% Keyword density in your website?

14 replies
  • SEO
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Hi everyone,

I was wondering if I am doing right with my site regarding the keyword density of my main keyword...
And the doubt that I have is what % of main keyword density is adequate in a website in order not to over optimize...

In other words, how many articles contain the main keyword in your site and how many articles not?

Thanks in advance!
#article #density #keyword #website
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Keyword density is keyword stuffing, not a good idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author linkassistant
    SEO PowerSuite - the most trusted SEO software on the market!
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  • Profile picture of the author ContentWritingPhD
    Larry, I agree on you at a certain degree. I concur when you said that applying a specific keyword density isn't keyword stuffing. However, as a writer myself, I'd recommend us not to go beyond one percent keyword density.

    Let's say I write a 500-word article. If I will apply your recommendation of two to three percent keyword density, that means the main keyword will appear 10 to 15 times. To me, it's very tiring to the eye to read a 500-word article that mentions a phrase 10 to 15 times. That's almost like stumbling upon the same phrase sentence after sentence. It's almost like a friend who talks to you and he mentions your full name in every sentence.

    Further, with two to three percent keyword density, it'll read or sound spammy in nature, specially if we're talking about a long-tailed keyword (LTKW).

    To wrap this up, my recommendation is to stick with one percent primary keyword density. If you have secondary or Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) terms, allocate at least three LSI terms for a 500 to 1000-word article or web content. Then, mention each LSI term once or twice.

    I hope that helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author larryboy03
      Originally Posted by ContentWritingPhD View Post

      Larry, I agree on you at a certain degree. I concur when you said that applying a specific keyword density isn't keyword stuffing. However, as a writer myself, I'd recommend us not to go beyond one percent keyword density.

      Let's say I write a 500-word article. If I will apply your recommendation of two to three percent keyword density, that means the main keyword will appear 10 to 15 times. To me, it's very tiring to the eye to read a 500-word article that mentions a phrase 10 to 15 times. That's almost like stumbling upon the same phrase sentence after sentence. It's almost like a friend who talks to you and he mentions your full name in every sentence.

      Further, with two to three percent keyword density, it'll read or sound spammy in nature, specially if we're talking about a long-tailed keyword (LTKW).

      To wrap this up, my recommendation is to stick with one percent primary keyword density. If you have secondary or Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) terms, allocate at least three LSI terms for a 500 to 1000-word article or web content. Then, mention each LSI term once or twice.

      I hope that helps.
      Yeah, very true.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlbertBarkley
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    • Profile picture of the author ContentWritingPhD
      Originally Posted by AlbertBarkley View Post

      Keyword density should be always between 2% to 4%. It should never increase than 4%.
      I just explained above and gave an example so we all can imagine in our minds how it sounds/looks like to apply more than one percent keyword density.

      So you can swear to the grave that four percent keyword density is highly-recommended?

      Let me give you another scenario. Ha,ha.
      Write a 500-word article.
      Keyword: how to make money online
      4% of 500 = 20

      That means, "how to make money online" should appear 20 times in a 500-word article (inclusive of the words in your keyword phrase).

      Let's do the basic Algebra.
      20 appearances x 5 words in that keyword phrase = 100 words

      Therefore, out of 500 words, 100 words of which are just coming from your keyword phrase. I can almost imagine it looks like this:

      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx how to make money online. xxxxxxxxx how to make money online xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx. How to make money online xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. How to make money online xxxx how to make money online.......

      You get the idea?

      If Mr. ABCXYZ offers an SEO service and recommends that you apply 2% or more keyword density, run away the furthest you can because that's a perfect recipe for a smoking-hot disaster.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by AlbertBarkley View Post

      Keyword density should be always between 2% to 4%.
      This is absolutely ridiculous advice.

      If you submit articles even to "Ezine Articles" with keyword densities like that, they'll rightly get an automated rejection from EZA's software without even getting as far as a human editor, for being keyword-stuffed. EZA (wisely) won't allow 2%-4% keyword density content on their site precisely because they know how Google feels about it.

      Even a bit of software can tell that something like that is going to be unreadably clunky nonsense without actually needing to waste a person's time in rejecting it. It isn't beyond to Google to manage that, either, these days, believe it or not.

      Why is it always people advertising something to do with "SEO" in their signature files who produce the least accurate and appropriate advice, here?
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  • Profile picture of the author racingip
    Wow! Thanks to everyone for the answers! There has been very useful to me!
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  • Profile picture of the author aleksis
    If i want to write a smart article, how many keyword can i use in my article and it should be given specifically ?
    i mean to say, in description of my article how many keyword should i use to get best rank in Google ?
    fellow please let know the exact matter of it, i am eagerly waiting to know about all of your valuable thought about it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Monja
      I wouldn't worry about it - really. Just write and do the best you can, that is the best advice to give. No need to worry about keyword density, just provide value.

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    • Profile picture of the author LarryHaywood
      I agree with Monja for the most part. Write in a natural manner and for other people (your readers). Do not write for search engines. However, you will want to concentrate on a certain kw phrase and do proper on page seo. Definitely don't keyword spam the page as you won't get results with that method. Hope this helps.

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      • Profile picture of the author Monja
        Larry, I totally agree. But I'd use the keyword naturally, where it fits and not just because. I also use it as a picture title, etc so it is naturally included in the post

        Originally Posted by LarryHaywood View Post

        I agree with Monja for the most part. Write in a natural manner and for other people (your readers). Do not write for search engines. However, you will want to concentrate on a certain kw phrase and do proper on page seo. Definitely don't keyword spam the page as you won't get results with that method. Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Eddie
    Forget about keyword density. Google moved way beyond that a long time ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author MEDUJEWELRY
    The Key For increasing Keyword Density is not to stuff keywords in the actual articles on your sites, but to add products around the articles with the keywords needed. Keep in mind that also titles count as google looks at the whole page

    Become a www.medujewelry.com affiliate get 20% commission for life on all referrals purchases.

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    • Profile picture of the author Monja
      It's a good advice. But recently Spencer Haws had a niche site case study and he figured that too many affiliate products on one site made it climb down the google ladder. so also be careful with that

      Originally Posted by MEDUJEWELRY View Post

      The Key For increasing Keyword Density is not to stuff keywords in the actual articles on your sites, but to add products around the articles with the keywords needed. Keep in mind that also titles count as google looks at the whole page

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