Blog Not On Home Page. Hurting SEO?

7 replies
  • SEO
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I have a Wordpress website on which I sell my product. The theme is set up so that the store is on the home page, and therefore there is not much textual content on the home page.

The bulk of the content lives in the blog, which is a separate page.

Will Google see my sight as lacking in content because my blog is not part of my home page?

Or will the page crawlers weigh the blog page the same as the home page when it comes to content?

Thanks in advance.
#blog #home #hurting #page #seo
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    It doesn't matter If your Home page has any text or is even indexed. What matters is, is your money page ranked?

    Matter of fact I purposely try to rank internal pages for keywords that show my Home page in the SERPs. I do this for increasing CTR with self hosted videos since internal pages will allow self hosted video thumbnails in the SERPs & I can build as many sales pages as I want for unlimited keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author TomCruiseMomShoes
    Thanks very much for the helpful reply.

    My money page, I'm assuming, would be the page with my Store on it (which is the home page). That is the main reason for my concern regarding the home page.

    So it is possible to rank a page from your website into the SERPS, and have it show as your Home page in the SERPS instead of the actual page that's ranked?
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  • Profile picture of the author altonroot
    It is absolutely fine. It is not possible for so many websites to update content regularly. You blog is if associated with your domain then it will increase whole domain authority and that is the only benefit of blog having on domain. Otherwise your case is absolutely fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author dejaone
    I assume there's a link on the home page to the blog. If the content pages on the blog get some quality links, it will boost your domain authority, which will help rank your money pages.
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    • Profile picture of the author dannycheng
      Originally Posted by dejaone View Post

      I assume there's a link on the home page to the blog. If the content pages on the blog get some quality links, it will boost your domain authority, which will help rank your money pages.
      I agree- as long as you have a link on your blog to pass page rank juice back to your website, it'll do just fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author TomCruiseMomShoes
    Great, thanks so much for the help everyone. This was something that was deterring me from starting, as I feared my efforts would be in vain.

    Thanks again
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  • Profile picture of the author bobmarketer
    It does not matter, just make it sure, your blog is linked with the home page.

    Originally Posted by TomCruiseMomShoes View Post


    I have a Wordpress website on which I sell my product. The theme is set up so that the store is on the home page, and therefore there is not much textual content on the home page.

    The bulk of the content lives in the blog, which is a separate page.

    Will Google see my sight as lacking in content because my blog is not part of my home page?

    Or will the page crawlers weigh the blog page the same as the home page when it comes to content?

    Thanks in advance.
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