After Penguin, How Do You Rank a Site for a Given Keyword When You Have to Diversify The Anchor...

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From what I've been reading, Google has been penalizing sites that have an unnatural backlink profile, like where the majority of the links are for the same keyword.

My question is, if you have to make a signifiact portion of your backlinks be for things like "click here," "this," "," and other keywords related to your site, how do you optimize for a given keyword when all of your links are different?

Thanks for any info.
#anchor #diversify #keyword #penguin #rank #site
  • Profile picture of the author dmtaylor247
    You combine them i.e; click here for keyword, get keyword at, find keyword at, search for keyword at, keyword from, check out keyword at,, keyword etc.
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  • Well, it's basically like this. A good rule of thumb that a lot of SEO marketers are using is to make their anchor text balance like this:

    30% with your money keyword
    30% with longer phrases that include your money keyword
    30% with your website domain
    10% with generic terms

    So, diversify your anchor text, but still use the keyword you want to rank for 30% of the time. Also mix in some phrase match keywords as well.

    Other than that, it is not always the best option to rank for a given keyword. Targeting a large number of long-tail keywords is also a viable strategy.

    These keywords are usually low-competition, and in such case you don't really need a lot of backlinks with those keywords in the anchor text. In many cases, you can rank for them with just a handful of such backlinks.

    I think this article is quite informative, as it talks about the long-tail, and also about how great content plays a role in that:

    Revealing the #1 Most Powerful SEO Trick Ever

    Allen Walker
    The Mysterious Marketer
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6369158].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SwedishDemocracy
      Excellent. I would also suggest spreading out the frequency of getting links. For instance, it looks unnatural for Google to find 100 new links to a domain in May but only 5 for June. For this reason, I'm limiting myself to adding one or two links each day for a number of sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author aaron86
      [QUOTE=Illumination;6369158]Well, it's basically like this. A good rule of thumb that a lot of SEO marketers are using is to make their anchor text balance like this:

      30% with your money keyword
      30% with longer phrases that include your money keyword
      30% with your website domain
      10% with generic terms

      So, diversify your anchor text, but still use the keyword you want to rank for 30% of the time. Also mix in some phrase match keywords as well.

      Other than that, it is not always the best option to rank for a given keyword. Targeting a large number of long-tail keywords is also a viable strategy.

      These keywords are usually low-competition, and in such case you don't really need a lot of backlinks with those keywords in the anchor text. In many cases, you can rank for them with just a handful of such backlinks.

      I think this article is quite informative, as it talks about the long-tail, and also about how great content plays a role in that:[/QOUTE]

      I do agree with you dude.
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  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    Thanks for the replies, everyone!

    Thanks for those ratios, illumination. Are you saying that it's also a viable strategy to rank a single page for multiple long-tail keywords? I know that so many marketers focus on ranking for only 1 keyword, but I don't see why you can rank a single page for multiple keywords at once, especially if they are easy.
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    • Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

      Thanks for the replies, everyone!

      Thanks for those ratios, illumination. Are you saying that it's also a viable strategy to rank a single page for multiple long-tail keywords? I know that so many marketers focus on ranking for only 1 keyword, but I don't see why you can rank a single page for multiple keywords at once, especially if they are easy.
      Hi amarketing,

      You are most welcome.

      Yes, it is definitely a viable strategy to rank a single page for multiple keywords. Well, there are two ways to go about it.

      You can have multiple pages ranking for multiple long-tail keywords. Or you can have a single page ranking for multiple keywords.

      For me, I think single pages ranking for multiple keywords is good because you can focus more of your effort, time and energy into creating one great page instead of having multiple mediocre pages.

      You are right. Most marketers focus on ranking for only 1 keyword. It can be profitable, but I have tried both methods and I find that focusing on one keyword only doesn't suit me. It may differ from person to person, but these are my results and preferences.

      You can rank #1 for one high-traffic keyword with good SEO and extensive backlinking. And I have done so on multiple occasions. But what I have found is that, sooner or later, there will be other SEO experts coming after you, trying to knock you down. Because everyone wants the big traffic keywords.

      You spend a lot of time struggling, fighting and competing with people for those keywords. It can be very time consuming. In the end, you do it more for your ego than anything else.

      Why go through the pain, when you can get the same results by targeting multiple low-competition, low-traffic long tail keywords. It's not as classy or sexy. But that's what I do. To great results and effect.

      Oh... sorry. I think I'm going a bit off topic.

      But to answer your question, yes it is viable...
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  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    Thanks for elaborating.

    How do you like to go about ranking for multiple long-tails? Do you just build backlinks with as many different anchor texts as you want to rank for?
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    After Penguin, How Do You Rank a Site for a Given Keyword When You Have to Diversify The Anchor.
    You don't rank sites, you rank pages.

    Anchor-text diversity isn't necessary to rank individual pages (for a single keyword ranking), it also doesn't take a lot of quality external links to get Google constantly looking at a page.
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  • I'm done.

    How I Built a New 6-Figure Business in 60 Days With One Simple SEO Tweak >> URL GEL, The Nearly Ultimate URL Spinner, Backlink Manager & Anchor Text Software Tool

    Sorry if it's a bit bland. I haven't had time to add pictures yet because it took me so long to type that out.

    But it's an informative read.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6381846].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    Really interesting article!

    It looks like you focus on spinning the nouns rather than the adjectives like so many others do. That's really unique. Now you've probably got everyone waiting to find out how you write 5 to 20 articles a day, lol.
    Each Article is 300+ to 500+ (MOSTLY 500+) WORDS
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  • Profile picture of the author InitialEffort
    It really is as simple as using other anchor texts. Another thing to consider is just to blast away with different non-related anchor text in the beginning just to diversify your profile right out of the gate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny Danes
    Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

    From what I've been reading, Google has been penalizing sites that have an unnatural backlink profile, like where the majority of the links are for the same keyword.

    My question is, if you have to make a signifiact portion of your backlinks be for things like "click here," "this," "," and other keywords related to your site, how do you optimize for a given keyword when all of your links are different?

    Thanks for any info.
    Here's how: Stop doing all of that foolishness. The process isn't supposed to work like that. You've been mislead and many on this forum have been. All you're doing is chasing your tail. When your site get's Bitch slapped, you'll be on this very forum creating threads saying: "Google Doesn't like my site/affilates/ my niche/IMer's,etc...".

    Stop buidling/buying links and just focus on creating contet.

    Yeah, I know, that's not the answer that you wanted.

    The days and buying links or creating them yourself are pretty much coming to an end!!!

    The name of the game NOW( and always has been) is to have a website rich in useful content and let the natural process of the search engines take controll. As your content get's seasoned you'll rank for THOUSANDS of KW's. Most will be 1 time search terms.

    Than sit back and watch your website stand the test of time unlike those on this forum looking for the next: link building tool/service/trick/loop hole,etc....

    No more "gaming" the search engines.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoace
    I diversify my anchor text with related LSI keywords that my page/post is trying to rank for as well.

    Anchor diversity doesn't necessarily need to be "click here", "your url here" or "read more here"
    Who else needs a SEO Client Dashboard for their SEO services ?
    Let your clients monitor their SEO campaigns (Rankings, Backlinks and Work Done)
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