I lost ALL my sites today ...

75 replies
  • SEO
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I just wanted to jump in and tell you guys that I have lost all my sites from Google (~10)... Even the ones that didn't rank, fell from 30pos to nowhere... Even the ones that I wanted to build as an authority (had already 20 pages and I wrote more everyday) are gone now. I just don't know what to do anymore, so many bad thoughts on my head. I just can't believe my sites took hit. All my micro sites had at least 10 articles/pages, but the ones that have 3-4 articles are still ranking...

Guess it's time to say goodbye to google and focus more on ppc and product creation. However, it was a nice run.. I even bought at private network, but I guess I will just rent for links and noting else..
#lost #sites #today
  • Profile picture of the author ramdom123
    Maybe because of the new update released by google which is targeting so called low quality EMD sites?

    Also today my friend who had 50+ emd sites with around 5 articles in each site was hit hard. He earning is totally destroyed. Pretty scary how you can lose your business just like that.
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    • Profile picture of the author mandos123
      Originally Posted by ramdom123 View Post

      Maybe because of the new update released by google which is targeting so called low quality EMD sites?

      Also today my friend who had 50+ emd sites with around 5 articles in each site was hit hard. He earning is totally destroyed. Pretty scary how you can lose your business just like that.
      Almost same here...
      Guys, is there some sort of cure to help that? I mean, I don't want to waste my backlinks I have built on those sites..


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    • Profile picture of the author Suir1980
      Originally Posted by ramdom123 View Post

      my friend who had 50+ emd sites with around 5 articles in each site
      Very definition of low quality EMDs right there.
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      • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
        Originally Posted by Suir1980 View Post

        Very definition of low quality EMDs right there.
        But they were high-quality $0.01 per word articles!
        Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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    • Profile picture of the author Becker13
      Originally Posted by ramdom123 View Post

      Maybe because of the new update released by google which is targeting so called low quality EMD sites?

      Also today my friend who had 50+ emd sites with around 5 articles in each site was hit hard. He earning is totally destroyed. Pretty scary how you can lose your business just like that.
      SEO niches sites is not a business...It is a tool to grow businesses, and if your long term financial business strategy is "make niche sites" your in for a very painful future
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    • Profile picture of the author discustipated
      Originally Posted by ramdom123 View Post

      Maybe because of the new update released by google which is targeting so called low quality EMD sites?

      Also today my friend who had 50+ emd sites with around 5 articles in each site was hit hard. He earning is totally destroyed. Pretty scary how you can lose your business just like that.
      That's not a business..
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Woolard
    Was your site an affiliate site or Google ads?
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  • Profile picture of the author gladwinforum
    No worries.. For past few days this has been happening for many, just resubmit your sitemap in Webmaster Tool.
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  • Profile picture of the author c275353118
    Me too. all my sites disappear
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  • Somebody had been hit badly!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author wlasikiewicz
    Thats unlucky mate, what was on your sites? do you think that you could have broken their TOS?
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    • Profile picture of the author bizwebstart
      Lost a really big site recently - Had it for 10 years and brought in regular income. No black hat stuff just straight forward original content (50+ pages)

      Appealed to Google and all they did was come back to me and said it was my fault and that I must have done something like add a cms system or something - not sure how they came to that conclusion.

      This is a flat HTML site

      Never relying on Google again
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      • Profile picture of the author moneymoguls
        Originally Posted by bizwebstart View Post

        Lost a really big site recently - Had it for 10 years and brought in regular income. No black hat stuff just straight forward original content (50+ pages)

        Appealed to Google and all they did was come back to me and said it was my fault and that I must have done something like add a cms system or something - not sure how they came to that conclusion.

        This is a flat HTML site

        Never relying on Google again
        So you lost a really big site? 50 pages???? That's not a big site by any means. You had it for 10 years and only 50 pages??? You should have had 5,000 pages. My 420 page blog is kicking butt and only 6 months old. I write posts everyday. Google has been very good to me. Algo changes bring me more traffic.

        Money Moguls

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7074856].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
          Originally Posted by moneymoguls View Post

          So you lost a really big site? 50 pages???? That's not a big site by any means. You had it for 10 years and only 50 pages??? You should have had 5,000 pages. My 420 page blog is kicking butt and only 6 months old. I write posts everyday. Google has been very good to me. Algo changes bring me more traffic.
          Why would someone have to have a 5,000 page website after 10 years? Not every site or subject is worthy of constant and relentless updates.
          Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7075279].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Slazengeer
    Originally Posted by mandos123 View Post


    I just wanted to jump in and tell you guys that I have lost all my sites from Google (~10)... Even the ones that didn't rank, fell from 30pos to nowhere... Even the ones that I wanted to build as an authority (had already 20 pages and I wrote more everyday) are gone now. I just don't know what to do anymore, so many bad thoughts on my head. I just can't believe my sites took hit. All my micro sites had at least 10 articles/pages, but the ones that have 3-4 articles are still ranking...

    Guess it's time to say goodbye to google and focus more on ppc and product creation. However, it was a nice run.. I even bought at private network, but I guess I will just rent for links and noting else..
    The reason behind losing all your websites is the new Google's algo update, which targets low-quality exact match domain websites.

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  • this has happened to me iv just woke up and checked my rankings and all my sites have disappeared from google!! all are EMD.. but theres other sites that are EMD that are still ranking 1st?!
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    • Profile picture of the author mandos123
      Originally Posted by NoobAdsenseWarrior View Post

      this has happened to me iv just woke up and checked my rankings and all my sites have disappeared from google!! all are EMD.. but theres other sites that are EMD that are still ranking 1st?!
      Same story.. And other EMDs are still ranking. Just with 1 PAGE, wtf ..
      Well I have had enough of playing games with google rules. If you don't have real site with authority then just forget about the SEO etc... I'm already studying PPC and product creation so I don't care anymore.


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  • Profile picture of the author SangGuna
    That so cruel...be tough my friends..everything going to be all rite..hope its not making you giving up on this IM...hope u strong..
    Work HARD n SMART...^_^
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  • Profile picture of the author Jose Princely
    It must be because of new Update rolled out last week by Google. I lost some of my important ranking too.
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  • Profile picture of the author techmaish
    Possibly 2 reasons.
    1. You have build all of your site backlinks using 1 anchor text. (You must use related anchor text to stay safe from Google Penguin.)
    2. Duplicate Content (However this may not completely ban your site in Google)

    In your case it is the 1st case so try creating links with related anchor texts.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7072037].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Silvey
      Originally Posted by techmaish View Post

      Possibly 2 reasons.
      1. You have build all of your site backlinks using 1 anchor text. (You must use related anchor text to stay safe from Google Penguin.)
      2. Duplicate Content (However this may not completely ban your site in Google)

      In your case it is the 1st case so try creating links with related anchor texts.
      Even all my stat links like from Alexa engines are gone. Explain that!
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  • Profile picture of the author ibmethatswhoib
    Well, don't use Google for personal use, don't click on ads, don't use adsense and don't use PPC. Google is an evil ******* that needs to be put in check. They're wiping out legitimate sites left and right and saying it's for quality when reality it's just to say they're doing something while they push big brands and their own products. Do you part and stay away.
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  • Profile picture of the author letstalkaboutlove
    I've read or heard somewhere that G. is outranking sites also for the purpose to make them use Adwords and start paying to be on page 1.
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  • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
    Thing is though is ive done a few checks today on keywords im working on for my other website, the #1 for one keyword was an EMD site (quality) and its still there and the same for 5 other keywords and 5 other EMD sites.

    You MUST have been doing something wrong with your websites, as google isnt targetting high quality sites, they are targetting low quality EMD's.
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  • Profile picture of the author GodMode52
    Wait few days , they will usually keep tweaking their algo for a while. I got few client sites tanked yesterday but most of them are coming back in the last few hours.

    Want Google Page ONE Rankings? [YES] [NO]

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    • Profile picture of the author Becker13
      Originally Posted by GodMode52 View Post

      Wait few days , they will usually keep tweaking their algo for a while. I got few client sites tanked yesterday but most of them are coming back in the last few hours.
      If you had a shitty EMD and its gone now..its probably not comings back =P
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  • Profile picture of the author luckyman2k
    Originally Posted by mandos123 View Post


    I just wanted to jump in and tell you guys that I have lost all my sites from Google (~10)... Even the ones that didn't rank, fell from 30pos to nowhere... Even the ones that I wanted to build as an authority (had already 20 pages and I wrote more everyday) are gone now. I just don't know what to do anymore, so many bad thoughts on my head. I just can't believe my sites took hit. All my micro sites had at least 10 articles/pages, but the ones that have 3-4 articles are still ranking...

    Guess it's time to say goodbye to google and focus more on ppc and product creation. However, it was a nice run.. I even bought at private network, but I guess I will just rent for links and noting else..
    HUmmm....its due to google updates. The worst this is that, good sites were hit due to NO reasons

    please check it
    New Google update targeting exact match domains announced - Main Backlinks/SEO Discussion - Traffic Planet

    The good thing is..

    ....sites like


    and videos are ranking very well

    My suggestion, wait for few days, let things get settled a bit.

    then add more content...

    and put the things back on track.

    it was happened in past with penguin updates.

    We come back strongly, same now

    good luck

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  • Profile picture of the author Rehmat
    My pages also disappeared from the search results. I was afraid but Google started showing them again after a few hours. I even didn't resubmit my sitemap to Webmaster Tools. Wait for a day and let Google to show them. If your pages still remain invisible, then resubmit your website's sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools or fetch them individually, as there are not much pages on your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Make Money Ninja
    I am sorry for your loss. But the writing was on the wall, they targeted ALN before

    If i were to use ALN i would use to lower tiers only.

    I still have my EMD's ranking fine, i dont use ALN. I use lesser known blog networks. I could get hit, but its less likely.

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  • Profile picture of the author isalmanbaig
    ohh really sad :S
    Professional Search Engine Optimization Consultant.

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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    Niche sites are taking it on the chin right now. Don't sweat it.

    You should always market your sites as though Google didn't exist.

    SEO is a bait and switch. It should never be seen as a sustainable traffic source.
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  • Profile picture of the author tomako
    I have lost my website too:

    -It has 85 pages of unique content only 30 pages were reviews the other were really helpful information. (I outsourced them from native USA based writers)
    -It is not EMD.
    -It has, contact page, about page, html sitemap,
    -No single blackhat backlink

    Now what? Why Google is such stupid.
    Now I am searching one of "the products+review" and the results are amazing:

    First three pages are Amazon pages that are not even related. There are some squidoo pages and some wikipages?

    So I think I will close down my websites and start building low quality squidoo lenses because Google likes them.
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    • Profile picture of the author moneymoguls
      Originally Posted by tomako View Post

      I have lost my website too:

      -It has 85 pages of unique content only 30 pages were reviews the other were really helpful information. (I outsourced them from native USA based writers)
      -It is not EMD.
      -It has, contact page, about page, html sitemap,
      -No single blackhat backlink

      Now what? Why Google is such stupid.
      Now I am searching one of "the products+review" and the results are amazing:

      First three pages are Amazon pages that are not even related. There are some squidoo pages and some wikipages?

      So I think I will close down my websites and start building low quality squidoo lenses because Google likes them.
      "No single BLACKHAT backlink"...all backlinks that you create or buy are Blackhat. If you continue to build/create backlinks to any website, it will die. Squidoo Lens' do not rank that well. Look in the search results. I rarely see them on the first page.

      Money Moguls

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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    For anyone who has been hit by this, it has to hurt. However, when you've been in the game for a long time (like me since 1998), you come to expect this. Google is always going to do their best to take away the 'easy money' opportunities.

    All you have to do is learn your lesson. The big lesson, of course, is to make sure your diversify your efforts. You shouldn't have 100% EMD websites. If you have 50% EMD and 50% non-EMD you wouldn't hurt as bad. That's the lesson you learn after doing internet marketing for a long time.

    Domains mean nothing. Don't get too obsessed by any one tactic, and never give up! As the saying goes, "It's always darkest before the dawn." Just regroup and try again, this time incorporating the lesson of diversification you just received.
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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    • Profile picture of the author Edk
      I don't have that many sites with Adsense on but I've had one of my sites de-indexed then reappear after a few weeks. What I would do (with the sites I care most about at least) is keep updating them as if nothing had happened and see...I know it's easy for me to say but at least it's better than nothing. And there's a remote chance that Google is testing you to see your reaction. They do do that sometimes. Hope this helps...
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  • Profile picture of the author ComputerBrainDude
    I feel sorry buddy. But again, Remember you are into IMing. Fall, Rise, Fall Rise - This is our job!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
    My friends web design site a QUALITY site and was not a exact match domain (was a branded domain) has been 5th place for ages and now its completely gone, not even in the first 20 pages! So it's not just exact match domains that got hit.
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    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by Ernie Lo View Post

      My friends web design site a QUALITY site and was not a exact match domain (was a branded domain) has been 5th place for ages and now its completely gone, not even in the first 20 pages! So it's not just exact match domains that got hit.
      I did notice this with ONE of my sites. I'm doing some testing now to see what the correlation is. Instead of running around screaming "the sky is falling", folks should be doing the same.
      Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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      • Profile picture of the author jodiesmitham
        Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

        I did notice this with ONE of my sites. I'm doing some testing now to see what the correlation is. Instead of running around screaming "the sky is falling", folks should be doing the same.
        This is definitely the best strategy. From all the threads I've read, many websites of good quality have fallen and not necessarily EMDs. I reckon some may return to their positions in a week or two as that happened before, so it's worth sitting tight until everything stabilizes.

        Nevertheless, it's a time to reflect. Google is unreliable and although that thought has been sitting in my head for several months, I am now going to diversify my traffic. It's not that I haven't tried - I've added forum posts, YouTube vids, Facebook pages etc. It's just that I never get traffic from these sources and it's something I have to work on.

        It has also made me think hard about including a variety of content on my sites i.e. not just product reviews.

        Jodie Smitham

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  • Profile picture of the author WalterWhite
    Looks like the stock Market to me !

    Go PPC bro...
    Or Create a Nice product and let others promote it and chill !
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  • Profile picture of the author Wi
    Well, it happened to be a while ago (a couple of weeks ago), but they came back again. The exact-keyword-domain time is over - quality is key, and only the best one "wins". Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author afsafs
    even emd with 5 articles can be very high quality site. Just some niches is really small.

    Sad to say, but content matter for peoples only, but not for google anymore.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7074278].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by afsafs View Post

      even emd with 5 articles can be very high quality site. content is matter for peoples, but not for google.
      I'm going to go out on a limb and say for every 1 site that fits this criteria, there are 1000 more that are utter crap.
      Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7074295].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Originally Posted by WalterWhite View Post

        Looks like the stock Market to me !
        Really? The DOW is not all that far off from its record high these days. The market is actually doing pretty well despite high unemployment and the weakness in the economy.
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      • Profile picture of the author afsafs
        Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

        I'm going to go out on a limb and say for every 1 site that fits this criteria, there are 1000 more that are utter crap.
        we not google to know the real answer based on stats. However for small niche even 5 quality articles can be enough.
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  • Profile picture of the author codecreative
    I've lost all my sites too

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    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by codecreative View Post

      I've lost all my sites too
      How large were they? How many pages were indexed for each? Were the domains EMD? Where the pages exact-match?

      Yukon made a good point in another thread about size of site possibly being related.
      Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7074371].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author codecreative
        Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

        How large were they? How many pages were indexed for each? Were the domains EMD? Where the pages exact-match?

        Yukon made a good point in another thread about size of site possibly being related.
        Hi Wolfmmiii

        I will pm you one of my sites, it is a small site but I'd like to think its still of decent quality and geniunely helpful. For the past week I've been doing keyword research and planning on building an authority site with 100+ pages. My target was to build it up with adsense and then when it hits a decent level of earnings my next thing was to buy your wso and build out an authority review site affiliated with amazon. With an aim to have two large sites with amazon earnings and adsense earnings so I don't put all my eggs in one basket.

        Finally I would then like to diversify further with a third site and so on. I'd like to know how this new algorithm targets site so I know what best practises to avoid with the next site I put together. When you think about it a lot of larger authority sites may to begin with start relatively small then with time add more content so is it possible to recover these sites by adding more content?

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  • Profile picture of the author Writingman1421
    They beat me like a red headed step child earlier this year. Every time we get the keys to the kingdom.... google changes the locks.

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    • Profile picture of the author Nelapsi
      Originally Posted by Writingman1421 View Post

      They beat me like a red headed step child earlier this year. Every time we get the keys to the kingdom.... google changes the locks.
      You failed to realize you didn't have the keys to the kingdom.. you only had the keys to the outhouse
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  • Profile picture of the author Streamline
    I have some eCommerce sites that sell physical products. Basically I drop-ship from the manufacturer. Are my sites low-quality? My visitors don't think so; they convert very well. Do they have lots of pages of unique content? Not really; but if you're selling a replacement air filter, how many unique pages of 'quality' content do you really need to get your point across?

    I was just hit by this update as well, and I'm wonder if anyone else in the eCommerce circuit who was NOT hit could shed some light on why their sites were spared.

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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    I don't mean to rub anything in but one of my money sites jumped on page 1 today. For a local keyword.

    The interesting thing is I've barely been doing crap to it. I make a blog post twice a month and thats it. I also checked my analytics and apparently 161 people visited the site today (I was getting 15-30 views a day on avg). So I guess its time to fix up the site now! (sorry to be so happy)
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  • Profile picture of the author igl0w
    Change your linking strategy
    #1 SEO REVIEWS and FREE METHODS BLOG - delivering quality posts since 2009
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    • Profile picture of the author SEO Haven
      Originally Posted by igl0w View Post

      Change your linking strategy
      This one in particular has nothing to do with linking strategies friend.
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7087369].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author WraithSarko
        Originally Posted by SEO Haven View Post

        This one in particular has nothing to do with linking strategies friend.
        says who? some emds were hit some weren't...what's the diff? bet the backlinking is one of the differences
        I've spent the last 59 months building 412 MFA sites. Each site averages 8 cents per day...I said average, some make up to 17 cents per day, PASSIVE INCOME! This income allows me to live comfortably and buy ANY flavor Jolly Rancher or Skittles I desire. Don't give in to fear, it CAN be done!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    Damn dude.

    That's a bad day.

    For the future, never put all of your eggs in one SEO basket
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  • Profile picture of the author Microsys
    I guess this brings back the reminder to all of not relying on Google for traffic and business.

    Unfortunately e.g. social marketing does not have the same volume in terms of relevant "buying mode" traffic.

    (Possibly some kinds of sites and businesses will do well on social media like Facebook fan pages, but far from all.)

    Hope you your sites back in!
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  • Profile picture of the author codecreative
    Thanks. What does this mean now for making a new site?

    I'm looking at putting together a new authoritive site and over night it can't just suddenly have 100 articles /inner pages. I'd be adding a few articles a week. So like with most sites this one will start out small. Won't google see it as a small site and stop it ranking right away?

    I've read about sites without end going from SERPS and I can see 5page emds still ranking so I don't understand what best practises to follow and if i can still rank a site or if google have a black mark against my name cause they wiped out all 5 of my sites.

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  • Profile picture of the author maeldk
    Im hit too... lost almost all page 1 for about 30 sites..
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  • Profile picture of the author Austin E Anthony
    That is really sad to hear Hope you get through this!
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  • Profile picture of the author Al amin
    Even authority over 3 years Old blog got hit. My blog earnbyblog.com was ranked #1 for "earn by blog". But I am not getting is anywhere. Need to think
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  • Profile picture of the author ronnieavelino
    Originally Posted by mandos123 View Post


    I just wanted to jump in and tell you guys that I have lost all my sites from Google (~10)... Even the ones that didn't rank, fell from 30pos to nowhere... Even the ones that I wanted to build as an authority (had already 20 pages and I wrote more everyday) are gone now. I just don't know what to do anymore, so many bad thoughts on my head. I just can't believe my sites took hit. All my micro sites had at least 10 articles/pages, but the ones that have 3-4 articles are still ranking...

    Guess it's time to say goodbye to google and focus more on ppc and product creation. However, it was a nice run.. I even bought at private network, but I guess I will just rent for links and noting else..
    You can still use your site, build traffics through PPC since you already knew it. Think outside the box, don't focus on Google.


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  • Profile picture of the author shipwrecked
    Originally Posted by mandos123 View Post


    I just wanted to jump in and tell you guys that I have lost all my sites from Google (~10)... Even the ones that didn't rank, fell from 30pos to nowhere... Even the ones that I wanted to build as an authority (had already 20 pages and I wrote more everyday) are gone now. I just don't know what to do anymore, so many bad thoughts on my head. I just can't believe my sites took hit. All my micro sites had at least 10 articles/pages, but the ones that have 3-4 articles are still ranking...

    Guess it's time to say goodbye to google and focus more on ppc and product creation. However, it was a nice run.. I even bought at private network, but I guess I will just rent for links and noting else..
    Did you link them together to each other?
    Did they get links/traffic roughly from the same neighborhoods?

    This is one thing I did with some sites. That's when they all get hit...

    It's like holding hands with other people and jumping into deep water: everyone drowns.

    Sometimes it's good to not to link or to cut your sites off from one to the other.
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  • Profile picture of the author DizenSounds
    hmm... i wasnt sure if you were talking about rankings or being deindexed. i just had my article directory deindexed by google.

    I think its because of either disavow tool or webmasters reporting my site as not cooperating with link removal requests. I haven't touched the site (in terms of seo) in years. The site still was running with my VA reviewing articles but that's really it.

    I think that Google crushed my site because I didn't comply.... Anyone else have this problem?
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Join the club. I've only got 2 sites left that are now ranking well in Google.

    My problem is highly likely to be Panda punishing DUPLICATE CONTENT. I posted some good stuff, it's gone everywhere, and Google have NO IDEA which is the original or best copy.

    Check out your own sites. I even found some guy had built a 1000 page niche site where ALL of the content was mine and other people's HubPages! Indians are the worst content thieves - one guy has even ripped off my entire tutorial and put his own name at the bottom.

    Here's my example of my duplicate content Panda nightmare. The site I originally published the article at is at #1, my own site is listed last (in the supplemental results) and all sorts of cut n pasters/content thieves are in between.
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  • Profile picture of the author hadtic
    Guys all sites can be recovered and i would start with your onpage Panda penalties have you got all the correct pages on the site like disclosure, about us, terms etc, then focus on ad position on the site and external links. Then check readability and see what it is and work from there i am sure you will find lots of amendments you can make to help recover the sites
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  • Profile picture of the author sadeeshbala
    Yes google is focusing more on PPC...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7278225].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by sadeeshbala View Post

      Yes google is focusing more on PPC...
      Stop. No they aren't. My sites are doing just fine and I don't need to use PPC.
      Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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  • Profile picture of the author fortony
    It is not the EMD is hurting you. However, they have changed the game so that it is not going to give you a boost anymore in most situations. It does not hurt to have a EMD

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  • Profile picture of the author macmilon555
    It was very bad for you guy, I think you must try again to get all sites on top.
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  • Profile picture of the author Warock
    Me too. all my sites disappear
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  • Profile picture of the author mangomedia1
    Of course, it is called google dance , Don't worry about it , some thing change your meta title's resubmit to google . you will get ranking as quick as possible.
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