One site Adsense 0 to 5 usd a day in 2 month

10 replies
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I don't known how I make one site Adsense 0 to 5 USD a day in 2 month is good or bad?

I just pick up exact search 3000
second I outsource 10 article
third building back links everyday

now my site in first page No.3

I want to large these steps
like build 100 sites
I want to make more success in online marketing
#adsense #day #month #site #usd
  • Profile picture of the author Cobaki
    Frank, let me give you an unsolicited advice.
    I am managing some aged and premium domains on behalf of my clients.
    One thing I've noticed is their strategy.

    Instead of building 100 sites that earn $1.00 each, why not just invest your effort, money and time in one site that can earn $100.00 per day (just as an example though)?

    You can't just outsource 10 articles, post them on your site and that's it.
    You got to continue writing articles that call the attention of people who stumble upon your site.

    Save-up if budget is a major concern.
    Write your articles on your own. You can, can't you?
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    • Profile picture of the author frankliu
      Originally Posted by Cobaki View Post

      Frank, let me give you an unsolicited advice.
      I am managing some aged and premium domains on behalf of my clients.
      One thing I've noticed is their strategy.

      Instead of building 100 sites that earn $1.00 each, why not just invest your effort, money and time in one site that can earn $100.00 per day (just as an example though)?

      You can't just outsource 10 articles, post them on your site and that's it.
      You got to continue writing articles that call the attention of people who stumble upon your site.

      Save-up if budget is a major concern.
      Write your articles on your own. You can, can't you?

      thanks a lot
      can you suggest great article outsource service?
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  • Profile picture of the author Niroshana Tharu
    I think so far you're going on a correct path and continue optimizing your website with whitehat SEO and you'll be on the way you want soon.
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    • Profile picture of the author frankliu
      Originally Posted by Niroshana Tharu View Post

      I think so far you're going on a correct path and continue optimizing your website with whitehat SEO and you'll be on the way you want soon.

      thanks a lot
      can you suggest great black links outsource service
      or detail of back links step?
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  • Profile picture of the author adystanley
    Originally Posted by frankliu View Post

    I don't known how I make one site Adsense 0 to 5 USD a day in 2 month is good or bad?

    I just pick up exact search 3000
    second I outsource 10 article
    third building back links everyday

    now my site in first page No.3

    I want to large these steps
    like build 100 sites
    I want to make more success in online marketing
    Yukon posted here on WF a nice method to keep updated the evergreen niche sites. Use it.
    Don't follow the other suggestions here. If you have your own strategy, follow it.
    You see, if you make only one site, it's hard to get it ranked because you need a solid niche and that solid niche have good competition, and you need to invest a lot of money and wait couple of months or maybe years to rank in first positions of Google.
    I'm suggesting you to continue on this road, to find good niches and create micro niche sites. If you manage to get 10$/day with a site, you can easily get 100$ per day with 10 micro niche sites. Its not 100, its 10, and 10 is a number which can get reached if you work hard.
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    • Profile picture of the author tofrar
      Originally Posted by adystanley View Post

      Yukon posted here on WF a nice method to keep updated the evergreen niche sites. Use it.
      I did try to search for this method but I did not find it. Link please ?

      Wan´t to Guest post on clean authority Travel blog and get tweet with your link for Only 5 USD ?

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  • Profile picture of the author watkip
    Hi, thats great! i'm on the same road will quite alot less clicks from adsense !

    my current CTR this month is 0.09% and its all contextual.

    Whats your CTR guys ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Restin
    I am not sure, but maybe he thinks this method:

    Sorry for my poor English - feel free to correct me, if you do I won't make that mistake again :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author misshang
    Hi. It really depends on what you aim at. If you aim at making money from adsense and happy with $5 a day, it will be all right for you. But I have known people from 0 to 1000usd per month in a month and he didn't outsource anything. So what matters is your core skills.

    Join or use my translation group! All languages!

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