Are you being affected by this today's Google Update?

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I'm getting penalized by this one..

My best sites are getting down while some "tests" sites are getting better rankings. I can't understand Google.

Show TONS of subdomains of big sites that don't have even the haf quality articles as I do..

It's happening with many friends of mine too.

A Google Update Is Happening (Working On Confirmation)

An ongoing WebmasterWorld has a huge uptick in chatter around major ranking and search result fluctuation over the night. It seems from this and from all the complaints in the Google Webmaster Help forums that there is indeed some sort of update going on.

Is it Penguin, Panda, EMD, page layout or something else - or is it a wide-spread manual action or Google going after and devaluing a major link network - I do not know. But it does seem something has happened causing tons of webmasters and SEOs to take to the forums to complain.

This is fairly common days after I see an update brewing as I reported on Tuesday. It does seem like something is indeed rolling out and hopefully you guys benefited from it., SERP metrics and MozCast have all shown higher than normal Google fluctuation activity over the past few days as well.
Here are some comments from the WebmasterWorld thread over night:
Sure fire sign of a major update...

Seeing GIGANTIC drops this morning, woke up to 200 visitors over night, should be around 1200 by now. Server is fine. Europe appears to be asleep
Plus, as I said, there is a huge number of complaints from individual webmasters in the Google Webmaster Help forums.

So there seems to be a Google update happening. I will ping Google and see if I can get anything on the record. Stay tuned...
#afected #google #today #update
  • Profile picture of the author Charles AK
    my sites went up in the rankings today.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8059527].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
      Anything having to do with Google updates belong in the SEO forum:

      Adsense / PPC / SEO Discussion Forum

      "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
      - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeMack

    I haven't seen any major changes so far among my sites and blogs. I'm hoping that by doing everything "by the book" that I will minimize ranking fluctuations each time Google decided to update their algorithm.

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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    No changes at all...
    Was there any update today?
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  • Profile picture of the author World Marketing
    Nothing has changed for me as of yet...I will keep you posted if I see them drop....

    I make $5,000+ a month online [CLICK HERE] to see how you can do the same starting today!

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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Google updates every day.
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author ChevyCam
    My traffic increased a lot from search engines in these days
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  • Profile picture of the author Signal512
    I have not seen a change in rankings for mine. Well, not on the down side. I have one blog that seems to have moved-up a couple of spots.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    I'm not saying there wasn't an update, but the source for this is completely unreliable.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    Originally Posted by DanielSP View Post

    I'm getting penalized by this one..

    My best sites are getting down while some "tests" sites are getting better rankings. I can't understand Google.

    Show TONS of subdomains of big sites that don't have even the haf quality articles as I do..

    It's happening with many friends of mine too.

    You should get better friends.

    Well, that means tons of people then are seeing their sites rise.
    Not really, as any changes affect maybe 0.0001% of all searches...

    Why do you think you have better quality than anyone else?
    I don't want quality, I want answers.

    Google does not care about your website, nor do they take
    a personal interest in your business. The sooner people learn
    that, the better. You take from google what you can get. And be
    happy. If you don't like it, forget em. Go out and do what needs
    to be done to YOUR business.

    For each and every site that slips, another takes its place.

    99.99999999999999% of webmasters do not see a slip. The
    others, are on the WF. Or so it seems. I sure wish the webmasters
    who take over your spots would come here and celebrate. Or
    maybe, just maybe, they don't give a rat's behind because they
    are taking care of their own business.


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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    • Profile picture of the author Doug Pretorius
      I only have 1 site that relies on SE traffic and position is down for probably 80% of the keywords it ranks for, up for the other 20%. Interestingly the keywords it's down for are long-tail, while it's up for most of its main keywords. So traffic is has barely changed.

      I'm not worried about it though, every time there's a significant algo change my site drops a bit for a few days and then rebounds higher.

      This constant up and down is why I've switched my traffic generation to social media. I find I have far more control.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I'm thinking something changed today, nothing drastic here but I'm seeing my best ranked keyword get bumped down to #2 & a lot of my old text search thumbnail images are back up in the SERPs after being gone for a while (I figured they would come back on their own). In GWT that same page/keyword has held position 1.10 for a few years.

    I think Google is switching back & forth between two algos, just because those old thumbnail images had the keywords stuffed, they ranked just fine forever, then disappeared, now they're back like nothing ever happened (still stuffed).

    I'm holding steady, not changing course Cap'n.
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  • Profile picture of the author deezn
    Sites that were penalized under Penguin jumped up today. Weird.

    I'm talking sites that were delisted for one keyword, that popped up to 400, now sitting at 300

    Haha, not the greatest 25% jump, but still better than nothing. I keep them around just in case
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Already bounced back to #1 for my best organic keyword.

    The stuffed thumbnail images are still showing in text search, lol, I stuffed those a long time ago & just left them because there's so many of them (almost 1k pages, 1 image per page) I'm not about to take the time to do that many manual edits. If they rank, fine, If not fine. I still have two pages (two different domains) ranked for that keyword. I can defiantly see the difference in traffic volume between positions #1 & #2.

    I still think Google made some changes today, besides usual SERP movement.

    I guess I need to do something extra, that page that bumped me is right on my azz for singular & plural of the keyword. I haven't posted any new pages on this ranked page/domain for over a year (lol, gravy job).
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