The TRUTH about Anchor Diversity - All You Need To Know

by nik0 Banned
37 replies
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Lol that is one bold title, well the truth is that no one knows exactly, besides those dweeps from Google, but here my thoughts based on experience of ranking hundreds of sites.

Ranking a rootdomain - observations:

When your domains is a 100% EMD, then you can go totally wild with the keyword that matches your domain. Simply cause it's not a keyword anymore but it became your BRAND. And Google does NOT punish sites for branded keywords.

When your domain is not an EMD, or only partial then you have to be careful, and use something like 40% brand 40% url and 20% divided over all keywords that you want to rank for. (don't hook me up on these percentages, can also be 60/30/10 or 50/25/25 or whatever).

Ranking an innerpage - observations:

Somehow the filters to rank innerpages are a lot less tight. I've ranked tons of innerpages by only using 1 anchor txt, never had any problems. Still I would use a few variations just in case, like 3-4 keywords instead of one.

Maybe someone else mentioned the above already, maybe not, anyway there is a lot being said so I rather judge it myself and the above is what I observed.

Keep in mind it's not only about anchor diversity, it's also about a correct ratio of low vs high PR links, if you have 1000 blogcomments and only used your url as anchor or 1000 different keywords then there is a huge chance that you will get hit by the update.

So in short again:

When you want to rank innerpages then don't waste your links on click here and other nonsense but use the keyword and very relevant combinations. Lately I ranked a client for a keyword, we targetted the homepage and the innerpage with that keyword with an exact equal amount of links, before I started the homepage and innerpage ranked at #12 and #13. When I was done the homepage didn't rank for "that" keyword anymore (luckily still for plenty of others) and the innerpage ranks at #5 now.

Then I work for some lead generators where we target dozens if not hundreds of url's at the same time and it all ranks great with only 2-3 variation of the keywords.

Then I worked on some other client sites where we targetted only the homepage with a keyword that didn't match the domain (at all) and a few sites dropped hard (luckily not all).

Sometimes homepages still rank very well with only 1 anchor and well, I guess that is a bug in Google's system, some things are just not explainable but in most cases those rules apply.
#anchor #diversity #truth
  • Profile picture of the author boxoun
    I never thought it was conclusive that anchor text needed to be varied. Just get good links.

    Also, I believe it was always weird to Target one keyword anyways. All my articles Target at least 3 keywords then when I get incoming data I Target those. My anchors are diversed because it doesn't make sense to only Target one keyword but I also have sites ranking with no variation. Just preliminary backlinks targeting one keyword. Survived one refresh so far.

    Glad to see you confirming some of my analysis.
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  • Profile picture of the author n0tr3v3
    Great Information, thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author LiChen
    Those are wonderful tips, specially ranking for inner pages. I wonder why Google failed to give over anchor text optimization penalty for inner pages. But I do know Google loves links to inner pages of websites. - It seems Google is not consistent with their algorithm Anyhow, He is the KING and got rights to change their rules-terms-conditions and all..., We are being ruling by him, so we should adjust ourselves for him.
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    • Profile picture of the author habibj
      Originally Posted by LiChen View Post

      Those are wonderful tips, specially ranking for inner pages. I wonder why Google failed to give over anchor text optimization penalty for inner pages. But I do know Google loves links to inner pages of websites. - It seems Google is not consistent with their algorithm Anyhow, He is the KING and got rights to change their rules-terms-conditions and all..., We are being ruling by him, so we should adjust ourselves for him.
      Penguin looks individually at all the pages within your website not just the home page. Since the rule book is being re-written following each refresh. I would not hold out hope that backlinking your inner pages this way will work much longer. Just be forewarned and backlink at your own risk.
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  • Profile picture of the author mindfulness
    Nice post, Thanks for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author codecreative
    I think linking to your inner pages helps the credability of your site. Would you agree nik0?

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    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by codecreative View Post

      I think linking to your inner pages helps the credability of your site. Would you agree nik0?
      It would definitely be more natural to have links to all your pages and not just the homepage so yes I guess you can say it helps the credibility, although it's not a must.

      I do think it becomes a must when you want to rank for many keywords, you can only optimize 1 page for so many keywords and the title of a page gives a great advantage, combine this with some sort of a silo style thing which is actually a bit of a tiered form of internal linking.

      Something else that seems to have a lot of weight these days is a lot of content per page, and not just blabla but real relevant LSI rich content. I've noticed that myself some time ago already, I created a huge 1200+ word spin out of 20 articles and uploaded it to Tumblr, cause of the spin I didn't have to bother about LSI as it were 20 high relevant articles so the spin naturally made it one huge mix of words that Google likes to read, I'm not advocating that you should use spin content but that's what I did. Then I boosted the web2.0 with 1 single PAD blast and soon after the Tumblr blog ranked for the keyword:

      "mortgage calculator uk"

      at position 18, we're talking about a keyword with 18.000 exact searches here in a very competitive niche, I think this result was primarly based on the huge piece of content with all those related words (LSI) although without backlinks nothing would have happened of course cause content purely on itself does not rank, sure some people claim differently but then they talk about kw's that hardly anyone is searching for.

      So get your content good and long, optimize different pages for different sets of keywords, don't go to crazy on your homepage and do go a little crazy with exact anchors on your innerpages, combine this with solid kw research and everyone can get rich.

      Another little tip that I would like to suggest to everyone, do NOT focus on 1 website when you're just starting. Instead focus on 30 different niches, it doesn't matter if you build little crappy sites at first but it's an awesome way to test niches and the CTR's from Adsense or Amazon, at a certain point you will find out which niches are worth it and then go full throttle on those and bank bigtime. Most people in IM fail cause they start out with the wrong niche which makes them think it's a waste of time. Don't be one of them!
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      • Profile picture of the author Duy Nguyen
        Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

        So get your content good and long, optimize different pages for different sets of keywords, don't go to crazy on your homepage and do go a little crazy with exact anchors on your innerpages, combine this with solid kw research and everyone can get rich.
        Love this part Dennis

        And the result you got with the Tumblr article is really great. No.18 for a real estate related keyword in Google UK with just a single PAD blast is quite impressive I do agree with you though, testing tons of niches might cost time and effort and there would be so much failure. But that's the only way to build up experience and confidence in this business. And those 2 things will be the biggest things that determine how successful we are.
        Failure Is Temporary, Giving Up Makes It Permanent
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    • Profile picture of the author habibj
      Originally Posted by codecreative View Post

      I think linking to your inner pages helps the credability of your site. Would you agree nik0?
      I'd agree. Great point
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  • Profile picture of the author aadi144
    Variations are must whatever you do.A change is done for the betterment.But to be very straight change must be of great reference unless there is no need to play tricks with your anchor texts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
    I have homepages ranking top 3 with nothing more but blog comments (decent keywords as well) and I have sites that rank using only high quality, high PR links. I honestly can't make any clear observations atm, lol. Going to wait until Penguin gets refreshed and see what gets killed and what continues to work.

    Note: I'm not advocating using spam/low quality links. Just that most of the info on SEO forums is BS at best.

    Unrelated: tell me moar about PAD blasts. I bought some packages to my tester sites recently and == no results whatsoever. It's something that I haven't tested myself at all.

    Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

    Another little tip that I would like to suggest to everyone, do NOT focus on 1 website when you're just starting. Instead focus on 30 different niches, it doesn't matter if you build little crappy sites at first but it's an awesome way to test niches and the CTR's from Adsense or Amazon, at a certain point you will find out which niches are worth it and then go full throttle on those and bank bigtime. Most people in IM fail cause they start out with the wrong niche which makes them think it's a waste of time. Don't be one of them!
    Yea bro I have written about this like 3-4 times on my blog, but people don't listen.
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    • Profile picture of the author Duy Nguyen
      Originally Posted by bnetwork View Post

      I have homepages ranking top 3 with nothing more but blog comments (decent keywords as well) and I have sites that rank using only high quality, high PR links. I honestly can't make any clear observations atm, lol. Going to wait until Penguin gets refreshed and see what gets killed and what continues to work.

      Note: I'm not advocating using spam/low quality links. Just that most of the info on SEO forums is BS at best.

      Unrelated: tell me moar about PAD blasts. I bought some packages to my tester sites recently and == no results whatsoever. It's something that I haven't tested myself at all.

      Yea bro I have written about this like 3-4 times on my blog, but people don't listen.
      Mantas, can you give me some general ideas on the way you rank one of your site using solely blog comments? I mean the level of competition, how long does it take, how many links from blog commenting in a day? Do they have to be related to your niche? And how about the percentages of exact anchor text?

      Lol, I'm sorry if it feels like I'm bombarding you I'm not. Just asking some questions though :rolleyes:
      Failure Is Temporary, Giving Up Makes It Permanent
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      • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
        Originally Posted by Duy Nguyen View Post

        I mean the level of competition, how long does it take, how many links from blog commenting in a day? Do they have to be related to your niche? And how about the percentages of exact anchor text?
        I really don't advocate this as a good long term strategy, but here's what I did:

        1. Open up ahrefs, check to see what page is ranking #1 for my keyword (huge site - inner page). Get all of the keywords they're ranking for + copy their link profile (anchor text) and remove specific URL mentions.

        2. Contact my favorite provider to do a 3000 PR1+ blog comment blast over two weeks. Then contact another provider to do a 50k comment AA blast. Used all of the mined anchors + my URL + some random text thrown in, all in all about 1500 different keywords/phrases.

        Exact anchor text? Very low. Maybe 100 links out of 10k+ that currently show up in ahrefs.

        About 70% nofollow. The site also has 2 PR5 sitewides (used naked URL's) pointing to it, but no other good links.

        My site has really good content though: 1000-2000 word pages, top grade content, loads of keyword research done for sub-headings, LSI terms and other stuff. I think that helps.

        It was just a test, nothing more. The keyword gets 6600 exact searches (I think) and the site made £6.58 Adsense monies yesterday. About 30% of all SERP traffic comes from various long tails.

        Again, I believe that Penguin should slap this site hard in the future. If it doesn't then WTF.
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        • Profile picture of the author nik0
          Originally Posted by bnetwork View Post

          I really don't advocate this as a good long term strategy, but here's what I did:

          1. Open up ahrefs, check to see what page is ranking #1 for my keyword (huge site - inner page). Get all of the keywords they're ranking for + copy their link profile (anchor text) and remove specific URL mentions.

          2. Contact my favorite provider to do a 3000 PR1+ blog comment blast over two weeks. Then contact another provider to do a 50k comment AA blast. Used all of the mined anchors + my URL + some random text thrown in, all in all about 1500 different keywords/phrases.
          Lol okay

          This is a bit of the style that I read at another forum, there the person was also doing a lot of spam with tons of different anchor txt's and then in the end he placed 2 strong homepage links and the site started to rank for a ton of keywords. Keep in mind this is a real churn & burn strategy that he admitted himself as well never lasts longer then a few months. But you can obvious bank in a few months and then just do it over again on another domain, it's a real cheap and somehow effective solution.

          Personally I tried this myself at a site sometime back, although that was a massive auto generated Amazon affiliate site and the site was tanked right from the start. I didn't add strong homepage links in the end though.

          If people want to do this then go ahead, it might work, but don't come to me afterwards to recover your site from the Penguin. Just drop the domain, disable auto renewal and burn the next one.

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          • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
            Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

            You know what's funny though? Most of my tester sites have stuck through Penguin 1 and 1.1, some have over 500k links indexed in GWT - been throwing stuff at those sites for like a year now.

            Agreed that it's not a solid SEO strategy - I'd never use that on a client site or anything serious. But... you know how much you can bank ranking for some low(ish) volume niche health insurance keywords? A lot. And sometimes it doesn't even take that much work to rank, especially now that most of my PR5/PR6 competitors are sitting on pages 5-10 lol (thanks to Penguin).

            Thanks for the PAD blast info!
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          • Profile picture of the author gundammeister
            This soundsvery interesting and is what i just started doiing innately. Could you pm me the lnk of the thread? Thanks!
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            • Profile picture of the author Sanket Patel
              Every one knows that Google has been cracking down on this year is over-optimization. Google hates if you force your keyword to rank high. So try to vary your anchor links in a natural way. Anchor diversity is necessary to keep our site in Google ranking. Fore Google it does not make any sense that every links which are come in your site with exact keyword match. So That is truth that if we don't want to drop our keywords we have to use keyword diversity.
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    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by bnetwork View Post

      I have homepages ranking top 3 with nothing more but blog comments (decent keywords as well) and I have sites that rank using only high quality, high PR links. I honestly can't make any clear observations atm, lol. Going to wait until Penguin gets refreshed and see what gets killed and what continues to work.

      Note: I'm not advocating using spam/low quality links. Just that most of the info on SEO forums is BS at best.

      Unrelated: tell me moar about PAD blasts. I bought some packages to my tester sites recently and == no results whatsoever. It's something that I haven't tested myself at all.

      Yea bro I have written about this like 3-4 times on my blog, but people don't listen.
      PAD blasts work the most effective on 100% EMD's and on innerpages, try it yourself, that kind of proofs most to me that you have to be very careful with exact anchor at the homepage when using non emd's. Some time ago I offered a package for $19,- called secret sauce, one of the ingredients was the PAD blast and we saw much worse results on partial EMD's then on 100% EMD's, in fact it worked 100% of the time on EMD's and only like 30-50% of the time on non EMD homepages. Those are diehard factual numbers cause I've done 100's if not 1000's of PAD blasts.

      Why? Cause you can only chose 1 keyword in the blast (company name = keyword), and somehow some software sites mess up and also use click here or visit website in a few rare cases but that's not enough variety. Even in my salesthread for the $19 package (that isn't in my sig links anymore) I clearly stated, DO NOT USE THIS IF YOUR SITE IS NOT A 100% EMD.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianCorcoran
    Stop overthinking it! If you think you have unnatural anchor diversity then send 10,000 blog comments with generic anchors like "click here", "my site" etc.

    Don't be afraid to ask me any question about YOUR SEO issues right now! SEO is my First, Middle & Last Name.

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  • Profile picture of the author goosefrabah
    Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

    Lol that is one bold title, well the truth is that no one knows exactly, besides those dweeps from Google, but here my thoughts based on experience of ranking hundreds of sites.

    Ranking a rootdomain - observations:

    When your domains is a 100% EMD, then you can go totally wild with the keyword that matches your domain. Simply cause it's not a keyword anymore but it became your BRAND. And Google does NOT punish sites for branded keywords.

    When your domain is not an EMD, or only partial then you have to be careful, and use something like 40% brand 40% url and 20% divided over all keywords that you want to rank for. (don't hook me up on these percentages, can also be 60/30/10 or 50/25/25 or whatever).

    Ranking an innerpage - observations:

    Somehow the filters to rank innerpages are a lot less tight. I've ranked tons of innerpages by only using 1 anchor txt, never had any problems. Still I would use a few variations just in case, like 3-4 keywords instead of one.

    Maybe someone else mentioned the above already, maybe not, anyway there is a lot being said so I rather judge it myself and the above is what I observed.

    Keep in mind it's not only about anchor diversity, it's also about a correct ratio of low vs high PR links, if you have 1000 blogcomments and only used your url as anchor or 1000 different keywords then there is a huge chance that you will get hit by the update.

    So in short again:

    When you want to rank innerpages then don't waste your links on click here and other nonsense but use the keyword and very relevant combinations. Lately I ranked a client for a keyword, we targetted the homepage and the innerpage with that keyword with an exact equal amount of links, before I started the homepage and innerpage ranked at #12 and #13. When I was done the homepage didn't rank for "that" keyword anymore (luckily still for plenty of others) and the innerpage ranks at #5 now.

    Then I work for some lead generators where we target dozens if not hundreds of url's at the same time and it all ranks great with only 2-3 variation of the keywords.

    Then I worked on some other client sites where we targetted only the homepage with a keyword that didn't match the domain (at all) and a few sites dropped hard (luckily not all).

    Sometimes homepages still rank very well with only 1 anchor and well, I guess that is a bug in Google's system, some things are just not explainable but in most cases those rules apply.
    This is why I come to this forum! This man speaks the truth. You always come out with great posts. I need to pick your brain a little more.
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  • Profile picture of the author pasindugamage
    hmm looks interest
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikeys
    One example that you can consider is using extremely long tail versions of the main KW in the anchor text. For example, lets say your main money KW is Running shoes. You can focus your anchor text on different variations that all include your main KW. I.E.,

    For "Running Shoes"
    • Nike running shoes
    • Shoes for running
    • mens running shoes
    • browse running shoes
    • best running shoes
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    • Profile picture of the author habibj
      Originally Posted by Mikeys View Post

      One example that you can consider is using extremely long tail versions of the main KW in the anchor text. For example, lets say your main money KW is Running shoes. You can focus your anchor text on different variations that all include your main KW. I.E.,

      For "Running Shoes"
      • Nike running shoes
      • Shoes for running
      • mens running shoes
      • browse running shoes
      • best running shoes
      I think as Google continues to tighten down their algo. This is going to be risky. Although it is better than nothing.
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  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    Google is one crazy bird, not sure what went wrong in their office.
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  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    Just ranked a medium competitive keywords:

    53% according to SerpIQ
    61% according to SEOmoz

    At #21 with 0 anchor diversity pointed at the homepage lol, the normal links didn't do much, till I build a bunch of strong links at my private domains it started to kick in. The keyword was in the right order in the domainname, like Maybe Google cares less about anchor diversity when building a bunch of strong links?

    I've always thought it's not only about keyword diversity but since most people here don't have access to truelly high PR links the rules in the OP do apply, cause with normal links it took 7 weeks before we saw the first results (with no anchor diversity) and once we added the strong links a week later it moved to #21.
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  • Profile picture of the author nileearls
    CAN YYOU EXPLAIN to a noob? i know absolutely nothing about the conversation. yet i have heard this term 'seo being use and thrown around for the last five years.
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  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    Rootdomain is your homepage: hxxp://
    Innerpage is an internal page: hxxp://

    Anchor txt is what you use when you place a backlink, in the below example "Homepage" is your anchor txt.

    <a href="">Homepage</a>

    Cause the word homepage matches 100% with the word between the www. and .com, you can go very aggresively with building backlinks using that anchor "homepage", however when your website is named "" then you can not go wild with the anchor txt "homepage" cause it does not match 100% and Google will often punish you with a penalty for that.

    Why wouldn't they penalize you when it does match 100%? Well cause the homepage is more often named after the company name. That would mean that people can't link to Amazon or eBay by using the anchor txt Amazon or eBay right? Thats why Google left that alone. Somehow the same seems to apply to innerpages cause you can go pretty wild with using the same anchor txt over and over there.

    I can't explain it more noobish then this, hope it helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
    Just forget about building backlinks and start promoting your website. Do it in the way you would do it if rankings didn't exist.

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    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by Ben Armstrong View Post

      Just forget about building backlinks and start promoting your website. Do it in the way you would do it if rankings didn't exist.
      Now that is some great advice :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author chmae73
    you forget building backlinks my friend. Of course white hat backlinks to look natural in google.

    Guaranteed Result SEO Service CLICK HERE
    Manual Submission Do Follow Profile Backlinks

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  • Thanks for sharing this valuable post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Stacy
    I have worked in a single keyword for one my domain. Created some backlinks and after some days, my site was penalized from google. Later one of my friend told me, do not use your main keyword again and again. It can lead towards penalty.
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    • Profile picture of the author habibj
      Originally Posted by slix View Post

      This is simply not true, I had a client's site penalized for its EMD keyword. And they sure as hell did create a brand, quite a big one actually.
      Right, artificially backlinking with one keyword even if it is an EMA to an EMD, you can still over do it.
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    • Profile picture of the author habibj
      Originally Posted by Janice Stacy View Post

      I have worked in a single keyword for one my domain. Created some backlinks and after some days, my site was penalized from google. Later one of my friend told me, do not use your main keyword again and again. It can lead towards penalty.
      That is correct... You have to really manage your backlink profile of you can do much more harm than good.
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  • Profile picture of the author slix
    Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

    Ranking a rootdomain - observations:

    When your domains is a 100% EMD, then you can go totally wild with the keyword that matches your domain. Simply cause it's not a keyword anymore but it became your BRAND. And Google does NOT punish sites for branded keywords.

    When your domain is not an EMD, or only partial then you have to be careful, and use something like 40% brand 40% url and 20% divided over all keywords that you want to rank for. (don't hook me up on these percentages, can also be 60/30/10 or 50/25/25 or whatever).

    This is simply not true, I had a client's site penalized for its EMD keyword. And they sure as hell did create a brand, quite a big one actually.
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  • Profile picture of the author boxoun
    So you have a sample size of one client?
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  • Profile picture of the author slix
    Of course I had sites that haven't been penalized with similar keyword diversity and backlink profiles, but that doesn't mean you will get away with it every time.

    I am just sharing my experience which might help someone to avoid over-optimization penalty, so I don't see why you have to act the way you do.
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