Can't believe I'm saying this - but my sites got freaking hammered
- SEO |

Just joking! Not a single one dropped actually and believe me, I use what some call 'black hat' tactics, because I build links and have high PR networks.
Sorry for this mini rant I'm about to go on, but its extremely sad to see people getting their asses kicked with these updates. It's just shouldn't be happening!!
Before I get started, let me preface this with saying I'm speaking in broad strokes here, so I'm perfectly aware there are tons of small little details and other areas that are important. I just want to get people straightened out from a 30,000 ft view.
PLEASE chime in with what you guys think is important as well!
It's really simple guys. If you want to avoid ranking drops with every update, just don't be stupid about what you are doing!
-Write content (or do videos, photos, whatever) that people like and want to stick around on your site to explore. Google won't penalize a site people like (sure there are some that slip through the cracks undeserving), and nothing tells Google (on-page wise) what people like more than low bounce rates and return visitors.
-Don't over optimize your anchor text! This is a biggie and should go without saying. If you are going to build links (which I do all the time) be smart! Use your high PR links as your main anchor text and use everything else to deoptimize it (with web 2.0s, wikis, PDFs, social BM, etc). Pretty simple. Use a tool to do that...or do it manually if you have time to spend doing it, but you NEED to do it. Do whatever you want to do, but DON'T over optimize!
-Get high PR links however you can. Build a network (my preference). Buy links. "Earn" links. Whatever! Just get the right amount of solid and RELEVANT high PR links coming to your site and you will be camped out on the first page for your search. (lots of details go into this, but this is by far the safest/most effective way to see results and keep them)
-Avoid bad link neighborhoods! Sites with 'dirty' links are bad for your site. Dont use them. A good rule of thumb, if the parent domain (wordpress.com for example) is a PR0, then the likelihood of it being a bad link neighborhood goes up significantly. You should also inspect the links neighborhood manually.
-Don't be stupid with your on-page. You don't have to bold your KW text, italicize it, underline, get your KW on the page a bazillion times, in the title 7 times, in the description 5 times, etc. That stuff wont work. Contrary to popular belief, there is no magic formula for the right ratio of KW density. All you have to do is make sure Google knows what your page is about. Get your KW in the title of the article and in the body a couple times. That's all! Dont think...just write. Don't over complicate it.
These are some of the big ones for me...what else???
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