'Link Emperor' and 'Click Submit' are these services Black Hat?

3 replies
  • SEO
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So, I just found these websites and i'm sure most of you have heard of them already. It seems to be some kind of automated link building thingy.

It sounds really good, but I can't help but wonder 'Won't this get my website banned?'. I'm positive google would know about these services and would try to stop them from being successful, right?

Alternatively, am I completely wrong and they are quite good?
Would you recommend using them?
#black #click #emperor #hat #link #services #submit
  • Profile picture of the author Big Kahuna SEO
    Your are asking about an "automated link building thingy"..... Alarm bells ringing as I have gone completely away from this type of tool. You will get people here telling you "its not the tool its how you use it." Fair enough...could be true....but not for me.

    BTW, to answer your question specifically, I used Link Emporer in 2011 and early 2012 until I got the "unnatural links" message in WMT. Obviously, I don't use and can't recommend them any longer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Tovey
    I've read a few similar stories around, any information on Click Submit?

    Does anybody have anything good to say about them, apparently (i'm speaking with their support) they have adapted pretty well to the google updates.
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  • Profile picture of the author A S M
    Backlinks are boring and very time consuming in many cases. But the results you get (if done properly) are well worth the time spent.

    Don't rely on any services like you mentioned above to give you the results you are asking for because at the end of the day ... you can achieve your results, temporarily!

    Search for high quality backlinks related to your niche... message webmasters if you have to, in order to place backlinks.

    Its hard work but worth it .

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