Are High PR Low OBL Blog Comments Still Good?

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I wanted to know are you guys still seeing good results post penguin with low OBL blog comments?

I happen to compiled a list of 5k (high PR onpage) blog post with the average obl being less than 10 and the highest being less than 40..

I am scared as **** to use them as I am not sure how well google will treat these type of links Post Penguin..

Any insight would greatly be appreciated..
#blog #comments #good #high #low #obl
  • Profile picture of the author abhikala1
    Thats pretty nice list you have created, It will certainly boost you site ranking and pr

    Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Google has been mulling bog comments as spam for
      quite a while. All blog comments are spam. All
      blog comments just muck up your pages. Comment
      links lower the PR of other links, including internal.

      Why blog commenting is still so popular, is because
      it's low lying fruit. But it's rotten fruit.

      People just keep on with the stuff. Then complain
      about penguin and other stuff from google.

      Just keeps going around in a circle.

      Blog commenting, used sparingly, very sparingly,
      is not bad.

      Anyone who publishes lists of blogs to comment on should
      be shot. Spammed blogs are not a good thing, and is
      why google is just about to give up on them.

      High PR blogs, have nothing to do with the PR of comment
      pages. That again is some myth that keeps people spamming.

      If a blog allows unmoderated comments and links, that
      already is against google, and most assuredly is against
      putting adsense on those pages.

      People just don't listen, read, or give a rat's hat about

      Spam on, people. Spam on.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6482273].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Robby54
        Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

        Google has been mulling bog comments as spam for
        quite a while. All blog comments are spam. All
        blog comments just muck up your pages. Comment
        links lower the PR of other links, including internal.

        Why blog commenting is still so popular, is because
        it's low lying fruit. But it's rotten fruit.

        People just keep on with the stuff. Then complain
        about penguin and other stuff from google.

        Just keeps going around in a circle.

        Blog commenting, used sparingly, very sparingly,
        is not bad.

        Anyone who publishes lists of blogs to comment on should
        be shot. Spammed blogs are not a good thing, and is
        why google is just about to give up on them.

        High PR blogs, have nothing to do with the PR of comment
        pages. That again is some myth that keeps people spamming.

        If a blog allows unmoderated comments and links, that
        already is against google, and most assuredly is against
        putting adsense on those pages.

        People just don't listen, read, or give a rat's hat about

        Spam on, people. Spam on.

        Im receiving mixed reviews since some people on other forums tell me that they are ranking great with them as long as the OBL is low.. The blog list I have is onpage PR not root domain PR. It would make sense for google to discount blog comment of high OBL blogs.. Not to sure about low OBL so this was my main reason for asking..
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      • Profile picture of the author Lakshmi SEO
        I think manual commenting is good than scrape box.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devid1
    No you could comment on them.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheProgrammer
    High pr blog commenting still works, but do not use them directly to your money site. Make a link diversification.
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    There's a huuuuge difference between mindlessly blasting comments / links to thousands of sites and manually leaving topic-related comments.

    Short-term, blasting away may be OK. But you're going to probably run into issues long-term. You may get an initial boost. But you're playing with fire.

    I still (manually) leave comments on blog posts. But I tend to only do so on blogs that are moderated. Are you referring to low OBL + auto approve? Or are they moderated? If they're auto approve it's only a matter of time before they're flooded with spam. Which is something you want to avoid.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnnys229
    Criteria of a good quality blog comment:

    Low OBL
    Unique, relevant, high quality comment
    Contextual link (not simply a hyperlink with your name as the anchor)
    If possible, niche related

    PR is moderately important but it is becoming less of a factor as SEOs realized how heavily it was once weighted and sort of abused it. Not saying authority+trust doesn't matter, but high PR does not necessarily equate to high authority and trust in all cases.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene.Gerwin
    Manual commenting on a combination of dofollow and nofollow blogs...
    B2B Telemarketing Blog: Telemarketing Blog
    Get into Text Marketing: Start Your Own SMS Business
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6566160].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    Recently I decided to take the comments out of my packages, this were high PR comments at sites where you first need to register an account, although they did get auto approved it at least stopped Scrapebox users from spamming them.

    The results of these comments (despite the high PR and low OBL), hardly any. Spam factor? Very high. Google hates comment links.

    I would only place comments at relevant blogs to your niche and really try to contribute something, the relevancy and authority of the page will make sure you still get some ranking increasements.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeshinobi
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6566889].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by mikeshinobi View Post

      High PR Low OBL? Are you insane OP? It's like you're trying to get your sites penalized.

      Always make sure all of your blog comment links have a PR of n/a (0 if you're feeling bold) and have at LEAST 1,000 OBL.
      LOL, that's the spirit

      And another thank you for your lovely avatar
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  • Profile picture of the author jpsween88
    Ive found that blog comments definitely help, but are not weighed nearly as heavily anymore with the new updates. I would recommend good ol fashion articles. Articles can easily be spread throughout blog authors post and through social media instead of just one boring blog comment

    Please do not use your signature to promote affiliate/MLM programs

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6567416].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by jpsween88 View Post

      Ive found that blog comments definitely help, but are not weighed nearly as heavily anymore with the new updates. I would recommend good ol fashion articles. Articles can easily be spread throughout blog authors post and through social media instead of just one boring blog comment
      What do you mean with blog author posts? Web2.0's like Wordpress/Tumblr and such?
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  • Profile picture of the author therealtiger
    Hey it will surely boast your ranking. And if you can share the list that will be good.
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  • Profile picture of the author jhonybravo222
    Its good to post comment in A blog with high pr and low outbound links.
    online shopping for panel screen divider and shoji screen divider for your rooms at

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6580647].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author denysapu
    Originally Posted by Robby54 View Post

    I wanted to know are you guys still seeing good results post penguin with low OBL blog comments?

    I happen to compiled a list of 5k (high PR onpage) blog post with the average obl being less than 10 and the highest being less than 40..

    I am scared as **** to use them as I am not sure how well google will treat these type of links Post Penguin..

    Any insight would greatly be appreciated..
    I think it's fresh enough resources, but it seems like Google is still greater considering the relevancy for each link built

    Don't worry be happy!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
    Oh how well blog comment work, if you do it right.

    My experience:

    1. dofollow/nofollow doesn't matter.
    2. comment on pages that have PR4+ or new articles that you know will gain PR soon.
    3. leave good comments and don't drop links in the comment body.
    4. low OBL, manual approval.

    and 5. blog comments don't work, don't use them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Magento developer
    Really its a good thing for your backlinks.
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