What's up with those link sellers in WF?

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Just checked the "sell,buy,swap links" section on the WF.. Some of the guys sell PR5-PR8 links with $30 (permanent).

Are they all scammers? Are they all bunch of fools? Are those blogs spammed to death?

As far as I know, permanent PR5-PR8 links is WAYYYY more expensive than $30..
#link #sellers
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Obviously they're scams, nobody is going to sell a legit PR8 link for $30, let alone a bundle of additional legit high PR links included in the $30.

    A lot of people on this forum think since the Index page is a high PR (ex: PR8), that the entire site & all it's internal pages are PR8 (LMAO).

    That's funny, but I'm sure a lot of buyers get suckered into that crap (bogus PR) because they don't understand how PR works, let alone the definition of PR.
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    • Profile picture of the author nest28
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      Obviously they're scams, nobody is going to sell a legit PR8 link for $30, let alone a bundle of additional legit high PR links included in the $30.

      A lot of people on this forum think since the Index page is a high PR (ex: PR8), that the entire site & all it's internal pages are PR8 (LMAO).

      That's funny, but I'm sure a lot of buyers get suckered into that crap (bogus PR) because they don't understand how PR works, let alone the definition of PR.
      I don't understand why those type of scams are allowed here.

      Somewhere watching Power.

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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Originally Posted by nest28 View Post

        I don't understand why those type of scams are allowed here.
        In my opinion, the moderators are probably busy enough. If they had to go researching every claim of a scam, they would have no time for anything else.

        I think they figure customer reviews will warn people off and will take care of any scam offers.
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        • Profile picture of the author nest28
          Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

          In my opinion, the moderators are probably busy enough. If they had to go researching every claim of a scam, they would have no time for anything else.

          I think they figure customer reviews will warn people off and will take care of any scam offers.
          I once relied on customer reviews and paid for a service here on the wf, shortly after that my site received a unnatural links notice. Now if I want links I contact senior members.

          I understand the mods have their hands full, but the WSO/SEO provider section is gaining a rep for having fake guru's and backlink scams.

          Somewhere watching Power.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6991542].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author paulgl
            They probably advertise them as the main index page has
            that as PR. No SEO expert is going to say any such nonsense
            when selling links. They would give specific PR of the page
            the link is on.

            Yes, we wonder why, but then look at all the threads.
            People are so mixed up on PR of a link.

            Toss in the fact that every external link on a page
            theoretically divides the PR. If people really knew how
            to calculate PR of a link properly, they would concentrate
            on few, not tons of useless junk.

            There is a difference between a scam and junk.

            Sadly, many warriors cannot tell that a WSO is junk.

            WF sells ads. They are in it to make money. I'm sure
            they have a disclaimer somewhere. Like, "A fool and
            his money are soon parted."


            If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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            • Profile picture of the author nest28
              Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

              They probably advertise them as the main index page has
              that as PR. No SEO expert is going to say any such nonsense
              when selling links. They would give specific PR of the page
              the link is on.

              Yes, we wonder why, but then look at all the threads.
              People are so mixed up on PR of a link.

              Toss in the fact that every external link on a page
              theoretically divides the PR. If people really knew how
              to calculate PR of a link properly, they would concentrate
              on few, not tons of useless junk.

              There is a difference between a scam and junk.

              Sadly, many warriors cannot tell that a WSO is junk.

              WF sells ads. They are in it to make money. I'm sure
              they have a disclaimer somewhere. Like, "A fool and
              his money are soon parted."

              I don't know how, but every once and a while I seem to forget that I'm on a marketing forum, be careful of what you buy, do your research, when in doubt ask another member for advice.

              Somewhere watching Power.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6991699].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author yukon
                Originally Posted by nest28 View Post

                I don't know how, but every once and a while I seem to forget that I'm on a marketing forum, be careful of what you buy, do your research, when in doubt ask another member for advice.
                If you think WF is bad, head on over to DP & look around. IMO WF is actually a lot more tolerable than the things I've seen going on at DP. It's been a couple years since I was at DP, but I seriously doubt they've changed anything.
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          • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
            Originally Posted by nest28 View Post

            I understand the mods have their hands full, but the WSO/SEO provider section is gaining a rep for having fake guru's and backlink scams.
            Gaining? It's had the reputation for years.
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  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    Here some normal prices about permanent links, that I sell

    PR3 link $30
    PR4 link $60
    PR5 link $120
    PR6 link $240 or $360 depending on the domain costs for me.

    Max 15 OBL

    This are realistic prices, so yeah $30 for a link at a PR5 or PR8, is just stuffed with 100 OBL or the higher the PR the more realistic the chance it's 100% FAKE
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    A few of the link exchange offers (three way) are legit but I contacted a guy not so long ago in there that was selling PR5 links and asked the URl. He couldn't read much of my posts because he merrily sent it over. He should have known I would analyze it. It had no links in SEO Spyglass, Opensite explorer, ahrefs or Majestic. Now that can happen with PR3s because ever since Yahoo shut down no one covers everything but a site that gets a PR5 has some links unless they have all fallen off which was the case here.

    Thing is most people buy on PR and either don't know or are two lazy to check the backlinks so these people make some money

    Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

    Here some normal prices about permanent links, that I sell

    PR3 link $30
    PR4 link $60
    PR5 link $120
    PR6 link $240 or $360 depending on the domain costs for me.

    Max 15 OBL
    LOl... We now return to regular programming after that word from our sponsors

    By the way I never take a permanent offer seriously. You got to luck out to find someone honest. Not only can the site owner pull the link in 3-6month with you having no recourse (credit card companies most of the time won't do chargebacks after 90 days) but the owner may either oversell the page or since it provides no more income let the page start to slip in link building and it loses PR. Thats in the cases where the link seller doesn't just turn all the links away

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    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

      By the way I never take a permanent offer seriously. You got to luck out to find someone honest. Not only can the site owner pull the link in 3-6month with you having no recourse (credit card companies most of the time won't do chargebacks after 90 days) but the owner may either oversell the page or since it provides no more income let the page start to slip in link building and it loses PR. Thats in the cases where the link seller doesn't just turn all the links away
      I do it differently, all my sites have 15 outbound links max, so I only sell max 5 permanent links per website. That way I have 10 spots left at the homepage for blog posts that roll of after 1 month (the type of links that I offer in my fixed packages). That way the site will keep making me money and thus I can offer true permanent links and it's important for me that the site keeps it PR.

      Selling permanent links is a great way to expand your network for free, and for the buyer it's also great as he don't have to bother about hosting costs, domain renewals and it's a lot cheaper then renting. A PR4 link easily costs min. $8/month so for $60 you make the money back in 8 months so for people that doubt between renting or buying then the latter is the better choice.

      But yeah I agree that most people on here do it wrong and heavily over sell and then it's just waiting for the sites to get deindexed. That's what you get when you want 10 strong links for $70,-
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  • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
    ^^Finding honest link sellers is almost impossible these days. Even paying $300+ for a permanent PR6 (strong) doesn't guarantee you more than a year or so of link-loving.

    It helps if the seller has a way to actually continue profiting from those domains though. A lot of them offer max *insert random number here* OBL permanent homepage blog posts and how does that work..? Going to host those sites there permanently and maintain PR profiles without any further income? What are you running a charity here?

    I use a handful of private networks where they sell 1-2 sticky posts and then the remaining 5-10 homepage posts are blog-like and roll off the homepage after a while. Funny enough if a seller actually ranks his own sites (not just sell links), some of these "temporary" posts stick on the homepage for 10-12 months or more because they only sell posts to cover initial domain costs.

    Blah I'm rambling. Moral of the story - PM Nik0 for more infos..? lol
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