How to Rank Image Sites, Anybody?

by aizaku
10 replies
  • SEO
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so my good friend is an amateur photographer here in Tokyo and he has something of a following on flicker.

When he showed me this I told him he should create an authority site around his following. I have lots of experience with authority sites via articles and videos but how do you get search traffic via google for images?

Do you just put the keyword in the alt text?

Im thinking he can leverage his flicker following and probably create a small following on pinterest but for SEO how do you rank a gallery or image site?

all ideas are welcomed!

also im wondering if tourism affiliate programs fair well with image sites.
#image #rank #sites
  • Profile picture of the author samual james
    It would be far better if you can place some content around the images but if it’s not possible for you then you can place alt and title tag relevant (May be targeted keywords) to your image. You need to make sure that your image file name should contain your targeting keyword to maintain idle density.
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  • Profile picture of the author ProSence
    And you can build link of the home page of your image site, it would help in optimization too.

    three great FREE tools -, and

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  • Profile picture of the author Ettienne
    Some good content and proper title/alt tags will do the trick. It's the same with any site, standard on-page SEO practises never change much.
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    • Profile picture of the author pratima

      I agree With Mr.Etienne.
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  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    Proper alt tags, it should be keyword friendly. You can also use some articles of good quality if possible. Don't forget to use social media; pinterest, instagram or other means that can get your images shared through different media.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brendan Mace
    Why bother trying to rank a picture site???!

    In almost ALL cases, picture sites thrive on social traffic. You'll have much better results and traffic if you create a presence on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

    I'm creating a Case Study on My blog right now called: Using Humour and an Awesome Theme to .....

    Anyways, I'm going to discuss a bunch of traffic generation strategies throughout the case study, but they ALL involve social traffic. Yes, Google is HUGE for targeted traffic to product reviews, informational sites, etc. But if you're building something for entertainment or personal interest, you are far better off using social media to get visitors.

    Once you build a social following, you're content will be distributed and shared for you....
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by Brendan Mace View Post

      Why bother trying to rank a picture site???!

      In almost ALL cases, picture sites thrive on social traffic. You'll have much better results and traffic if you create a presence on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

      I'm creating a Case Study on My blog right now called: Using Humour and an Awesome Theme to .....

      Anyways, I'm going to discuss a bunch of traffic generation strategies throughout the case study, but they ALL involve social traffic. Yes, Google is HUGE for targeted traffic to product reviews, informational sites, etc. But if you're building something for entertainment or personal interest, you are far better off using social media to get visitors.

      Once you build a social following, you're content will be distributed and shared for you....

      I have a 2,500+ pages that include 1-image & 1-zip file, I'm currently testing Pinterest with 100+ images, no traffic yet after a week of testing (not holding my breath).

      My traffic is hobby/small-business people, the best alternative to SEO traffic I've found is niche forums. Actually I had niche forums figured out before SEO, so SEO is the alternative traffic source for me.

      As far as ranking images, I know the trend here on WF is that images offer no value which is just wrong IMO. The niche I'm in has vendors selling products that range from around $5,000 - $100,000's (hobby/business). I supply ready to use content for the expensive products, the niche traffic loves descriptive images.

      My point is all niches aren't the same (it's not one size fits all) & ranking images in the SERPs is worthwhile (for me). BTW, I doubt a funny image is going to generate serious customers, at least not in my niche.
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      • Profile picture of the author praveen1
        -File Name

        Target all these with ur keyword....and use ur keyword as early as possible....
        Mark Berry
        Online Marketing Consultant (SEO, SMO, SMM, ORM, Content Development, Wordpress)
        SERP Wizard
        Free SEO Audit
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    thank you all for your input!
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