Content worked in 2010 and it still works today
- SEO |
If you don't have time to read through that thread I'll summarize: I didn't achieve my goal LOL

The disappointment of not getting an adsense payment from this site for the first month in nearly 3 years had me thinking about scraping the site and using the domain for something else (it's an OLD domain, I would never let it expire). But before doing that I thought I'd see if the same old boring daily content update strategy still worked.
Honestly I didn't think it would, I mean how many major updates and changes has the SEO landscape seen in the last 3 years? And I have to admit my content isn't even that great.
So beginning on December 15 (the site had made just $35 in the first 14 days of the month) I started updating the site with 1 page of new content each day. It took just 14 days to rebound to over $10/day and traffic has increased 300%.
I find it amazing that with all the changes and the increase in competition over the last few years, that the same old strategy still works. Is this the best way to make money online? Probably not. But it does work even if it's slow and boring.
1,574,810 unique visitors and counting. And that's just one of my websites.