Really weird: site apparently crawled but not indexed for a year??

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Trying to make sense of this graph in GWT:

[ugh, it won't let me post the screenshot because I'm too new of a user...well if anyone cares to see it, it's at: -- basically, it shows several hundred "Not selected" pages being identified by Google from late 2011, when my site launched, but the "Total indexed" # remains at zero until around 6 wks ago.]

I'm kind of new to digging through GWT data, but if I'm reading this correctly, Google started crawling my site in late 2011 (which is when it launched)...but it wasn't being indexed at all?? Could that be right?

Strangest of all is that about 6 weeks ago all of a sudden it DID start to get indexed(?)...but nothing changed to the best of my knowledge. My site has pretty high-quality user-generated content, growing on a daily basis...what could be the cause of this?

(Another strange element: I'm 99.9% sure that even during the periods when the blue line in the chart was zero -- earlier this year -- my site DID show up in SERPs, albeit when I searched for very specific search could it show up in SERPs when the chart said no pages of my site had been indexed?)
#apparently #crawled #indexed #site #weird #year
  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Check your traffic stats, if the data is there, its all good.

    In any case, so long as your site is indexed, forget about it and focus on something of more importance.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author domino66
      Originally Posted by John Romaine View Post

      Check your traffic stats, if the data is there, its all good.
      Thanks for the reply. Little confused about what you mean by "check your traffic stats"? Do you mean in GWT: Health...Crawl Stats?

      If so, yes it looks like there was crawling activity even while the Pages Indexed number was zero...but that's just the point, isn't it? Crawling and indexing are different things: if no pages are being indexed, that's a problem, no?

      Originally Posted by John Romaine View Post

      In any case, so long as your site is indexed, forget about it and focus on something of more importance.
      I've heard this a couple times too; e.g. some variant of "if you're indexed NOW, then don't worry about what was F'd before"...but I guess that's not the way my brain works -- I'd like to understand what was going wrong to make sure my site's optimized going forward. I want to learn from whatever we were doing wrong.
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