Whats the value of 1 GOV backlink from NASA (PR9 domain) ?

by artion
46 replies
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Whats the value ($) of 1 GOV backlink from NASA (PR9 domain) ?
#backlink #domain #gov #nasa #pr9
  • Profile picture of the author SEO Haven
    $1023421.94 exactly.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7506993].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AndreasLN
    It depends also on where you are trying to rank.
    If you get a link from NASA and you are trying to rank for 'mortgage' you may not notice anything but if you want to rank for 'super fluffy pink female whale puppet' you may be successful.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507101].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dburk
      Hi artion,

      PR is not assigned to domains, PageRank is assigned to individual web pages. Not all pages of nasa.gov will have the same PR, so which page it is on matters a great deal. Also, the link juice will be divided by number of outbound links on that same page, so again, which page it is on matters.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507202].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulgl
        See the sig? Now we know the rest of the story.

        The sad truth is, nobody, and I mean NOBODY is going to be able
        to get you 20 REAL PR9 links. Nobody.

        Repeat what dburk says. The PR of the main index has nothing to
        do with the measurement of the PR of another page on the site.

        So anyone who thinks they are going to get 20 PR9 links is
        living in a fantasy world.


        If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507379].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author spujap
          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          See the sig? Now we know the rest of the story.

          The sad truth is, nobody, and I mean NOBODY is going to be able
          to get you 20 REAL PR9 links. Nobody.

          Repeat what dburk says. The PR of the main index has nothing to
          do with the measurement of the PR of another page on the site.

          So anyone who thinks they are going to get 20 PR9 links is
          living in a fantasy world.

          I second your opinion but I think there are places and ways to purchase real PR9 back links if we are ready to spend thousands of dollars. Saw people selling PR9 links in link building market places. Even, I saw a guy selling a PR10 site in flippa, though I didn't purchase because it had few back links and still maintained a PR10. Surprisingly it is PR9 currently after last PR update.(Just checked that website now out of curiosity as I had bookmarked it.)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507510].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author artion
          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          See the sig? Now we know the rest of the story.

          The sad truth is, nobody, and I mean NOBODY is going to be able
          to get you 20 REAL PR9 links. Nobody.

          Repeat what dburk says. The PR of the main index has nothing to
          do with the measurement of the PR of another page on the site.

          So anyone who thinks they are going to get 20 PR9 links is
          living in a fantasy world.

          Hi Paul
          If you talk about PR9 backlinks from ACTUAL PR9 pages then yes.. you are 1000% right .. only profile links from pr9 domains can be found for sale..

          whats up

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507703].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author dburk
            Originally Posted by artion View Post

            Hi Paul
            If you talk about PR9 backlinks from ACTUAL PR9 pages then yes.. you are 1000% right .. only profile links from pr9 domains can be found for sale..
            Domains do not have PR, so there is no such thing as a PR9 domain, that's just something link sellers like to use to dupe their customers into thinking that they are getting something of value, when it often has none.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507749].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          The sad truth is, nobody, and I mean NOBODY is going to be able
          to get you 20 REAL PR9 links. Nobody.
          I paraphrase our former president when asked if he had shared his DNA with the wider public than our former secretary of state

          "it depends on what the definition of real is"

          I am able to get you 20 REAL (they do exist) faked domains that are PR9.

          Anyway Dburk nailed it in the first answer. close thread.

          I wonder how far I would get starting a thread about what the value of owning your own SEO network is?

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7509950].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Larry Leggett
          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          See the sig? Now we know the rest of the story.

          The sad truth is, nobody, and I mean NOBODY is going to be able
          to get you 20 REAL PR9 links. Nobody.
          It is the truth. The most one can done is to get some profile backlinks from PR9 sites, which no longer remain a PR9 backlink.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7510051].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author artion
          Originally Posted by Rehmat View Post

          It is priceless if you sell "ROCKETS" on your website .
          lol )

          Originally Posted by J.M.Wilson View Post

          I look in every now and again and it's just full of non English speakers from 3rd world countries trying to SPAM their signature links.

          A long way from the heights of a few years ago. Sad really.
          Sorry whats my fault ? Is it because im from a 3rd world country ? Or because im a non english speaker ?

          I disabled my signature.. it seems some of you guys are hating me for this..

          whats up

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7512593].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rodtyler
      Originally Posted by AndreasLN View Post

      It depends also on where you are trying to rank.
      If you get a link from NASA and you are trying to rank for 'mortgage' you may not notice anything but if you want to rank for 'super fluffy pink female whale puppet' you may be successful.
      Hey, you stole my niche!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508327].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author retsek
    Judging by your sig, about 25 cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author lutherlars
    Wow this forum is full of shit. Seriously guys, is it really coming to this?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507657].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author J.M.Wilson
      Originally Posted by lutherlars View Post

      Wow this forum is full of shit. Seriously guys, is it really coming to this?
      I look in every now and again and it's just full of non English speakers from 3rd world countries trying to SPAM their signature links.

      A long way from the heights of a few years ago. Sad really.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7510261].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Robaski
        Originally Posted by J.M.Wilson View Post

        I look in every now and again and it's just full of non English speakers from 3rd world countries trying to SPAM their signature links.

        A long way from the heights of a few years ago. Sad really.
        I dont understand why first world english speakers blame third world spammers, and then spam their signature the same way..
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7519139].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seobuzz
    NASA is considered as one of the 'Authority' online portal by Google and other search engines. That means even if you don't take into account of the .GOV attribute, backlink from NASA will still be very powerful.
    Ideas and Techniques to Make Money Online
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    • Profile picture of the author dburk
      Originally Posted by seobuzz View Post

      NASA is considered as one of the 'Authority' online portal by Google and other search engines. That means even if you don't take into account of the .GOV attribute, backlink from NASA will still be very powerful.

      Hi seobuzz,

      That is not necessarily true.

      Neither the domain (nasa.gov), nor the TLD (.gov) have any power on their own. PageRank does not come from domains, it comes from links that point to the webpage. Period.

      Every page on the nasa.gov website has it's own distinct PageRank, whether it be PR9, or PR0, or PR N/A. A backlink on a PR N/A page on that website will have the exact same power as a backlink from any other PR N/A page on the web.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507798].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seobuzz
        Originally Posted by dburk View Post

        Every page on the nasa.gov website has it's own distinct PageRank, whether it be PR9, or PR0, or PR N/A. A backlink on a PR N/A page on that website will have the exact same power as a backlink from any other PR N/A page on the web.
        I respect your opinion on PR and it is true no doubt. But you should also admit NASA has its own Authority and Google also acknowledge that. So a PR N/A of NASA.gov and another PR N/A of lorem-ipsum.com could not have same value from SEO point of view.
        Ideas and Techniques to Make Money Online
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507867].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author dburk
          Originally Posted by seobuzz View Post

          I respect your opinion on PR and it is true no doubt. But you should also admit NASA has its own Authority and Google also acknowledge that. So a PR N/A of NASA.gov and another PR N/A of lorem-ipsum.com could not have same value from SEO point of view.
          I will respectfully disagree with you. It appears that all of the ranking "authority" comes from the link juice of the individual page. Domains seem to have absolutely no influence on authority, it appears to be 100% page level. That is what my research has found to be true, as well as every other serious investigation and white paper that I know of, that has been publicly published. If you know of credible evidence that suggest otherwise, please share.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507980].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulgl
          Profile pages are PR n/a when you create them. Has nothing to do with
          a PR of the website, or authority.

          Originally Posted by seobuzz View Post

          I respect your opinion on PR and it is true no doubt. But you should also admit NASA has its own Authority and Google also acknowledge that. So a PR N/A of NASA.gov and another PR N/A of lorem-ipsum.com could not have same value from SEO point of view.
          A link on NASA is no better than any other link of equal value.

          There is no magic in a .gov or .edu, nor does it carry any other
          weight. Just makes link sellers rich at Joe Blow's expense.

          Heck I have a blogspot blog. I have authority and a link
          from a PR9 website. I'm good to go, no money out the door!


          If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508980].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
        Originally Posted by dburk View Post

        Hi seobuzz,

        That is not necessarily true.

        Neither the domain (nasa.gov), nor the TLD (.gov) have any power on their own. PageRank does not come from domains, it comes from links that point to the webpage. Period.

        Every page on the nasa.gov website has it's own distinct PageRank, whether it be PR9, or PR0, or PR N/A. A backlink on a PR N/A page on that website will have the exact same power as a backlink from any other PR N/A page on the web.
        You're off base here.

        You really think that PR is a product of links pointing directly to that page? Really? That's part of it but not the whole story.

        Then how do many, MANY orphan pages on authority domains get PR and rank in Google? With ZERO links pointing directly at them.

        There's a metric that SEOMoz came up with called Domain Authority that I think reflects the current Google algo.

        I'm not saying that n/a profile links are worthwhile...it's just that the whole PR page thing is overrated.
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507978].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author dburk
          Originally Posted by Backlinko View Post

          You're off base here.

          You really think that PR is a product of links pointing directly to that page? Really?

          Then how do many, MANY orphan pages on authority domains get PR and rank in Google. With ZERO links pointing directly at them.

          There's a metric that SEOMoz came up with called Domain Authority that I think reflects the current Google algo.

          I'm not saying that n/a profile links are worthwhile...it's just that the whole PR page thing is overrated.
          Hi Backlinko,

          Yep, Rand Fishkin, who originally popularized the notion of "Page Authority", had to back off of his original assertion of the relative importance of "Domain Authority", once he tried to measure it and could find nothing measurable beyond page level factors. He still includes the legacy metric, but it has been relegated to mean nothing more than the individual page authority of the homepage. Nothing is measurable beyond the page level, Rand's own efforts to measure "Domain Authority" has bore that out, and he even blogged about it a number of years back.

          All credible evidence that I have found seems to indicate the whole notion of "domain authority" has always been a myth.

          Besides all of that, the PageRank algorithm is not a secret, how it works was disclosed in detail a white paper published by Brinn & Page while they were still students at Stanford. There was nothing in the original PageRank formula that considered Domain level factors, nor any evidence to suggest that domain level factors were added, nor any logical reason to do so as it would tend to degrade the accuracy of page level algorithms, which offer far more precision.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508080].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
            Originally Posted by dburk View Post

            Hi Backlinko,

            Yep, Rand Fishkin, who originally popularized the notion of "Page Authority", had to back off of his original assertion of the relative importance of "Domain Authority", once he tried to measure it and could find nothing measurable beyond page level factors. He still includes the legacy metric, but it has been relegated to mean nothing more than the individual page authority of the homepage. Nothing is measurable beyond the page level, Rand's own efforts to measure "Domain Authority" has bore that out, and he even blogged about it a number of years back.

            All credible evidence that I have found seems to indicate the whole notion of "domain authority" has always been a myth.

            Besides all of that, the PageRank algorithm is not a secret, how it works was disclosed in detail a white paper published by Brinn & Page while they were still students at Stanford. There was nothing in the original PageRank formula that considered Domain level factors, nor any evidence to suggest that domain level factors were added, nor any logical reason to do so as it would tend to degrade the accuracy of page level algorithms, which offer far more precision.
            Hey Don,

            I agree with the fact that the original algo didn't take into account DA.

            However, I think we can both agree that the algo has changed considerably since they published their original paper and patent (including how they assign PR).

            And I'd have to disagree that Rand and the gang abandoned DA as a ranking factor: 2011 Search Engine Ranking Factors | SEOmoz

            You can see there that Domain Authority and other domain-level metrics play an important role with where a page ranks.
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            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508288].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author dburk
              Originally Posted by Backlinko View Post

              Hey Don,

              I agree with the fact that the original algo didn't take into account DA.

              However, I think we can both agree that the algo has changed considerably since they published their original paper and patent (including how they assign PR).
              I agree that the algorithm has changed, but I haven't seen any evidence that suggests that any domain level factors have been added, nor does it seem logical that they would abandon the more precise page level factors for imprecise domain level factors.

              Originally Posted by Backlinko View Post

              And I'd have to disagree that Rand and the gang abandoned DA as a ranking factor: 2011 Search Engine Ranking Factors | SEOmoz

              You can see there that Domain Authority and other domain-level metrics play an important role with where a page ranks.
              Thanks for citing the source of the myth. Please note that the link points to a survey of opinions, not facts. It just shows evidence of a persistent myth.

              This whole myth got started years ago when Rand included it as survey question in the first survey he did, long before he ever tried to measure it. Even then it was a very controversial notion, and probably why he included it as a question in the survey.

              A few years later, when he started working on what would eventually become SEOMoz, he found it impossible to measure any effect of domain authority over and above page authority. He had been a big proponent of the "Domain Authority" theory and I as I recall was surprised to find it to be an unimportant metric.

              I suspect, that since he had so much of his reputation based on that theory, that didn't pan out, he decided keep the metric name in SEOMoz and to use the page authority of the homepage as the metric that he now calls "Domain authority". He blogged about it at the time and has consistently referred to it as relatively unimportant metric in comparison to "Page Authority".

              I think he did not go far enough in simply down playing it's importance, it would have been more precise to say that there is no detectable evidence of it's existence. And the renaming the homepage "page authority" metric as the "Domain Authority" was simply a face-saving act. I recall criticizing him in public forums for failing to kill the myth, and to this day the myth lives on. In a way I am thankful, as it continues to keep the level of serious competition down a bit, due to the many that chase the myth.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508571].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
                Originally Posted by dburk View Post

                I agree that the algorithm has changed, but I haven't seen any evidence that suggests that any domain level factors have been added, nor does it seem logical that they would abandon the more precise page level factors for imprecise domain level factors.
                There is some logic to domain authority. Certain authoritative domains have a track record of quality content. When they post something new they get the benefit of the doubt due to the trust and authority that they've built.

                Think of two brand new pages on the subject of tattoos. You have one from a brand new site with 0 authority.

                The other is published by NYTimes.com. Neither has any links pointing to them.

                Which do you think will rank higher? I think you and I both know the answer.

                Originally Posted by dburk View Post

                Thanks for citing the source of the myth. Please note that the link points to a survey of opinions, not facts. It just shows evidence of a persistent myth.
                Actually, the link ranking factors are not opinions --it's based on SERP data.

                Two quotes the 2011 Search Engine Ranking Factors:

                "This year, for the first time, we're presenting a second form of data - correlation-based analysis - alongside the opinions of our 132-person panel."


                "The second, also excerpted above, shows SEOmoz's analysis of 10,271 keyword search results from Google.com (US)"

                Numbers don't lie.
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                • Profile picture of the author rahmanpaidar
                  Originally Posted by Backlinko View Post

                  There is some logic to domain authority. Certain authoritative domains have a track record of quality content. When they post something new they get the benefit of the doubt due to the trust and authority that they've built.

                  Think of two brand new pages on the subject of tattoos. You have one from a brand new site with 0 authority.

                  The other is published by NYTimes.com. Neither has any links pointing to them.

                  Which do you think will rank higher? I think you and I both know the answer.

                  Actually, the link ranking factors are not opinions --it's based on SERP data.

                  Two quotes the 2011 Search Engine Ranking Factors:

                  "This year, for the first time, we're presenting a second form of data - correlation-based analysis - alongside the opinions of our 132-person panel."


                  "The second, also excerpted above, shows SEOmoz's analysis of 10,271 keyword search results from Google.com (US)"

                  Numbers don't lie.
                  There's no logic in Domain Authority.
                  Without link, your pages would not even get crawled and indexed so
                  no ranking is assgined to those pages (eithet in Authority domains
                  or else)

                  If Domain Authority was real, you would have seen profile pages
                  on Authority sites are ranking high and spammers celebrating around
                  the profile pages with money in their pockets but that's far from being true.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508771].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
                    Originally Posted by rahmanpaidar View Post

                    There's no logic in Domain Authority.
                    Without link, your pages would not even get crawled and indexed so
                    no ranking is assgined to those pages (eithet in Authority domains
                    or else)
                    Pages and sites without links get indexed all the time.
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                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508823].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author rahmanpaidar
                      Originally Posted by Backlinko View Post

                      Pages and sites without links get indexed all the time.
                      So how does Google discover them without links?
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508831].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
                        Originally Posted by rahmanpaidar View Post

                        So how does Google discover them without links?
                        Find Awesome Keywords...Without ANY Tools
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508869].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author dburk
                          Originally Posted by Backlinko View Post

                          And how does a search engine discover your sitemap.xml without a link in the first place? They don't.

                          One of the nice features of blogs like Wordpress is that they have XML-RPC ping services built-in that announce when you publish a new page by creating a link on their web-based service that point to your newly published page. Without that link, or some other link, the search engines will never discover and index your web page.

                          So called "domain authority" seems to have nothing to do with indexing and PageRank, if there are no links there is no indexing, and certainly no PageRank.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508925].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author rahmanpaidar
                          Originally Posted by Backlinko View Post

                          Most Authority sites relies on links and user navigation to index their new
                          pages instead of sitemap.xml that is for simple and small sites.

                          This is called site navigation design which most major authority sites
                          have been doing it for years before they got considered as a source of
                          information in their industry.

                          If some of your pages are not accessible through your site navigation to
                          your visitors, this is called doorway pages i.e the pages that are written
                          solely for the puppose of pumping in visitors from search engines.

                          Google is clearly against doorway pages.
                          Almost all news agency sites, authority sites and major big sites uses an Archive
                          to hold on all their data and documents.

                          There's no point in telling google about your hidden pages through
                          sitemap.xml while your visitors can't be able to find that page through
                          navigating on your site.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508973].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author dburk
                  Originally Posted by Backlinko View Post

                  There is some logic to domain authority. Certain authoritative domains have a track record of quality content. When they post something new they get the benefit of the doubt due to the trust and authority that they've built.

                  Think of two brand new pages on the subject of tattoos. You have one from a brand new site with 0 authority.

                  The other is published by NYTimes.com. Neither has any links pointing to them.

                  Which do you think will rank higher? I think you and I both know the answer.
                  Hi Backlinko,

                  Is this a trick question?

                  I think we both know that neither pages would be indexed, much less rank, in the absence of links.

                  Right? :confused:

                  Originally Posted by Backlinko View Post

                  Actually, the link ranking factors are not opinions --it's based on SERP data.

                  Two quotes the 2011 Search Engine Ranking Factors:

                  "This year, for the first time, we're presenting a second form of data - correlation-based analysis - alongside the opinions of our 132-person panel."


                  "The second, also excerpted above, shows SEOmoz's analysis of 10,271 keyword search results from Google.com (US)"

                  Numbers don't lie.
                  Nope, numbers don't lie, but you can certainly draw invalid conclusions from them, and one might consider those invalid conclusions to be a bit of a deception.

                  One of the first things you should learn in statistics is that correlation does not imply causation. That is a common logical fallacy and perhaps what led many to draw an invalid conclusion.

                  Rand Fishkin is famous for creating "link bait" in the form invalid and controversial conclusions based solely on questionable causes. You might say it is his signature promotional method.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508845].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
                    Originally Posted by dburk View Post

                    Hi Backlinko,

                    Is this a trick question?

                    I think we both know that neither pages would be indexed, much less rank, in the absence of links.

                    Right? :confused:
                    You mean you've never launched a site...waited a few days without building any links...and see it indexed a few days later? I know I have.

                    And when I post a new blog post it gets indexed within minutes...even without any links pointing to it.

                    Ranking is another story obviously.

                    Originally Posted by dburk View Post

                    Nope, numbers don't lie, but you can certainly draw invalid conclusions from them, and one might consider those invalid conclusions to be a bit of a deception.

                    One of the first things you should learn in statistics is that correlation does not imply causation. That is a common logical fallacy and perhaps what led many to draw an invalid conclusion.
                    I agree my friend. But in this crazy SEO world we all inhabit correlation is the best we've got. I'll take it over someone's opinion.
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                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508860].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author dburk
                      Originally Posted by Backlinko View Post

                      I agree my friend. But in this crazy SEO world we all inhabit correlation is the best we've got. I'll take it over someone's opinion.
                      I disagree, we have lots of empirical data at our disposal.

                      Correlations are, at best, merely hints and clues and conclusions based on correlations are never reliable.

                      Let me use an analogy as an example of how totally wrong you can be using a correlation as evidence of a cause and effect.

                      Suppose you had a set of data that included all the winners of a series of sports car races. And in that data you spotted a correlation between the paint color red and winning cars. We could say for this set of data that red cars are faster on average than any other color of car and statistically that would be correct. The use of a correlation as a statistic is fine.

                      However, when you try to use that statistic to draw a conclusion: "Painting your car red makes it go faster". You can see how the correlation in the data supports that theory, but anyone with critical thinking skills, beyond that of a small child, will realize that conclusion is invalid. There is a third cause for that correlation that has nothing to do with speed, it's just a popular car color among these sports car owners.

                      Similarly, the correlation you are pointing to does not imply that domain authority exists or can be measured outside of the influence of individual page authority.

                      Red paint does cause cars to go faster.
                      Domain names do not pass PageRank.

                      In both cases there is a third cause that has nothing to do with paint color or domain authority.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7509071].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
                        Originally Posted by dburk View Post

                        I disagree, we have lots of empirical data at our disposal.
                        Don: where is the empirical data? You mean people in great numbers have posted dozens of identical sites with identical content (not possible btw) and changed ONE thing about them...and looked at the SERPs.

                        I understand the flaws of correlation. But without empirical research (which no one has), that's the best data we have.
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                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7509096].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tech84
    I'm pretty sure Google already has something implemented against using profile links for SEO from these sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Get 20 x PR9 Backlinks from 20 Unique High Authority Domains
    Nobody is getting a PR9, especially for $0.25 per link (based on your forum sig./fiverr gig).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7507982].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HKSEO Jonbones
    shameless self promotion is shameless

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  • Profile picture of the author Dead Body
    depends on pagerank and traffic on the specific page..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508306].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ownergolan
    Stupid question, but alot.
    "Aiyyo I'm gonna be on ti-dop, that's all my eyes can see..
    Ill put in work, and watch my status escalate"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7508893].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
    There's not really much to debate here considering there's no data we can point to.

    In my experience, DA is real.

    Although Google is largely a page-based algo, that's changing. They're putting more and more emphasis on domain level factors like trust, branding etc.

    And I've had HTML sites without a single link get indexed (obviously, it didn't rank for anything). How did they do it? Who the heck knows. But they did. You can tell me otherwise but I've seen it happen several times.

    To me it's a false dichotomy: both domain level AND page level metrics matter.
    Find Awesome Keywords...Without ANY Tools
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7509107].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I don't believe in domain authority. As far as PR, I have plenty of internal pages with higher PR than the Index page (on multiple domains), no big deal, it's simply higher quality links (no secret recipe).

    I see people on this forum that act like when they buy a domain with a higher PR they think the domain has PR, it's a URL/page just like any internal page, no magic going on, it's still links doing their job.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    The value of a real link from a site like that if you are in a related field is damn near priceless. The value of what you are selling (profile links) is beyond worthless.
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  • Profile picture of the author thetrafficguy2
    If you could get an actual backlink from Nasa , then it would be worth tones seo wise. It is one of the most authoritative websites on the internet .
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