Can you still PPC direct to the merchant's websits through an affiliate link?

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I wonder if you can still buy Adwords direct to the merchant's websits through an affiliate link? That was the method used in Google Cash, I wonder if this has been banned completely by Google?
#affiliate #direct #link #merchant #ppc #websits
  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    Can anybody answer this? When I last tried it years ago, I remember that Google only allow one advertiser per keyword going to a particular url. That meant you often had to come up against the merchant himself or other affiliates.

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

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  • Profile picture of the author Lucid
    It is allowed. The landing page must follow all rules. My suggestion is study and know those rules. Link directly to merchants if the page is compliant and has a high chance it will remain compliant in the future. Otherwise, your whole account may be suspended until you fix the issue. As you don't own the page, you'll never be able to fix the issue.

    As you know, only one ad will show for one domain. If other affiliates or the merchant also use PPC, you are competing with them. The only way to win is to have better quality ads than they do.

    I don't know if many affiliates use PPC, my guess is a very small percentage and of those, most likely don't link directly. Also, some merchants may have a rule that doesn't allow you to direct link with PPC.
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