FREE first page adwords advertising ...

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have you guys noticed that google is allowing advertisers to advertise using their phone numbers in the ad ? No need to click the ad, so google is giving this space away for free....
that is all people really looking to buy are trying to find...the telephone number. I am going to do some adwords and see how many clicks I get vs how many calls...what do you think ?
#advertising #adwords #free #page
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    How much info. could you possibly get from a two line ad?

    Without clicking the ad & reading the sales page, the phone number isn't very useful IMO.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobmcalister
    not if I am looking for :
    emergency plumber
    emergency roofing repairs
    emergency heating repairs
    emergency dentist
    emergency vet

    granted, there are times when the info isnt enough for a buying decision. Yet, for those terms I listed, and many more, the telephone number is enough,
    I am running an ad right now and will post the results.

    free facebook ad trials . proof before payment

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8563385].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by bobmcalister View Post

      not if I am looking for :
      emergency plumber
      emergency roofing repairs
      emergency heating repairs
      emergency dentist
      emergency vet

      granted, there are times when the info isnt enough for a buying decision. Yet, for those terms I listed, and many more, the telephone number is enough,
      I am running an ad right now and will post the results.
      I don't agree.
      • What If the roofer only does industrial business & your looking for a residential roofer. Same for heating/cooling.
      • What If the dentist is only for kids & your an adult?
      • What about directions to the vet office, are going to ask them for an address/directions that's on the Home page of their website (click the ad)?

      The reason a business has web pages is to provide the info. needed to make a decision.

      Google isn't losing any money, they're a billion dollar business, everything they do is researched by smart people. It probably takes Google 6 months worth or corporate meetings to get approval for changing font colors, lol.

      A simple ad click goes a long way for getting info. about a business.

      Who is going to take the time to do a Google search, but they're too lazy to click a link on the search page?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8563437].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bobmcalister
        thanks for your opinion Yukon...will let you know the results. BTW, I have done adwords for the roofing business of my son, spent over 800.00 one month , generated 22k in business...not profit.
        now, all we do is the youtube videos...with the telephone number on far, this year , he has done over 400k in work...advertising cost...ZERO
        even spending the 800 per month made a profit, so Adwords is not all bad...

        wasnt looking for a debate, just noting what I think is an opportunity.

        have an ad running now ( waiting on approval ), will let you know what happens.

        free facebook ad trials . proof before payment

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  • Profile picture of the author Disloyal
    For local businesses should be good. I will be waiting for your results, since I have been interested in finding out, how well do those call extensions work.

    I will be eager to see your results for sure!
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  • Profile picture of the author bobmcalister
    here is an example ....

    free facebook ad trials . proof before payment

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    • Profile picture of the author AlphaWarrior
      I agree that you do not get much info in two lines. However, if I was looking for a particular type of business and I saw the phone number, I believe that I would be more likely to click on the ad. To me, the phone number seems to make the business more "open" and friendly. I wouldn't be surprised if the phone number actually increased click throughs.
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  • Profile picture of the author dropout
    Definitely a great test to do bobmcalister, I look forward to seeing your results.

    One thing I'll add for the people who try to rank normally to get clicks: I was once recommended by a Google employee to add the call extension to my campaigns because it would make my business look more legitimate.

    I thought that made sense so I added my number, but I found that my CTR dropped.

    This was because the first ad text line is usually put next to your headline if you are in position 1-3, but if you add a call extension, that space is used to display the phone # instead (as you can see from bobmcalister's screenshot above - the ad in position 2 does not have a phone # and therefore the first ad text line is next to the headline).

    As always your mileage may vary.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8563764].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      They have allowed phone numbers for ages as far as I know.

      But bad idea from an adwords user's standpoint. The less
      people click, the more your ad sinks.

      Besides, they already allow that on the first page. Free. If you
      have a real business: Google places/maps/local.

      No website required. No fee to pay.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author 36burrows
    Those numbers are not in the ad text, they are call extensions and yes they pay when someone calls it.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Adwords allows URLs in the ads, how many people do you think copy/paste the ad URL instead of clicking the ad?

    I'm sure the amount of traffic copy/pasting ad URLs is less than 0.01%
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8564115].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bobmcalister
    Well..I will see soon. I know that the ads that have the "call now" icon are charged. Hope Google is not so omnipresent as to charge me when a viewer writes my number down to call or tap the numbers into their cell phone with info from their desktop.

    free facebook ad trials . proof before payment

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8564169].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by bobmcalister View Post

      Well..I will see soon. I know that the ads that have the "call now" icon are charged. Hope Google is not so omnipresent as to charge me when a viewer writes my number down to call or tap the numbers into their cell phone with info from their desktop.
      That's what Google does best, track data/traffic.
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      • Profile picture of the author bobmcalister
        Yukon..gotta be a libra? ★★★ or Taurus. .getting the last word. .lol

        free facebook ad trials . proof before payment

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8564438].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by bobmcalister View Post

          Yukon..gotta be a libra? ★★★ or Taurus. .getting the last word. .lol
          My comments above are legit comments. The whole point of allowing multiple comments from each forum member is to carry on conversation.

          Sugar coating comments doesn't help anyone.

          Wrong on the Libra/Taurus.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

        That's what Google does best, track data/traffic.
        How in the world is google going to track that you wrote down a number off your Computer screen? automatically remotely rewire and rebuild it so that it is a video camera focused on my writing hand? :rolleyes:

        and yeah I can think of many situations where you would call instead of click (especially if I am using a tablet browser)

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        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

          How in the world is google going to track that you wrote down a number off your Computer screen? automatically remotely rewire and rebuild it so that it is a video camera focused on my writing hand? :rolleyes:

          and yeah I can think of many situations where you would call instead of click (especially if I am using a tablet browser)
          I guarantee Google knows when an ad isn't clicked after it's served on a search results. That was my point in that comment above.

          The whole idea of people not clicking an ad they're interested in is just silly. An ad in Google SERPs doesn't have enough info. to make a decision, that's why people click ads, to get more info.

          OP isn't pulling a fast one on Google & getting free advertising.

          Again, Google has always had the page URL for the ad, how many people write down a URL, lmao, that's just nuts when all you have to do is click the ad.

          The traffic can search but they're too lazy to click on any of the search results?

          Helen stop clicking links in the SERPs, you're making someone rich.
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          • Profile picture of the author nicholes
            Cellphone hyperlinks do perform, but you should create I really excellent ads! Also it is excellent if you a have a pay par contact, to generate income from the telephone calling.
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  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    Phone links do work, but you should write I really good ads! Also it is good if you a have a pay par call, to monetize the phone calls.
    Want To Know How I Make Money Online? Read my story
    Follow me on Instagram for Daily Inspiration & Free Tips: svetlintodd
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  • Profile picture of the author dropout
    yukon, I agree that suger coating comments is a bad practice all too often seen on this forum.

    However, as a basic principle of most online businesses, I think people need to draw their own experiences and do their own tests. If you had linked us to a case study that detailed a very similar experiment that had poor results, then maybe it would be fine to discourage bobmcalister from his test.

    'What if'-scenarios and theories should not have a large presence in internet advertising where it is usually fairly quick and cheap to do a test of a personal hypothesis. No matter the outcome of the test, it leads to personal satisfaction to have tried out that avenue.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8565524].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Giftys
      Originally Posted by dropout View Post

      yukon, I agree that suger coating comments is a bad practice all too often seen on this forum.

      However, as a basic principle of most online businesses, I think people need to draw their own experiences and do their own tests. If you had linked us to a case study that detailed a very similar experiment that had poor results, then maybe it would be fine to discourage bobmcalister from his test.

      'What if'-scenarios and theories should not have a large presence in internet advertising where it is usually fairly quick and cheap to do a test of a personal hypothesis. No matter the outcome of the test, it leads to personal satisfaction to have tried out that avenue.
      Very well said. There are many pathways to the same destination. What works for one might not work for the other. It's worth testing it to know for sure, esp. because it's so easy and inexpensive to do.


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  • Profile picture of the author nicholes
    For small businesses should be good. if I was looking for a particular kind of company and I saw the contact variety, I believe that I would be more likely to simply simply select the ad. To me, the contact variety seems to make the company more "open" and friendly. I wouldn't be amazed if the contact variety actually increased just click.
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  • Profile picture of the author PROmotions LLC
    I did some advertising on FB for a client of mine who owns a hair salon, we put her number in the Ad, and she definitely got a few calls, but I am pretty sure even if they saw the number, and called it, they still end up clicking on the ad to get more info. I bet AdWords is the same way.


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  • Profile picture of the author AussieT
    How is your test going so far Bob?

    Some of the comments here suggest this is an all or nothing scenario.

    Not everyone will just call the number. Not everyone will click anyway. I think it will suit some niches for example the emergency niches.

    looking forward to your test results
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  • Profile picture of the author Intrepreneur
    You could start out by optimizing your landing page better.

    Right of the main image should be a quick contact form. Top right a call back form.

    Sometimes people don't have time to pick up the phone..
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    • Profile picture of the author nicholes
      very well said but i have seen lots of people observed that search engines is enabling promoters to promote using their contact figures in the ad . No need to simply select the ad, so search engines is providing this space away for free....
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