. I spend a TON of time on keyword research to find high volume/low comp keywords that can literally rank with 20 links or less.

        I'd rather build out 20-50 varied links by hand than dig through Fiverr to find the handful of providers that might do a good job link building.

        With that being said, there are other areas that Fiverr excels for me. I love getting content from there. It's also great for short video testimonials or other video work that can be used on Youtube/Vimeo/Etc.

        Originally Posted by MikeWike View Post

        I really can't agree with you. Yes, they make only $4 per order, but some people make living on fiverr and they must make quality job, otherwise they will end up in hunger.

        I have ranked several sites to top 10 with only fiverr gigs. And yes, they are still ranking. You just have to find the right GIG's. For example, link pyramids work extremely well.


        There are many people on warrior who are buying some "seo packages" for $50 and more, but actually you can find the same GIG from fiverr that delivers the same "seo package". The price is not the real indicator in finding right backlink strategy
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        • Profile picture of the author VinRFP
          Also, I would venture to say that most of the link building packages on Fiverr utilize commonly available software such as scrapebox, senuke, UAW, etc...

          It's probably more economical to just buy those pieces of software and cut out the middle man.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Williamson
    Don't have anything specific, but I'd just suggest making sure whatever service you buy is performed manually. Automation tools are largely obsolete nowadays with G's recent updates, but many gigs on Fiverr are specifically for automated tasks. You don't want that. So make sure what you're getting is done by hand, i.e. article submission, social bookmarking, Web 2.0 pages, etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author mco65
      Originally Posted by John Williamson View Post

      Don't have anything specific, but I'd just suggest making sure whatever service you buy is performed manually. Automation tools are largely obsolete nowadays with G's recent updates, but many gigs on Fiverr are specifically for automated tasks. You don't want that. So make sure what you're getting is done by hand, i.e. article submission, social bookmarking, Web 2.0 pages, etc.
      I was just about to say that folks that work fiverr are likely using automation tools vs manual submissions...
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  • Profile picture of the author codecreative
    I hvae to say volarex does a good job i user her for a pyramid

    they use weebly wordpress obbs some good web 2.0s they advertise it as a wheel but you can request they make it as a pyramid

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  • Profile picture of the author bestcreativeseo
    Originally Posted by seomachester2011 View Post


    Are there any gigs on that actually work helping those sites hit by the panda update?

    If you can post a link to ones you have tried and that work that would be great.

    Using senuke service from an expert proves best. I use this gig regularly and have a GREAT success - Best_seo will provide senuke service to create google friendly backlinks
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  • Profile picture of the author bbradford71
    Thanks for the suggestions, I have thought about buying a few gigs but just had no way of determining who did good work and who did not
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    • Profile picture of the author bestcreativeseo
      Originally Posted by bbradford71 View Post

      Thanks for the suggestions, I have thought about buying a few gigs but just had no way of determining who did good work and who did not
      Search "senuke" --->> Sort by rating -->> And at 3rd place its BEST senuke service. try it-
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      • Profile picture of the author problemchild
        I've used Fiverr, but I am very careful about what I buy. There are a lot of people who will do one or two on their blog that is established, and related to my niche -- I go for those. They will highlight and review a product on their site for $5. These are high PR blogs and they seem to help me.

        I would not ever trust any link blast there, ever. I bought some slow social likes also, as well as a single social share here and there. They do help with exposure.

        I think buying 5,000 of anything at once is a bad idea, and would recommend the much smaller orders there. Ask them if they're done by a human before you order, if the IPs are different, etc. They're always willing to answer questions.
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        • Profile picture of the author seomachester2011
          Thanks everyone for the replies,

          With regards to the automated side of things, if i build web 2.0 properties manually, should i use a different ip address for each web property created?

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          • Profile picture of the author MikeWike
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            • Profile picture of the author Chris Silvey
              My Gig is Panda and Penguin safe. *Points to Sig*
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              • Profile picture of the author raywarrior1978
                What I would do is if your site is already ranking on page 1 or 2, go to market samurai, type in the keyword you are ranking for, look at all of the competitors that are above you, look at their age domain and page rank, if they have a few backlinks or if their sites are pretty new, then just go to fiverr and look for the worst seo gigs, u know the ones that have lots of bad reviews and say they blast 20000 links to your site, always look for a gig that has alot of bad reviews, you might have to go one by one but once you find one, make sure you use that gig over and over to beat your competitor and knock them out

                Just copy and paste the url from the site right above you, for example if you are ranking on position 8 then look for site above you ranking number 7, copy and paste their url, order the bad seo fiverr gig, give them that url and pretend is yours, and also give them your keyword

                watch the magic happen and you will soon move to spot number 7

                Now repeat the process and know out the next competitors above you

                Now this might backfire if the site above you has thousands of backlinks, and is a well age domain, and has a high pr. You might actually help them move up. In this case, don't attack a site like this. You need to go back to market samurai and look if any of the remaining sites above you have to pr, low age domain, and few backlinks, don't are the ones you want to attack

                This is a blackhat method that i read from blackhat world

                try it , damn this is mess up advice, sorry

                Affiliate Links are not allowed!

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                • Profile picture of the author satrap
                  Originally Posted by raywarrior1978 View Post

                  What I would do is if your site is already ranking on page 1 or 2, go to market samurai, type in the keyword you are ranking for, look at all of the competitors that are above you, look at their age domain and page rank, if they have a few backlinks or if their sites are pretty new, then just go to fiverr and look for the worst seo gigs, u know the ones that have lots of bad reviews and say they blast 20000 links to your site, always look for a gig that has alot of bad reviews, you might have to go one by one but once you find one, make sure you use that gig over and over to beat your competitor and knock them out

                  Just copy and paste the url from the site right above you, for example if you are ranking on position 8 then look for site above you ranking number 7, copy and paste their url, order the bad seo fiverr gig, give them that url and pretend is yours, and also give them your keyword

                  watch the magic happen and you will soon move to spot number 7

                  Now repeat the process and know out the next competitors above you

                  Now this might backfire if the site above you has thousands of backlinks, and is a well age domain, and has a high pr. You might actually help them move up. In this case, don't attack a site like this. You need to go back to market samurai and look if any of the remaining sites above you have to pr, low age domain, and few backlinks, don't are the ones you want to attack

                  This is a blackhat method that i read from blackhat world

                  try it , damn this is mess up advice, sorry
                  Wow, how would you like it if someone else did that to your site?

                  This is the lowest of the low!
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                  Check out my blog Survey Satrap featuring honest reviews of paid survey sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author wizzard1222
    Just fully search and ask questions...
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  • Profile picture of the author davideand007
    it depends if you get the right stuff for your site ....there are lot's of factor that depends on ranking not only pyramid back link services
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  • Profile picture of the author alexiaa
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  • Profile picture of the author shifat
    I always use fiverr for my 2nd tier link building,i never use them directly on my site.
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