Immoral technique to increase Youtube Video Rankings?
- SEO |
i had an idea, familiar with SEO after the updates i loved the idea of being able to tank a competitors site to increase my own rankings, whilst at the same time worried that the same could happen to my own assets.
I never took such action, i saw many case-studies where sites were removed completely from Google by groups of people purposely creating bad links to the site.
Yeah i know it is perhaps a little immoral, but to me making money is a game, even if you have to cheat to win (Felix Dennis influenced this sort of thinking, buy his book "How to Get Rich", honestly the best book i have ever read when it comes to understanding what it takes to become wealthy). I hope that doesnt offend anyone, it is just my opinion.
So what do you think about using a similar technique with Youtube videos? E.g. Creating mutliple accounts and flagging/disliking competitors videos
In the hope that they will lose rankings and your own will increase.
Would love to hear your thoughts,
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