Any other white hat SEO suggestions?

17 replies
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Fellow warriors, I already have few ideas about this matter. I would just like to ask for suggestions about the techniques for white hat SEO, thanks...
#hat #seo #suggestions #white
  • Profile picture of the author nasuryono
    I have 3 rules when it comes to white hat SEO:

    1. Write contents that are useful to your users. Don't write primarily for search engine purpose.

    2. Do not spam your site with backlinks! Build them steadily and naturally. Actively promoting your site to other can also build incoming backlinks as well.

    3. Try not to rush everything with SEO. Most people want to see immediate result with SEO. However, the one with the tenacity and patience will win in the long run.

    I'll end it with a quote "Slow and Steady Win The Race."

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    • Profile picture of the author orine
      Originally Posted by nasuryono View Post

      3. Try not to rush everything with SEO. Most people want to see immediate result with SEO. However, the one with the tenacity and patience will win in the long run.

      I'll end it with a quote "Slow and Steady Win The Race."
      Yeah, I also think so, but my boss don't.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulrigby
    Top 5 white hat seo techniques

    1. Quality Content.
    2. Use Structural (Semantic) Mark Up and Separate Content from Presentation
    3. Titles and Meta Data
    4. Keyword Research and Effective Keyword Use
    5. Quality Inbound Links
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    • Profile picture of the author supermario
      Originally Posted by paulrigby View Post

      Top 5 white hat seo techniques

      1. Quality Content.
      2. Use Structural (Semantic) Mark Up and Separate Content from Presentation
      3. Titles and Meta Data
      4. Keyword Research and Effective Keyword Use
      5. Quality Inbound Links

      Nice tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author adam337
    Not only try to go with dofollow links. It'll be look like spam. Make a mixture of dofollow and nofollow links.

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  • Profile picture of the author braincandy7
    If you need to find relevant keywords for any topic you are writing about to use in your headers and extra related keywords through out the article rather than keyword stuffing you can use google itself.

    When you type into the search box you will see google suggestions for related keywords in a drop down below. E.g. if i type "google" into the search box i get:

    google.. maps
    google.. translate
    google.. earth

    you can do this with any keywords you want to make them as long tail as you like. It doesn't guarantee that people search those exact terms but it does mean that if you use them google will see you as writing properly and will favor your site over those which are overly optimized and keyword stuffed.
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  • Profile picture of the author jhonybravo222
    Compelling content
    Quality backlinks ( link with high PR sites but relevant)
    Guest blogging
    Directory Submission
    Also build social networks
    online shopping for panel screen divider and shoji screen divider for your rooms at

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  • Profile picture of the author multiplecloud
    Quality content + quality sharing in social network.

    Whitehat SEO is also known as pure internet marketing with zero spam.

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    • Profile picture of the author Carlton Johnson
      This is going to sound counterintuitive, but at the moment I am focusing on not focusing on Google and that is actually starting to give me better results in Google.

      What I mean is that once you have the basic onpage SEO set up, then start to focus on getting some non-Google related traffic.

      So social network traffic, even a bit of paid traffic if you like (but not necessary), basically any traffic you can that is not dependent on Google.

      Once Google sees that people are coming to your site anyway (which they will if you have google analytics and/or webmaster tools enabled on your site) then I am finding that they are sending me more search engine traffic.

      I am totally revamping my SEO stuff to be more focused on not focusing on Google. That way I am Google proofing my sites so that I am not scared of Google updates, but ironically it is actually meaning that I am getting more Google traffic as well.

      Who would have guessed it ? (Actually it makes sense when you really think about it)
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      • Profile picture of the author braincandy7
        I agree with you carlton. I have been doing the same. Get the basics up and then concentrating on getting lots of content up and socially networking it.

        I have pretty much stopped building backlinks and my traffic figures are slowly rising due to the social footprint alone.

        I have just put together a small team to set a slow and steady stream of blog comments manually from relevant sites while i continue as i have been. Looking forward to seeing how much the commenting does or does not affect my sites performances.

        Originally Posted by Carlton Johnson View Post

        This is going to sound counterintuitive, but at the moment I am focusing on not focusing on Google and that is actually starting to give me better results in Google.

        What I mean is that once you have the basic onpage SEO set up, then start to focus on getting some non-Google related traffic.

        So social network traffic, even a bit of paid traffic if you like (but not necessary), basically any traffic you can that is not dependent on Google.

        Once Google sees that people are coming to your site anyway (which they will if you have google analytics and/or webmaster tools enabled on your site) then I am finding that they are sending me more search engine traffic.

        I am totally revamping my SEO stuff to be more focused on not focusing on Google. That way I am Google proofing my sites so that I am not scared of Google updates, but ironically it is actually meaning that I am getting more Google traffic as well.

        Who would have guessed it ? (Actually it makes sense when you really think about it)
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  • Profile picture of the author sham2
    quality backlinks
    study backlinking
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  • Profile picture of the author sonuking
    blog commenting and creat back link on hpr sites
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  • Profile picture of the author hatcheck
    I have been experimenting lately with article abstracting in WordPress blogs for my own customers' websites. The results have been surprisingly good.

    In essence, I set up automated searches that find recently published articles on the web related to the subject of the WordPress site I'm promoting. Then I use a crowd-sourcing system I've put together to write abstracts (short 50-100 word summaries) of these articles and post them on the blog with a link back to the original article.

    I don't focus on keywords in any way (other than the topic on which I'm searching for articles).

    When I do this in quantities of hundreds or thousands of abstracts, I consistently see increases in web traffic.

    Sometimes the abstracts actually attract back links, but I never go out of my way to look for them.

    I don't do any kind of back link building, automated or manually.

    I simply work to build the site's authority by adding large amounts of content as inexpensively as I can without spinning, scraping, or any other unethical approach to generating that content.

    In short, I'm creating useful, interesting, original content, which is exactly what Google likes.

    More importantly, I'm getting involved in existing online conversations rather than trying to start new ones. The social media connection here should be obvious. Here's a list of the benefits that this approach provides:
    1. Builds an audience
    2. Creates link bait (rather than link building)
    3. Creates long tail attractors
    4. Adds useful content with real value
    5. WordPress makes it an easy way to share the info
    6. My clients don't have to do anything, because I'm adding the content directly to their sites.
    7. Involves my customers' sites in online conversations
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    • Profile picture of the author 63lincoln
      Originally Posted by hatcheck View Post

      I have been experimenting lately with article abstracting in WordPress blogs for my own customers' websites. The results have been surprisingly good.

      In essence, I set up automated searches that find recently published articles on the web related to the subject of the WordPress site I'm promoting. Then I use a crowd-sourcing system I've put together to write abstracts (short 50-100 word summaries) of these articles and post them on the blog with a link back to the original article.

      I don't focus on keywords in any way (other than the topic on which I'm searching for articles).

      When I do this in quantities of hundreds or thousands of abstracts, I consistently see increases in web traffic.

      Sometimes the abstracts actually attract back links, but I never go out of my way to look for them.

      I don't do any kind of back link building, automated or manually.

      I simply work to build the site's authority by adding large amounts of content as inexpensively as I can without spinning, scraping, or any other unethical approach to generating that content.

      In short, I'm creating useful, interesting, original content, which is exactly what Google likes.

      More importantly, I'm getting involved in existing online conversations rather than trying to start new ones. The social media connection here should be obvious. Here's a list of the benefits that this approach provides:
      1. Builds an audience
      2. Creates link bait (rather than link building)
      3. Creates long tail attractors
      4. Adds useful content with real value
      5. WordPress makes it an easy way to share the info
      6. My clients don't have to do anything, because I'm adding the content directly to their sites.
      7. Involves my customers' sites in online conversations
      Hatcheck I have been hearing more and more about this. Dan Thies is talking (and selling) this philosophy. I will follow your starting point. Can you recommend an affordable way to learn more about this internet marketing philosophy?
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  • Profile picture of the author gPlayer
    Social media marketing is the best whitehat technic for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    High quality contents.
    do follow related and high quality authority links.
    link diversity.
    Don't just stuck in one kind of link building. make varities of links. that will help you definitely.
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