Site Drop after Penguin, Please Advice...

8 replies
  • SEO
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Hi again fellow warriors,

I just want to ask a question. I know that this question has already been asked countless of times. I have a site that was on's second page. But ever since the Penguin Update has been mobilized, my site dropped in rankings. I hope that you can suggest on the exact link building I can do just to increase my site's ranking once more. Thanks for the help in advance.
#advice #drop #penguin #site
  • Profile picture of the author rabbi1994
    You should start building back-links through guest posting because this methods seems to be working for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author SirKonstantine
    Penguin is caused by a lack of keyword diversity. Read it here Penguin Analysis: SEO Isn't Dead, But You Need to Act Smarter | Microsite Masters

    I've gotten a lot of sites out of penguin and it is quite easy. Build massive amounts of generic ("click here"), Phrase ("the best blue widget in the world"), and URL ( Search with Many) backlinks. It takes about 1-2 weeks before sites start to reappear on the serps.

    By massive amounts, I'm talking 10,000+ but it'll depend on how mature your site is and how much link building you've done. IM me on Skype if you got more questions. Same avatar.

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  • Profile picture of the author exhibittrader
    You Remove all unnatural paid links after then send a reconsideration mail to Google Quality Guidelines Team through Webmaster tools. And get more quality backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author OliviaSSLGuru
    If you got slap through Google penguin update then you should go with first of all your web master tool and check unnatural links to your website, and remove them. Go with proper optimization strategies instead of over optimization.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaun Tango
    Hey seorules. The best thing you could do right now is real marketing. Guest posting, Youtube videos, getting involved in forums, social media etc. Not only will this get highly targeted links to your site, but more importantly it'll get real people interacting with you and clicking through your links with a genuine interest. So whatever happens with the Google traffic to your site, you'll still get visitors. Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarvyDery
    Send a reconsideration message to Google and they will reply with all the factors that are causing the down rankings of your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author adam337
    You need to build quality links by social bookmarking,directory listing and guest blogging.

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  • Profile picture of the author kristeena
    Social Media, especially Likes and Shares from Facebook, Google+1, Pinterest, Tweets & Retweets are big advantage in addition to the natural back-link building with diversified anchor texts.
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