All In One Rich Snippets vs Wordpress SEO

by RA1
2 replies
  • SEO
  • |
Hey friends, I just installed and configured All In One Rich Snippets on my blog. Will it interfere with the the Wordpress SEO plugin.

Its has few sections such as Title similar to SEO plugin. So will it lead to any issues?
#rich #schemaorg #seo #snippets #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    It could, I would be careful.

    To be honest I would recommend just learning how to code schema if you can, it's really simple, I mean I'm no coder, but it really helps in the long run.

    Take a day or two to learn how to do the markups and start making them, this will help you keep away from interfering and will help you rank in Google.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9303083].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RA1
      Hey Thanks Slin.

      Let me see how it goes in 2-3 days and the result would be out. Schema looks to be going to play an important part on our sites.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9303685].message }}

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