Submitting Articles - Banned by Google?

7 replies
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Okay this is driving me nuts (a little).

Since the past update, I've had at least 5 or 6 people asking me to suddenly delete their articles from my article directory for fear of repercussions from Google.

I totally realize this update is misunderstood from LEGITIMATE content.

I even read this at Google itself and bookmarked it:
Another step to reward high-quality sites - Inside Search

However - do you guys have any other info confirming or denying that article submissions are a problem with Google?

I'm talking legitimate, quality articles - not keyword or link stuffed.

My site is NOT banned in Google, we have many #1 rankings from articles, so it really frustrates me when people don't seem to get that legit articles are fine.

I've never allowed nor approved the crap Google was blocking anyway, so that may be why I haven't been affected, but obviously some people think it is hurting their sites.

Comments from the SEO experts? Legitimate industry links/proof I could possibly show other than the above? (Either way?)

#articles #banned #google #submitting
  • Profile picture of the author Daones
    Dont worry its probably people who are just paranoid to get penalized, google mentions one thing about article directories and certain people get afraid that dont read the whole story. Like you said people misunderstand things all the time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
      Originally Posted by nationsubmit View Post

      Dont worry its probably people who are just paranoid to get penalized
      ^^this. Don't worry about it.
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      • Profile picture of the author katied772
        I am not sure if this is what you are talking about or not:
        I had an article posted to a site (article directory?) through a service I bought on this forum last year. It had a link to my site in the article. It seems to be a site that has good articles. I wasn't even aware of the article until last month. Suddenly I started to get about 900 visits a day from that article. As it is on a topic with high keyword value, my adsense went up to about $100.00 a day, all from this link. After about 3 weeks, Google suddenly stopped paying for the clicks and now, the clicks that were paying about 3 dollars each, are paying 0-2 cents each. My finalaized earnings were about 1/3 of what was originally stated. So, even the clicks they allowed originally, they ultimately took away, even though the ones still allowed were from the very same link. Not sure why some were okay, yet similar ones, not. I also had a warning of "detected unnatural links" in Webmaster Tools. Since they don't tell you which ones, it may not be this one, but apparently they are not liking it since they will not pay for adsense clicks from it now.
        Apparently Google does not consider this site a valuable one.

        Like I said, don't know if this is an article directory or not. This is a link to it but not the page where my link is. If it's not allowed I will remove it.

        Not sure if there is any effect on my site rankings yet (never ranked very well anyway).

        Again, not sure if this is the type of linking you are talking about or not.

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        • Profile picture of the author Amber Jalink
          Katie - from what I see, that site is just a news aggregator - it pulls rss feeds from other sites, so its not a true article directory.

          If you bought links - that's most likely why Google is saying that they feel its artificially inflated to boost rankings.

          I've never had that type of report on my webmaster tools account, because I don't do that.

          That's why I posted what I did - it doesn't make sense - I'm not penalized, so I can't figure out why these people think they are from my site (or article directories that have user submitted legitimate content).

          Unless this person also bought links and is thinking that it is affected by article directories when in fact its not (as they did their own legitimate article submissions, I recognized the name immediately as one who I usually had no problem approving).
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          • Profile picture of the author katied772
            Probably your clients are concerned because Google does not tell us what links are causing problems. They leave that to us to figure out, so, as a result we panic and ditch everything or at least view it suspiciously. I know that's what is happening with me now.

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  • Profile picture of the author webdevpro
    If there are just a few people (say ~1-2%) asking you to remove their stuff, just go with it rather than debating about what is legitimate or not. As someone above said some people are paranoid and don't want to listen about if it is going to effect or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author eurekapsycrille
    Generally, submitting articles to article directory websites are not bad in the eyes of Google. It's just that they become bad when a particular article site is allowing people to post crappy contents (which basically Google doesn't want).

    Again, Article submission itself doesn't really have a problem in the eyes of Google. The only thing that makes this method bad is that when it is spammed by contents having no good information.

    As long as the writer meets what users want, it will not raise a red flag in Google's eyes.
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