Is there even a point to blogging/seo anymore?

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Is there even a point to blogging and trying to do SEO anymore? I know there are private sellers here that advertise new and improved SEO services but do any forms of backlinking actually work for improving SERP's anymore?

EZIne and squidoo used to be great but they are dead in the water. If your site was slapped months ago it's probably still slapped.

So unless you have one of these lucky blogs that just get a ton of viral traffic, is there any point?
#anymore #blogging or seo #point
  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Of course there's a point to it. You sound really down, like you're ready to jump off a cliff. Do you need a hug?
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Yes SEO is still useful, but those irrelevant links in your sig. aren't doing much for SEO. Just saying,
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    • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      Yes SEO is still useful, but those irrelevant links in your sig. aren't doing much for SEO.
      They link to his newest posts from 2009.
      Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author SUPER Louie
    Yes there is but blogging and SEO can be quite time consuming. The smart way to do it is just outsource and increase the price point of your product.
    A superhero is someone who knows how to be quiet, shed a tear for a moment, then pick up his sword, and fight again!
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  • Profile picture of the author ampeloi13
    Post unique and relevant content to your blog. Visit relevant forums in your niche and begin posting useful and contributing information. After awhile you can of course have your link in your signature. This is targeted traffic and good for friendly backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author ilee
    You call it "lucky blogs that go viral". Have you ever thought WHY they go viral? It's not luck mate, the person that made the website just knew what was missing and what people wanted.

    Originally Posted by ampeloi13 View Post

    Post unique and relevant content to your blog. Visit relevant forums in your niche and begin posting useful and contributing information. After awhile you can of course have your link in your signature. This is targeted traffic and good for friendly backlinks.
    Love a bit of irony

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  • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
    Going by your sig links your following a crowd of millions that have the same old weight blogs/websites.

    Of course there is a point in doing SEO...if there wasnt all these SEO experts would be out of business. How do you think people hold #1 rankings because they have good SEO on and off page.
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  • Profile picture of the author howto
    SEO is still important however the strategies change. Personally I am not a fan of 90% of linking strategies now days as Google hammers them most updates.

    My personal favorite is actually site wide link exchanges. Partly for a little bit of link juice but mostly for the huge amount of traffic the links send. My main site gets 1,500 visitors a day and 300 of them are just from link exchanges.

    Another good strategy is making other related websites yourself and linking to your money site from them. You can use web 2.0 or register your own domain. Fill them with some content and send them some medium to high quality backlinks and you can send some nice link juice their way.

    Other than that most other linking strategies will end up getting beat down with updates from google. Even web 2.0s may take a hammering in the future. SEO isn't dead however backlinking is becoming restricted.

    Posted from Warrior Forum Reader for Android
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  • Profile picture of the author jerrywhyte
    yes but with new strategies
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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Originally Posted by jsmith2482 View Post

    EZIne and squidoo used to be great but they are dead in the water. If your site was slapped months ago it's probably still slapped.
    What makes you say Squidoo is dead in the water? There are Warriors who are doing well with it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Suir1980
    Nope. I suggest everyone to go here and get some decent stable income instead of being on the mercy of Google - McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's
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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Google updated. Is there even a point in living anymore? I can't think of one.
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author howto
    Maybe we should all drop SEO and take up something less stressful like baking muffins. They make take our rankings but they will never take our muffins!

    Posted from Warrior Forum Reader for Android
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by PerformanceMan View Post

      Of course there's a point to it. You sound really down, like you're ready to jump off a cliff. Do you need a hug?
      Or a push?
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  • Profile picture of the author jsmith2482
    To the people that were actually not smart asses, thank you for taking the time to reply. To the ones that wanted to dump on me and talk about my sig links or tell me that I'm down, really? I thought this forum was for questions?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7104581].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
      Originally Posted by jsmith2482 View Post

      To the people that were actually not smart asses, thank you for taking the time to reply. To the ones that wanted to dump on me and talk about my sig links or tell me that I'm down, really? I thought this forum was for questions?
      It is. Your question was pretty general. As in "is there even a point to blogging/seo anymore?"

      In reality, of course there's a point. The same point that drove you to do it in the first place. Google is going to continue to adjust their algos and you will have to adjust along with it. Keep in mind, every time some people are pushed down in the SERPs, others rise. In other words, nothing has actually changed at all.

      If you have goals that can be achieved by blogging and SEO you have to make a constant study of it. The disciplines are always evolving and you have to evolve too. And you have to be tough to deal with the constant upheavals.
      Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author MatthewWoodward
    Originally Posted by jsmith2482 View Post

    Is there even a point to blogging and trying to do SEO anymore? I know there are private sellers here that advertise new and improved SEO services but do any forms of backlinking actually work for improving SERP's anymore?

    EZIne and squidoo used to be great but they are dead in the water. If your site was slapped months ago it's probably still slapped.

    So unless you have one of these lucky blogs that just get a ton of viral traffic, is there any point?
    Squidoo certainly isn't dead.

    I dont think anything has really changed in SEO for a number of years. As long as you have stuck to the fundamental rules of unique content with a good mix of anchor text its fine.

    Also people don't have 'lucky' blog that gets tons of traffic (viral traffic converts like shit) they have blog that they put their heart and soul into 80 hours a week and deserve to get the traffic they recieve.
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