Can I Rank The Same YouTube Vid Twice?

8 replies
  • SEO
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I have a video I'ld like to deploy for multiple keywords. Will my rankings get hurt for using the same video multiple times?

What if the keywords are local?
#rank #vid #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    For youtube, this is basically what I do.

    I create 10 unique, high quality videos in power director.

    Then I spin each one of those 10 videos approximately 10-20 times per video. Like I take 1 video, switch an image or 2 around, switch a few sound bytes around (by "sound bytes", I mean I take the full scripts, then slice them down into smaller files with FL Studio [the specific tool is called "FL Slicer"]). This way both the images and the scripts are spinnable. So all I do is drag and drop, switch things around for a second or 2 (per video) then rerender a "unique" version. I do this over and over and over rerendering videos and labeling them for every town in my state.

    Sometimes I get lazy and won't even spin like 25% of the videos. I'll just extend or shorten the intro or outro of the video then rerender it to make it unique. But I like to give the appearance that all the videos are unique.

    It's actually a hard process to explain in detail but I did make a long detailed thread about this in the offline section. I walked people through each step. How I do the scripts. How I "spin" the scripts as I record them. How I spin them after recording. How I handle the graphics and spin those etc. How I spin thumbnails.

    Then I'll upload like 150-200 videos to youtube targeting all sorts of low competition, geotargeted keywords. The only thing different about the video titles is the town I'm targeting (and no, Youtube does NOT delete them. I have multiple accounts like this going for years now). Then I plug them all into GSA and rank those bitches in the top 3. I put in a phone number, and do not link any of the videos to my site. I do a partial link they can copy and paste, but it's not clickable. I do this because I noticed like 80% of traffic calls directly from the video. Because the videos tell them basically everything they need to know. The other 20%, if they need to find the site they can copy and paste the link, or just type our company name into Google and research our awesome reviews. But the point is I do not want a couple hundred YT videos, spammed with GSA, linking to my money site. With that said, the cumulative traffic the videos drive is like 1/4 of all the traffic our sites get.

    So do not underestimate the power of geotargeted YT marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author repstein
      Thank you so much! This is a really detailed and thorough response, and I greatly appreciate your help.
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      • Profile picture of the author Sreeni
        yes. as long as you spin it, you will not have any issues.
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    • Profile picture of the author cubansagar
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      For youtube, this is basically what I do.

      I create 10 unique, high quality videos in power director.

      Then I spin each one of those 10 videos approximately 10-20 times per video. Like I take 1 video, switch an image or 2 around, switch a few sound bytes around (by "sound bytes", I mean I take the full scripts, then slice them down into smaller files with FL Studio [the specific tool is called "FL Slicer"]). This way both the images and the scripts are spinnable. So all I do is drag and drop, switch things around for a second or 2 (per video) then rerender a "unique" version. I do this over and over and over rerendering videos and labeling them for every town in my state.

      Sometimes I get lazy and won't even spin like 25% of the videos. I'll just extend or shorten the intro or outro of the video then rerender it to make it unique. But I like to give the appearance that all the videos are unique.

      It's actually a hard process to explain in detail but I did make a long detailed thread about this in the offline section. I walked people through each step. How I do the scripts. How I "spin" the scripts as I record them. How I spin them after recording. How I handle the graphics and spin those etc. How I spin thumbnails.

      Then I'll upload like 150-200 videos to youtube targeting all sorts of low competition, geotargeted keywords. The only thing different about the video titles is the town I'm targeting (and no, Youtube does NOT delete them. I have multiple accounts like this going for years now). Then I plug them all into GSA and rank those bitches in the top 3. I put in a phone number, and do not link any of the videos to my site. I do a partial link they can copy and paste, but it's not clickable. I do this because I noticed like 80% of traffic calls directly from the video. Because the videos tell them basically everything they need to know. The other 20%, if they need to find the site they can copy and paste the link, or just type our company name into Google and research our awesome reviews. But the point is I do not want a couple hundred YT videos, spammed with GSA, linking to my money site. With that said, the cumulative traffic the videos drive is like 1/4 of all the traffic our sites get.

      So do not underestimate the power of geotargeted YT marketing.
      whats gsa?
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  • Profile picture of the author SandraLarkin
    Yes. Youtube has many of the same video ranking for different keywords in many different niches. You could also create more youtube accounts and do this to make sure your videos and accounts are safe.
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  • Profile picture of the author kashifraza
    yes, you can upload repeatedly by editing video a little every time, though its better upload in different accounts and channel.
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    We Offer Professional Animated Explainer Video Creation + Youtube Marketing Services
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  • Profile picture of the author mrbusines
    will just editing video lengths suffice? ie 10 videos with same content on it but they are all 5-10 seconds longer or shorter than each other? I would imagine that youtube isnt smart enough to actually tell whats on the video.
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  • Profile picture of the author ppscslv
    GSA SER is an SEO software. It can help to get good results, but if you don't know how to highly customize its settings, then you can destroy your website in a few days. Here is the link to GSA:
    Do you want to Resell Social Media Services (Twitter followers, Facebook Likes, etc)?
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