Need expert SEO advice for meta tags and google

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I used a meta tag analyzer and was told that the results were poor. I know I will need to change the title tag, and meta description. Does anyone know what will happen to my google ranking when make these changes? Will I loose my google position and need to start over or will it improve my SERP rankings right away? Over time? Any expert advice would be kindly appreciated.

#advice #expert #google #meta #seo #tags
  • Profile picture of the author debra
    Move your description and keyword meta tags up underneath the title tag.

    Those two tags look fine. Be careful with the "online" analyzers, most all of them are outdated.
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    • Profile picture of the author karthikseo

      Choose the best keywords for your related theme using the Google Keyword tools..

      If you targeting ur website around the world means, please make sure to choose the locations as "United States" .

      Must select the Match types as "Exact" only.

      Choose your best keywords from following steps:

      Select your Keywords from higher search volume in Local Monthly Search and also in Global search with low competitions..

      Use those collected keywords in Title tags within 60 characters.. and also distribute that main keyword in your meta description as twice (or)3 times in your meta description...

      You will get ranking withiout any issues..
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Originally Posted by karthikseo View Post


        Choose the best keywords for your related theme using the Google Keyword tools..

        If you targeting ur website around the world means, please make sure to choose the locations as "United States" .

        Must select the Match types as "Exact" only.

        Choose your best keywords from following steps:

        Select your Keywords from higher search volume in Local Monthly Search and also in Global search with low competitions..

        Use those collected keywords in Title tags within 60 characters.. and also distribute that main keyword in your meta description as twice (or)3 times in your meta description...

        You will get ranking withiout any issues..
        The "competition" column in the Google Keyword Tool has NOTHING to do with SEO competition. It reflects the competition level among Google AdWords advertisers only.

        Unless you are running an AdWords campaign, ignore the competition in the GKT.
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  • Profile picture of the author andishm
    Yes, if you update your meta tags there can be increase or decrease in your SERP rankings.
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    • Profile picture of the author mattysaff
      Don't use any of the analyzer tool to check out meta tags and something else for your website just check it out manually. Different tools has different standard to check them out.

      Get Facebook Marketing services from readyBUZZ which deals in social media strategies.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dragontech
    Frankly better focus more on linkbuilding as those on-page stuffs don't really impact much, not to say the little changes.

    I have some testing sites that are ranking top5 without doing any on-page at all so just build more links and your serp will increase.
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  • Profile picture of the author C Rebecca
    Every tool that you use has its own algorithm for analyzing your on page and off page factors. And, these tools calculate scores for very traditional factors like keyword density etc.
    If you are not getting any warning in your Google webmaster account, you better not play with your meta tags.

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  • Profile picture of the author jewelraz
    Originally Posted by autolinetransport View Post

    I used a meta tag analyzer and was told that the results were poor. I know I will need to change the title tag, and meta description. Does anyone know what will happen to my google ranking when make these changes? Will I loose my google position and need to start over or will it improve my SERP rankings right away? Over time? Any expert advice would be kindly appreciated.

    First of all I could check your meta tags if you shared your site link. Still you can send me a pm, changing titles to better one will give you better results in SERP. Meta description is very important as it appears right after your title name in Google, so choose a good and brief description which will clearly define your content. Also don't forget to insert the keywords in your meta description. Insert keywords nicely so that it will co up with your title and content.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ed Brown
    i assumed you were asking for assistance with the auto shipping link so that's what i ran the diagnostic on

    title tag is fine. meta description is too long, it should be 160 characters or less. This is what appears just beneath the main link in organic search results and can make or break your chances of getting clicks. Yours is currently 342 characters.

    too many keywords: 514 characters. In "the old days" before everyone became convinced that meta didn't matter anymore, that could possibly get your site blacklisted (and could still be hurting you, hard to say really)

    try to incorporate a h1 html tag on your page preferably near the top with your main keyword in bold.

    there are 19 images on your front page and not a single one has an 'alt' attribute. Go in and add alt names based on your keywords. If you really want to take advantage of the image alts, install a frame buster to shatter the google image iframe in search results... you'll see an instant bump in your site's click summary (people dismiss "alt" as old school seo voo doo but in reality, it's instant traffic when you take advantage of it)

    install a robots.txt file ...

    i know you only asked about the meta, but ... while in rome, lol. It's a nice website, btw. I like the design ... I've used the 'help on click' live chat feature on a few sites before ... pretty smooth
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    (I don't revisit topics I comment on. I offer my opinion and move on.
    If you'd like to discuss something further simply PM or email me.)
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  • Profile picture of the author samual james
    It entirely depends on new title and description; if your new title and description contains your targeted keyword then I don’t think it will affect your current position.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chronic IM
    Hello! It totally depends, if you change your meta tags, there's no telling if your SERP rankings will increase or decrease but one thing for sure is, both can be possible. I hope that helped you in a way or so. Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author NelsonAlbertex
    Originally Posted by autolinetransport View Post

    I used a meta tag analyzer and was told that the results were poor. I know I will need to change the title tag, and meta description. Does anyone know what will happen to my google ranking when make these changes? Will I loose my google position and need to start over or will it improve my SERP rankings right away? Over time? Any expert advice would be kindly appreciated.

    I have gone through your site. I have seen that the meta tags can be optimized in a better way. Also there is a canonical issue with the website.
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  • Profile picture of the author keyideas
    Initially changing meta tags will effect your website's ranking and there may a change to drop your website's ranking and after that you will get ranking positions.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoservicescanada
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  • Profile picture of the author autolinetransport
    Thank you all for your insight. I have decided to move forward and change the title and meta tags. I am hoping that it will improve my sites ranking. Right now it is #10 for auto shipping, and #30 for auto transport. My industry is very competitive, and I am not getting any traffic from those rankings. I am not sure how many back links we have (anywhere from 150-200). I just started the backlink campaign and Alexa is only showing 63, while google webmaster is showing 16. If our ranking does not improve with the meta tag changes, would it be wise to change everything back to the original state?
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