[Help] My Pagerank dropped when I changed the landing page :(

by 3 replies

I had a website with Pagerank 4

but when I created a /fr to be the default landing page when someone type the domain

I lost the pagerank and the pagerank now is 0

Someone told me that 301 Redirection will make the new page inherit the rankings from the old page, is it true?? because I already did this but nothing happened.

If you have any idea how to help me with this I would really appreciate it.

Thank you
#search engine optimization #changed #dropped #landing #page #pagerank
  • No one can help me with this issue ??

  • Pages have PR, not sites.

    abc.com/fr is a different page than abc.com.

    The 301 redirect will push the links and authority to that /fr page, but it is not instant. Google will need to crawl it once or twice. Also, it is not a 100% carryover. Most people have done experiments on this have found that anywhere from 80-90% of the linkjuice carries over through a 301 redirect.
  • Banned
  • Also keep in mind that PR is calculated each 3 months or so.

    Something you do now that appears to have changed your PR could actually be due to something you did last month.

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