Do Expired Domains Still Retain PR & DA/PA?

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Do expired domains such as the ones found on Expired Domains with PR, Backlinks and more completely FREE still retain their PR and Domain Authority/Page authority once registered?

Wondering if there is still value in those domains instead of fighting bids on deleting domains
#da or pa #domains #expired #retain
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Either the backlinks exist or they don't.
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  • Profile picture of the author SoCal Digital
    O ok great, I made sure to check on ahrefs and majestic and the backlinks were there.

    I read online that an expired (dropped) domain resets in the eyes of a search engine and there is a big difference with deleting domains that are up in auction but haven't been dropped yet.

    Search engine optimization and social media marketing services

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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by SoCal Digital View Post

      O ok great, I made sure to check on ahrefs and majestic and the backlinks were there.

      Ahrefs and Majestic do not tell you if the links are still there. Their data is often pretty old.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Tovey
    Was about to say the above comment, I suppose the way to do it would be to go to something like Google PageRank Checker - Check Google page rank instantly and check the URL, but I'm not sure if this holds old data too.
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  • Profile picture of the author SoCal Digital
    One thing I did was use Open site explorer and click the first 10 highest links and manually checked if the link was still there. About 90% of the time the link was still there for the 6 domains I purchased

    Search engine optimization and social media marketing services

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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by SoCal Digital View Post

      One thing I did was use Open site explorer and click the first 10 highest links and manually checked if the link was still there. About 90% of the time the link was still there for the 6 domains I purchased
      That is also pretty useless because OSE has a horrible way of ranking links, and OSE has one of the worst link database's around.

      I would download the links from Ahrefs and import the list into SpyGlass. Then let SpyGlass see if they are really there or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    An expired domain cannot have PR as it has ceased to exist. If you register it again it can and very often will regain some PR but it's a hit-and-miss game.

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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  • Profile picture of the author SoCal Digital
    I see, so its probably better to buy domains that are in auction and then wait for the original owner to transfer it?

    I bought one domain from a "buy out" bid on Godaddy and it hasn't been sent over yet. Called tech support and they said it could be anywhere from 1 to 30 days before the owner has to send the domain or I get refunded.

    Kind of a lame process if you ask me. Purchasing expired domains is much quicker and easier

    Search engine optimization and social media marketing services

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  • Profile picture of the author clarkfaint
    As long as the links are still there, then once the domain goes live again it regains the PR from those links. You can find older domains like that (with great link profiles) at face value but its a lot of work.
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  • Profile picture of the author tjtigers14
    If you use Majestic than you can just tell if it's fake PR. The trust flow will be 0-9 and there will be barely any referring domains.

    "SEO is knowing what the search engines want and giving it to them… so hard they f***ing bleed" — Dave Naylor

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    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by tjtigers14 View Post

      If you use Majestic than you can just tell if it's fake PR. The trust flow will be 0-9 and there will be barely any referring domains.
      That's about right yes.
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  • Profile picture of the author webdevpro
    Not quite sure but once I read somewhere that once a domain gets expired, all its history/authority becomes obsolete.
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