private blog network - why not "site" network?

8 replies
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I'm just curious.

After using public blog networks became risky, I read a lot of posts that say it's better and safer if you make one on your own (a private blog network).

But if it is only for you(not for anyone else) and you only have a few sites to target, does it have to be a "blog" network? Why not just use regular websites? Isn't it better still to use both?(look natural?)

#blog #network #private #site
  • Profile picture of the author sovereignn
    Because blogs work better.

    You create posts and they're put on the first page and the link usually shows up on the first page as well. Which means for a period of time your backlink is on a high PR page

    Plus it's just a lot more natural because on blogs people write whatever they feel.

    I'm not saying it's smart to not take advantage of both by all means it would be smarter to do both. Blogs are just so convenient and work so well that's why they're the main source
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by sovereignn View Post

      Because blogs work better.
      No they don't.

      There is this big misconception out there that Google loves blogs and that blogs carry some magical ranking power. It's just not true.

      If you are building a network for the purpose of ranking some other site or sites, there is no need to make the sites blogs. Make them into real sites. If you know what you are doing, you can create some great site architecture that allows the PR to flow throughout the site fairly easily.

      Also, if your backlinks ever came under a manual review, the network would not come into question.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
        Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

        No they don't.

        There is this big misconception out there that Google loves blogs and that blogs carry some magical ranking power. It's just not true.

        If you are building a network for the purpose of ranking some other site or sites, there is no need to make the sites blogs. Make them into real sites. If you know what you are doing, you can create some great site architecture that allows the PR to flow throughout the site fairly easily.

        Also, if your backlinks ever came under a manual review, the network would not come into question.
        ^^this yo.

        The term "blog network" comes from the days of ALN mass usage (blogs are easy to automate). Build a network of real websites: blogs, directories, micro sites, big sites, whatever you like (or whatever suits your niche best).

        edit: Mike is approaching 1000 "thanks". Like a boss.
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  • Profile picture of the author themesplice
    Don;t you think maintaining your own blog network is much harder than posting to other webmasters niche sites as in guest posting?
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    • Profile picture of the author sovereignn
      Originally Posted by themesplice View Post

      Don;t you think maintaining your own blog network is much harder than posting to other webmasters niche sites as in guest posting?
      The only reason it's easier is because guest posting requires EXTREMELY high quality well thought out articles.

      Guest posts are much better just require a lot more work and since the articles will most likely need to be unique and not spun it takes a lot more time
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  • Profile picture of the author Berkinb
    They don't have to be Blogs at all mate. You can use HTML sites, Drupal, etc., anything you want.

    In fact, it's better if you have a mix of all as you ask. Some WP, some HTML. Different platforms, different IPs; as much diversity as you can.

    Originally Posted by ikuret75 View Post

    I'm just curious.

    After using public blog networks became risky, I read a lot of posts that say it's better and safer if you make one on your own (a private blog network).

    But if it is only for you(not for anyone else) and you only have a few sites to target, does it have to be a "blog" network? Why not just use regular websites? Isn't it better still to use both?(look natural?)

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    • Profile picture of the author Jacob Sterbenk
      Originally Posted by Berkinb View Post

      They don't have to be Blogs at all mate. You can use HTML sites, Drupal, etc., anything you want.

      In fact, it's better if you have a mix of all as you ask. Some WP, some HTML. Different platforms, different IPs; as much diversity as you can.
      I agree. If you are working on high quality authoritative site, you need to consider every option. That's why I've started learning Joomla
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  • I would start with some guest posting on your blog. Quick way to get some free content
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