If you want to be your own boss why do so many of you use Adsense and Amazon?

by nest28
24 replies
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Many marketers say they want to be there own boss so they don't have to follow anyone else's rules, yet they use Adsense a program that has many rules and guidelines. Adsense is also known to ban people with no reason what soever.

Amazon seems to have a better relationship with there affiliate than Adsense, but it's still a affiliate program that you can be kicked out of.

Anyway you slice it, your either working for Google (the same Google that many of you hate after each update) or Amazon. If they decided to kick you out of there program, what would you do?

These are great ways to earn money online, I'm just saying there are other avenues to pursue also, everything in IM doesn't have to be about Adsense and Amazon. If you made your own products than you really would be your own boss, and would never have to worry about being kicked out of some other company's affiliate program.

This is just a suggestion, this is a forum so hopefully this discussion stays on topic, people around here are getting a little to comfortable with their insults and smart remarks.
#adsense #amazon #boss
  • Profile picture of the author Berkinb
    I guess the thing is that creating products is intimidating for most people, especially those who are starting out. Creating a really good product and then dealing with any customer queries, complaints, etc. may not be for everyone.

    Plus, in one way or another, we all are subject to some 3rd party's rules; like Paypal's or any other payment processor's or Clickbank's or CJ's, etc.

    But in the end, I agree with you mate; people need to at least consider having their own products/services in addition to ads/affiliate offers. Eggs and baskets and all.
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    • Profile picture of the author nest28
      Originally Posted by Berkinb View Post

      I guess the thing is that creating products is intimidating for most people, especially those who are starting out. Creating a really good product and then dealing with any customer queries, complaints, etc. may not be for everyone.

      Plus, in one way or another, we all are subject to some 3rd party's rules; like Paypal's or any other payment processor's or Clickbank's or CJ's, etc.

      But in the end, I agree with you mate; people need to at least consider having their own products/services in addition to ads/affiliate offers. Eggs and baskets and all.
      I was never they kid in school who enjoyed making school projects, you know the kind that requires creativity. As I grew older this same mentality stayed with me through the years, until I realized that this is where the real money is, it is the closet thing to being your own boss as it get's. Sure you may have to follow some 3rd party's rules as far as payment options go, but that's better than basing your income on a program that can kick you out at anytime, without even given you a specific reason.

      Making your own products/service doesn't get discussed here to much, I was just curious to see what people would have to say about the whole thing.

      Somewhere watching Power.

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      • Profile picture of the author Berkinb
        I know what you mean mate. I'm definitely with you on that. I started with creating a few products of my own; I even had a WSO about creating info products (which is not as hard as most people believe).

        But from the reaction (of lack thereof) it received when compared to other WSOs I can tell that it does not appeal to the majority.

        Originally Posted by nest28 View Post

        I was never they kid in school who enjoyed making school projects, you know the kind that requires creativity. As I grew older this same mentality stayed with me through the years, until I realized that this is where the real money is, it is the closet thing to being your own boss as it get's. Sure you may have to follow some 3rd party's rules as far as payment options go, but that's better than basing your income on a program that can kick you out at anytime, without even given you a specific reason.

        Making your own products/service doesn't get discussed here to much, I was just curious to see what people would have to say about the whole thing.
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      • Profile picture of the author pdrs
        Originally Posted by nest28 View Post

        I was never they kid in school who enjoyed making school projects, you know the kind that requires creativity. As I grew older this same mentality stayed with me through the years, until I realized that this is where the real money is, it is the closet thing to being your own boss as it get's. Sure you may have to follow some 3rd party's rules as far as payment options go, but that's better than basing your income on a program that can kick you out at anytime, without even given you a specific reason.

        Making your own products/service doesn't get discussed here to much, I was just curious to see what people would have to say about the whole thing.
        It doesn't get discussed in this subsection because this is the Adsense section People talk about it all the time in the main forum
        RemoteControlHelicopterReviews.(com/net) - Up for sale! No reasonable offer refused. Great branding for a super hot niche!
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        • Profile picture of the author nest28
          Originally Posted by Berkinb View Post

          I know what you mean mate. I'm definitely with you on that. I started with creating a few products of my own; I even had a WSO about creating info products (which is not as hard as most people believe).

          But from the reaction (of lack thereof) it received when compared to other WSOs I can tell that it does not appeal to the majority.
          I think having a following or at least being popular here would have help with that, but at the same time, people would rather go the easy route, and what's easier than slapping some adsense on a site and calling it the day.

          Originally Posted by pdrs View Post

          It doesn't get discussed in this subsection because this is the Adsense section People talk about it all the time in the main forum
          Wait a minute, there's another section to the WF, lol, I been coming here so long I forgot about the main discussion section, the funny thing is,there a lot of members in that section that I don't because they don't come to this section at all lol.

          Somewhere watching Power.

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  • Profile picture of the author ldiaz117
    Ok so what are your other ways? I am my own boss because I own my own business but I also do use Amazon as a way to gain supplemental income.
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  • Profile picture of the author pdrs
    Making your own products is definitely the way to go - but like the previous poster mentioned, it can be very intimidating for those starting out (i know it was for me!). And even though I have my own products, Amazon is a great way to make some extra hands free cash, even after Google bitchslapped me my little amazon sites still get enough traffic from various other sources that they more than pay for themselves every month, plus pay for my car, and insurance and buy me a few beers, and I never have to think about them - I'll take that any day!
    RemoteControlHelicopterReviews.(com/net) - Up for sale! No reasonable offer refused. Great branding for a super hot niche!
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I agree that creating your own product is a good way to go, but even with Adsense rules, it's not that difficult to follow & earn good money.

    Also, keep in mind that I can dump Adsense just as fast as they could dump me. I've recently replaced Adsense on one of my sites because I found a better converting product (still run Adsense on other sites), it's actually a Clickbank product. CB is full of junk, just have to dig to find the worthy products.
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    • Profile picture of the author nest28
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      I agree that creating your own product is a good way to go, but even with Adsense rules, it's not that difficult to follow & earn good money.

      Also, keep in mind that I can dump Adsense just as fast as they could dump me. I've recently replaced Adsense on one of my sites because I found a better converting product, it's actually a Clickbank product. CB is full of junk, just have to dig to find the worthy products.
      You were smart enough to put yourself in that position though, many use adsense without having a backup plan, I know, that's what I did for long time, just hoping I don't get banned.

      I just want people to know there are other options out there.

      Somewhere watching Power.

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    • Profile picture of the author Nelapsi
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      I agree that creating your own product is a good way to go, but even with Adsense rules, it's not that difficult to follow & earn good money.

      Also, keep in mind that I can dump Adsense just as fast as they could dump me. I've recently replaced Adsense on one of my sites because I found a better converting product (still run Adsense on other sites), it's actually a Clickbank product. CB is full of junk, just have to dig to find the worthy products.
      This is the same thing I am learning at this moment, it is amazing the increase in revenue that is possible by removing many of the players in between you and the company. Yes I know this is normal business but I am just now learning how this works with IM.
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    • Profile picture of the author spanishleo
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      I agree that creating your own product is a good way to go, but even with Adsense rules, it's not that difficult to follow & earn good money.

      Also, keep in mind that I can dump Adsense just as fast as they could dump me. I've recently replaced Adsense on one of my sites because I found a better converting product (still run Adsense on other sites), it's actually a Clickbank product. CB is full of junk, just have to dig to find the worthy products.
      Hi yukon, why i can not find your posts, for example:" Adsense .... 5 years...".
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  • Profile picture of the author Nelapsi
    I am not sure I group being an Amazon affiliate in the same circle that using Google Adsense would be in mostly because of the attitude and lack of relationship you have with Google. Perhaps this is because I do not use or know Amazon but I have heard of people actually getting assistance from them, being able to ask questions and getting direct answers as well. With Google you rely on other Adsense users for answers to problems and how do you know you have a problem with Google, you get this email that is your one way ticket out with very little chance of knowing why which gives you even less of a chance to make a decent appeal.

    Besides, with Amazon you are more or less running an online store...Some guy down the street who owns a store that sells televisions doesn't make them either, he sells products made by others. So I don't view these 2 as equals in any way, shape or form.
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    • Profile picture of the author Berkinb
      This is quite true Adsense is worst among them all due to the lack of any meaningful communication as you point out.

      And yes, Amazon is much more engaged with their associates.

      But then again, as Nest put it, we are actually running some kind of a franchise or working as marketers for Amazon.

      With that said, they help me make good money and I have no complaints about them.
      Originally Posted by Nelapsi View Post

      I am not sure I group being an Amazon affiliate in the same circle that using Google Adsense would be in mostly because of the attitude and lack of relationship you have with Google. Perhaps this is because I do not use or know Amazon but I have heard of people actually getting assistance from them, being able to ask questions and getting direct answers as well. With Google you rely on other Adsense users for answers to problems and how do you know you have a problem with Google, you get this email that is your one way ticket out with very little chance of knowing why which gives you even less of a chance to make a decent appeal.

      Besides, with Amazon you are more or less running an online store...Some guy down the street who owns a store that sells televisions doesn't make them either, he sells products made by others. So I don't view these 2 as equals in any way, shape or form.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Simple answer. I have no desire to deal with shipping, order fulfillment, payment processing, lost orders, customer service issues, or all of the other headaches that go with having your own physical product.
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    • Profile picture of the author nest28
      Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

      Simple answer. I have no desire to deal with shipping, order fulfillment, payment processing, lost orders, customer service issues, or all of the other headaches that go with having your own physical product.
      But you provide service don't you, your a SEO provider.

      Somewhere watching Power.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7106276].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Originally Posted by nest28 View Post

        But you provide service don't you, your a SEO provider.
        Yeah, but I also work as an affiliate. That is mostly how I started online years ago.

        You asked why people go that route versus creating their own product. That is why I work as an affiliate. It removes a lot of the headaches.

        You're right though, I do a lot of both.

        Sometimes you find a good keyword or niche that is a real money maker. You may not be inclined to or have the ability to create a product to fit that keyword. For example, maybe you find a keyword that relates to digital cameras. Well, I do not have the resources to build a digital camera today, so I'll match a product to the traffic.

        I understand the point you are trying to get at, but in all honesty, it is a very small minority that run into problems with AdSense, Amazon, eBay, or any other provider you name. The ones that do though tend to tell EVERYONE they can about it, so it seems like it is a lot more prevalent occurrence than it really is.

        Many successful businesses are run selling someone else's products. Wal-Mart seems to be doing just fine without creating their own product to sell. My local grocery store does not have a farm out behind the store to harvest its own food. They seem to be doing okay too.
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        • Profile picture of the author Carl Brown
          ANY self-employed person has more bosses than any employee.

          Ooops! I see Nik0 already made the point

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  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    You are never your own boss, also not with own products, you will always have to deal with clients, employee's, suppliers. If you don't listen to either of them you'll get screwed some day.

    So no matter what you do, there are always rules, and if you don't care about the above then there is always one boss above you, the IRS
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  • Profile picture of the author nest28
    Everyone is kind of nitpicking at the idea of being your own boss, to each his own, I'm just saying I would rather create my own products/service vs being a affiliate for someone else.

    I don't want to wake up, check my stats and see that I've been kicked out because somebody decided to click bomb my site, this section may have been the wrong place for this discussion as it was pointed out earlier, I myself may be in the wrong section also.

    Somewhere watching Power.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7106442].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JK Nyerere
      Originally Posted by nest28 View Post

      Everyone is kind of nitpicking at the idea of being your own boss, to each his own, I'm just saying I would rather create my own products/service vs being a affiliate for someone else.

      I don't want to wake up, check my stats and see that I've been kicked out because somebody decided to click bomb my site, this section may have been the wrong place for this discussion as it was pointed out earlier, I myself may be in the wrong section also.
      As nik0 said, no one is ever there own boss in the true meaning of the word unless you create your own products to sell to yourself. Whichever business you are into, you will have to abide by some laws and rules created by somebody else.
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  • Profile picture of the author nest28
    I don't have anything against being an affiliate, I'm just saying it should be one of many resources, not your main one. Will I have affiliate links on my blog, yes, very few, but yes I will earn through affiliating marketing, but I also want to have my own products/services.

    There are very few products and services that I believe in, so for me coming up with my own products seem the best way, but there are some services like The Content Authority (which I have used for years) that have finally made an affiliate program, so yes I would endorse them, would I have SEO software, keyword software, no, because I don't think they are needed.

    I personally want affiliate marketing to make up a small part of my income, that's just me though, everyone is different. I like Adsense, I'm not banned and don't ever plan on being banned,, same goes for Amazon, in the future I may still have a use for both, My goal is to be a extremely well rounded marketer, I just don't want to rely to much on any one thing.

    Somewhere watching Power.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7106571].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by nest28 View Post

      but there are some services like The Content Authority (which I have used for years) that have finally made an affiliate program
      No shit? Damnit. Wish I knew that. I've been using them for a long time.
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      • Profile picture of the author nest28
        Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

        No shit. Damnit. Wish I knew that. I've been using them for a long time.
        Yea they don't have it advertised, maybe I shouldn't have said anything . But contact customer service, they will give you a link to sign up for their affiliate program. They just started it.

        Edit: I been recommending them to people for a long time for free, and honestly I would have kept on doing so because I like there service, so when I asked them to make a affiliate program I was very happy when they replied with a link to sign up. This kind of affiliate marketing is what I love.

        Somewhere watching Power.

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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Haven
    "If you want to be your own boss why do so many of you use Adsense and Amazon?"

    Once question I've wanted to ask for years. If you have a family to support, these sites should be avoided if you ask me. (I learnt the hard way back in 2007)
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