5 Steps to Avoiding The Pitfalls of SEO: 1 Simple Strategy to Get More Traffic and Sell Faster!

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Hello Fellow Warriors,

I've been lurking around the forums for a while now and I'd thought it's high time I chime in and contribute my two cents.

I wanted to share with you a little known paid traffic strategy that I've recently learned about.

Some of you seasoned IM'ers may be aware of this method so this post is specifically for you new marketers that my need other ways to generate traffic and build your subscriber list.

Banner advertising my be considered an 'old school' marketing method but it's still highly effective, especially when done in the way I'm going to describe here.

So, all you'll need to begin this traffic strategy is the Google search engine and the Google Adwords keyword tool.

1.) Go to the Google keyword tool and type in a keyword phrase related to your niche.

Google's keyword tool is going to bring up the specific keyword you entered, as well as several other related keywords.

2.) Sift through all the keywords that pop up and sort them by competition (high to low), then by global monthly searches (highest to lowest).

*What you really want to pay attention to is the keywords that have high competition and a high number of monthly searches. These are going to be your money keywords, more on that in a minute.

3.) Select a few keywords and copy and paste them into the Google search engine. Our focus is going to be on the organic search results, more specifically the top 5 results.

These are the websites that are getting a high amount of traffic from those high competition, highly searched keywords.

4.) Click on and check out each of the top 5 website results for each keyword you enter into the Google search engine.

*What you're looking for are any banner ads or advertising space the website might have.

If they do offer advertising space then do the happy dance!! You're about to cash in

5.) What you're going to do next in contact the webmaster and purchase advertising space on their website. The prices will vary depending on the sites individual advertising packages. However they shouldn't be too pricey.

If the webmaster doesn't already have advertising packages set up, suggest a monthly rate you're willing to pay them to place a banner on their website and see if you can work out a deal.

You've just got yourself some killer paid advertising on a high traffic website, targeted specifically to a keywords in your niche!

What's so awesome about this paid advertising method is that you can literally wash, rinse, and repeat and do this for HUNDREDS even THOUSANDS of high traffic/high competition keyword phrases in your niche.

WITHOUT the risk of loosing hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars in trying to master Google Adwords.

There's NO CAP to how many different keywords and sites you can do this with!!

Take the first month to test out the sites traffic and conversion rate. If you find that it's profitable, RUN WITH IT!

Once you've found a handful of sites that are converting well for you, you can always contact the site owner and see if you can work out some kind of discount deal to keep your banners running.

I hope this was helpful and beneficial to those who are looking for additional paid marketing methods.

If you have any questions or need clarification about something within my post, leave a response and let me know.

Also, if you have anything you'd like to contribute or add in regards to this, I'd love to hear it!

- Ti Roberts
#advertising #banner #bottomless #killer #pit #steps
  • Profile picture of the author Bruce Wedding
    Very clever, girl. Thank you.

    Now delete this post
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  • Profile picture of the author tooAlive
    Nice share!

    It hadn't dawned on me to piggyback off the already top ranking sites for a piece of their pie.

    You've been thanked.
    <img src="$2,387.44-clickbank-check.jpg">

    "Action is the real measure of intelligence." - Napoleon Hill
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Felder
    Great post! Headline should read:

    Avoiding The Pitfalls of SEO: 1 Simple Strategy to Get More Leads and Sell Faster!

    (Turn it into a product I'd buy it)

    Just wanna add you can also use this strategy with solos ...

    Thanks for sharing,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6840513].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    If you want to go a step further to confirm the amount of monthly traffic to the website just go to compete.com and enter the URL. Quantcast.com does this also but have become unreliable lately. That;s why I personally use Compete.com

    Being armed with this information will help out greatly when negotiating advertising on those websites.
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    • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
      Originally Posted by Mike Hill View Post

      If you want to go a step further to confirm the amount of monthly traffic to the website just go to compete.com and enter the URL. Quantcast.com does this also but have become unreliable lately. That;s why I personally use Compete.com

      Being armed with this information will help out greatly when negotiating advertising on those websites.
      Excellent point Mike, thanks!
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      My Latest Blog Post: How to Invest $0 Into Your Blog & Still Generate $2k+ Per Month
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    what he said ^^

    nothing to see here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6840830].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Andrea Felder
      Hey Ti,

      I've actually been doing this exact strategy for about 7 days now, I'm testing the effectiveness of the site for my niche. It's a single text link on a sidebar total cost $27 it will run for 30 days. Here are the stats so far.

      Just wanted to support you in your endeavor to provide more value


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6840893].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by Andrea Felder View Post

        Hey Ti,

        I've actually been doing this exact strategy for about 7 days now, I'm testing the effectiveness of the site for my niche. It's a single text link on a sidebar total cost $27 it will run for 30 days. Here are the stats so far.

        Just wanted to support you in your endeavor to provide more value


        So that's an average of 2 clicks a day. Over the month that would be roughly 60 clicks for $27 which equates to $0.45 a click. It depends on your niche as to whether or not that is a good CPC (cost per click).

        Keep us updated on how things go.

        Make sure you are at least split testing two ads.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6840908].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
        Originally Posted by Andrea Felder View Post

        Hey Ti,

        I've actually been doing this exact strategy for about 7 days now, I'm testing the effectiveness of the site for my niche. It's a single text link on a sidebar total cost $27 it will run for 30 days. Here are the stats so far.

        Just wanted to support you in your endeavor to provide more value


        Great Andrea!! Thanks for sharing this valuable info. Come back and keep us updated on your progress :-)
        Need More Traffic To Your Blog Or Website? HIRE ME TO SEND IT!!

        My Latest Blog Post: How to Invest $0 Into Your Blog & Still Generate $2k+ Per Month
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Two further points to make:

    1) Only go after those websites that have banner placements ABOVE the fold. This is where you want to advertise. You don't want to be paying for banner ads that no one ever sees.

    2) Don't be afraid to contact them if they are already running Google Adsense ads. Google take a split of their profit on those ads so if you were to ask them what they make from that banner currently, you could still pay them more than that and get the banner space for cheaper than if you were togo directly through Google Adwords.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6840897].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ExRat
    Hi tiroberts,

    Originally Posted by tiroberts View Post

    3.) Select a few keywords and copy and paste them into the Google search engine. Our focus is going to be on the organic search results, more specifically the top 5 results.

    These are the websites that are getting a high amount of traffic from those high competition, highly searched keywords.
    Be careful of personalised results with this step. Do what Mike Hill said as well as log out of google/clear cookies/browser etc first and be sure to target the right country's search results if you're not currently in it.

    Roger Davis

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6840989].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by ExRat View Post

      Hi tiroberts,

      Be careful of personalised results with this step. Do what Mike Hill said as well as log out of google/clear cookies/browser etc first and be sure to target the right country's search results if you're not currently in it.
      Other ways to accomplish this are to use the anonymous browsing feature in your browser, or to do this step from a public computer (library, community center, etc.).
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  • Profile picture of the author Guru4u
    This is a great and little known technique. Since we are in a sharing mood, I will offer an additional nugget:
    If you have an affiliate program you can also offer the site owner a cut of each sale instead of a flat fee. This may get you exposure beyond banner ads and get a "featured" placement: if the site makes money from every sale, they are apt to give you a more prominent ad.

    Free Facebook Traffic - The Easy Way

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6843025].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
      Originally Posted by Guru4u View Post

      This is a great and little known technique. Since we are in a sharing mood, I will offer an additional nugget:
      If you have an affiliate program you can also offer the site owner a cut of each sale instead of a flat fee. This may get you exposure beyond banner ads and get a "featured" placement: if the site makes money from every sale, they are apt to give you a more prominent ad.
      Great point here. This will certainly give you some extra bargaining power with site owners. This could also lead into doing solo ads with the site owner. Or a getting a spot in their autoresponder series promoting your affiliate offer resulting in passive residual traffic and sales.

      Thanks for sharing!
      Need More Traffic To Your Blog Or Website? HIRE ME TO SEND IT!!

      My Latest Blog Post: How to Invest $0 Into Your Blog & Still Generate $2k+ Per Month
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  • Profile picture of the author HostWind
    Something so simple yet so valuable!

    Thank you Andrea for sharing your progress. So far, has that specific campaign been profitable for you?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6843111].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Andrea Felder
      Originally Posted by HostWind View Post

      Something so simple yet so valuable!

      Thank you Andrea for sharing your progress. So far, has that specific campaign been profitable for you?
      Hey HostWind it hasn't yielded a profit as of yet. However, I'm getting a 50% optin conversion which equates to about 1 lead a day. Personally, I don't think it's too bad because it's in the MMO/Work From Home Niche. But it's a little early to tell the value of the campaign. In a couple more weeks I'll have a better picture for everyone. Thanks for asking.

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  • Profile picture of the author joshpat2
    sweett!! thanks
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